

"Well, don't you look decent," Ryu said with a smile. 

Jojo was truly a beauty, and a unique one after that. Her hair didn't even look like hair, it instead flowed like a raging sea of purple-red flames. Her eyebrows were the same, seeming both quite sharp and a bit thicker than what one would expect on a woman, but it just worked perfectly for her. 

Her features were a little fierce, but that had little to do with her looking like a man, and much more to do with her abrasive personality. Now that she was being forced to wear a dress, one of flowing black that matched her quite perfectly, it took some of her edge off and it made it far easier to appreciate her. 

Now, instead of looking like a delicate bobble head slapped onto a body much larger than itself—something that was the usual for Jojo when she wore her over-sized rose-gold armor—she looked like a real woman with all of her proportions in the right place.