

Despite the sudden commotion, there was an odd lack of a reaction from the cultivators in the surrounding area.

Brune of the Wallowing Wisp Sect who had fought Ryu to a standstill just a few years ago felt a shiver course through his body. Somehow Ryu had gone from being even with him to killing someone of his caliber in just a single strike.

The members of the Bewitching Chram and Dew Drop Sect clenched their jaws, suddenly realizing that this could very well be them.

The members of the Demonic Flame Sect, though, opened their eyes wide with shock. Not only had Ryu attacked, he had attacked decisively with intent to kill and had done so boldly in the face of them all. He didn't care for their faces not one bit, but what was even more shocking was the fact that even with all of them here… none of them seemed capable of reacting. Even their elders were a step slow.