

A tirade of curses came from the enormous dragon, but Ryu just stood there as though he hadn't sensed anything at all. At first, Lu'card was confused as to why that was, and even thought that Ryu was looking down on him for a moment. But then he sensed it.


Ryu chuckled. "Your enemies are here. You'd probably be better off turning some of that hatred toward them. That anger doesn't look good on you. How about you try being more aloof and arrogant like a real dragon. You're starting to look a lot like that clown that calls himself undefeated."



A claw descended from the side, appearing out of the void as though it had always been there. At that moment, a majestic creature that Ryu had simply never seen before walked out. It was like a jaguar with fur as dark as night and spots that had a hue of deep, dark blue.