

This feeling gave Ryu a feeling of weight that went beyond just his body. He felt as though he was wielding an energy countless leagues beyond Bronze Resonance Qi, just in terms of heft and density, it was impossible even to compare the two.

But what was especially mystical about it was the fact that Ryu didn't feel as though the power came from his body. It was as though he was accessing a strength that was beyond the limits of himself, extending beyond a reasonable time and space.

It took him a while to understand even with the current strength of his mind. But after a while, Ryu realized that it was exactly because of that. The laws of the world had a looser restriction on him all of sudden. He wasn't moving and acting through distortions anymore, his strength, his qi, his power, were all as pure as they came, even the source itself extended beyond the current realm around him, he ground beneath his feet and the skies above his head.