

The young receptionist shook, unsure if she had heard correctly. But, the name alone kept reverberating in her ears, beating to the sound of her heart and refusing to allow her to forget.

Names in the Martial World were too powerful. When they reached a certain level of standing, the clapped in one's ears like thunder. Even Ryu's Tatsuya family name when spoken felt like a reaper gripping at one's throat, yet they were technically wiped out almost a billion years ago. However, Ailsa's Clan hadn't waned in the same way. In fact, they were still brimming with force and vitality.

The young receptionist couldn't quite seem to understand why it was that Ailsa would come here in the first place. But, even beyond this, wielding such a name so nonchalantly as though it hardly mattered seemed to be even the worse offense.