

I was bullied at school, quite heavily at that. I was hated by everyone, it was miserable. Even my own sister and my childhood friend hated me. I really had nothing to live for. That was when I died, in my last heroic act of saving my sister from a car crash, I myself died. But unexpectedly I was reincarnated into a character from the game I was playing at that time! The failure of the Xander family, Mordred Xander! But even if I was a failure, I could start a new life in this world! But when the otherworldly heroes were summoned to aid in the defeat of the demon king, my old classmates were summoned! How will I build my new life now?!

NeroExcalibur · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

The Legendary Sword Clarent I

When I walked a small bit along the path I heard a loud sound and saw a blue light. Ack! What was that? I then saw a status window on the right of my head. It read 'Autosaved'. <i>What was that about? Hmm well I'll see about it later.</i> With me I brought a sword, a bag full of potions, food, water and some small magic bombs just in case there was a tough enemy. The cave was about 3 kilometres(about 1.9 miles) away from the capital's walls. It was a popular cave that many adventurers went to. Later in the story a human that started working for the demon king found this sword. It would prove to be disastrous. That was why I needed to get this sword now. I couldn't afford to let this fall into his hands. Along the way there were some goblins in the field, <i>I hope I can beat them</i>. The moment the goblins spotted me they immediately came to attack me. I kept my sword in my hands. It felt heavy. <i>Shit! This is harder than I thought! I thought that this would be easier,I thought this would be a cakewalk</i>, but the sword only felt awkward in my hands. It was heavy and pulled my hands down. There were two goblins coming towards me. The look on their faces were horrifying. <i>This isn't anything like a game!</i> I swung my sword without any sense of where it would go. I closed my eyes and felt a strange sensation. There was resistance where my sword slashed and then it just kept going, this happened twice. When I opened my eyes I had decapitated one of the goblins and chopped the other one's arm off. The one with its arm chopped off started to run away but I went straight towards him, sword in hand. He looked back once and I slammed my sword into the side of its head. It was the best I could do considering I didn't know how to use it. <i>Die just die!</i> I knew that the tip of the sword was sharp, so I thrust it into the goblin as many times I could. <i>Die! Die! Die!</i> By the time I was finished the goblin's body was a mess of blood and organs. I looked back at what I had done and was horrified. <i>What the fuck did I just do? Not only did I kill it I mangled its body. It looked so normal when done in game</i>. But in real life you could feel much more. The stench of the rotting corpse and the taste of blood in my mouth really humbled me. I sat there for while just contemplating what I had done, the other goblins were nowhere in sight, they must've ran off. <i>This isn't like a game! I have to treat it as if it's real life! Because it is, this is my situation now and I must overcome it</i>! After the ordeal I saw a notice next to my head. 'Swordsmanship increased to level 2!'

So that was it. The swordsmanship autocorrected my swordsmanship so I could kill those goblins. I then kept going on the path that I did. I was coming close to the cave. The blood on my clothes had dried and I was starting to get acclimatised to the smell. When I got to the mouth of the cave you couldn't see anything in the darkness, as if something was hiding there. Luckily I didn't need to worry about that because the illusory wall was at the very start of the cave. <i>From what I remember when you enter you'll need to hit the left side of the wall 5 times</i>. I had to hit the left side of the wall 5 times with my sword. I pulled up my sword with some difficulty and hit that wall with it. Supposedly the wall would just disappear. After hitting it 5 times the wall just magically disappeared like the article said. <i>Woah it worked! Now after this the sword should be just sitting there atop a mound</i>. But that was not what had faced me there. There were 2 paths I could tread and I didn't know which one I needed to go on. I went onto the left path. I trudged on forward and eventually came to a room with some light. There was a giant mound in the middle of it, and in the middle of that mound lay Clarent. <i>Now from here on it should be a smooth journey to the sword</i>. I stepped forward towards the sword that lay on that mound. But I felt my foot lower into the ground on a seemingly flat surface, then I heard a clicking sound.

'What th-.' I heard something being shot towards me, I was startled at the sudden noise and tripped face flat into the ground. <i>Ow, that hurt</i>. I then looked at the wall adjacent to me and saw an arrow stuck into it. <i>Wait what the fuck? It should've been smooth sailing from here! I could've died</i>. I didn't expect a trap but I kept going nonetheless, as long as I was able to touch Clarent I would be healed. Due to all the legendary swords being extremely difficult to obtain, the moment you obtained them you would be instantly regenerated to top form. So I trudged on forward arrows shot into me one by one and it hurt like hell, my arm felt like it broke too because of my Glass Cannon trait. The first arrow hit me straight in the shoulder, the pain was immense, my arm was bleeding and there was a giant red splotch on my gear. The arrow was wedged into my arm and it felt like it wasn't supposed to be there, which it wasn't. I looked around and saw some rocks nearby. I took them and threw them in front of me. There were many traps including, but not limited to spikes falling from the sky, arrows and spikes coming out of the ground. Using and reusing the rocks I had gathered I was able to finesse my way around the assortment of traps that weren't there in the original game. The pain still throbbed in my arm but I drank a potion which closed up the wound after I lost some blood from taking the arrow out. The path was extremely complex and 4 of the rocks I used were destroyed in the process of finding where the traps were. I kept going forward until I was at the base of the mound. <i>Finally I'm here, I'll be able to obtain the sword!</i> Then at that moment the space around me distorted and I passed out. When I came to I was in an enclosed brown room with a monster sitting down around 10 metres in front of me, it scared the shit out of me and I made a sound. In response to this sound the monster opened its eyes and slowly started to get up. <i>Shit! What am I going to do?</i> Then I remembered something and quickly rummaged through my bag to get it. Aha! I found the magic bombs in my bag, and while the monster was slowly getting up I threw them. I waited in anticipation, I waited and waited but nothing happened. <i>Huh? What's wrong?</i> I realised that in my excitement I didn't activate the bombs so they just laid there on the ground. The monster looked at me dead in the eye and stared running at me. <i>I'm so fucked</i>, I thought to myself, and I was fucked. The monster had a club in its right hand and was decently fast on top of that. <i>Oh I'm so fucked what do I do</i>? I grabbed my sword and threw it at the monster and I completely missed, <i>welp there goes my only chance.</i> But then the sword did something impossible and made a slight direction change towards the monster. It then cut open the monster's thigh. <i>Wait what?</i> My swordsmanship talent autocorrects even when the sword is in the air!? <i>Holy shit that's amazing. Now that the monster's kneeling I'll go over to the bombs, </i>I ran over to the two bombs that were sitting on the floor behind that giant monster. To activate the bombs I had to tap a blue circle on them, I did that and threw them at the monster's legs. I waited and waited and waited, then. <i>Kbooom! Kboom!</i> There were two explosions one after the other and when I ran over to where it exploded the only thing that was left was half of the monster's head. The ground rumbled and the room dissipated and I was back at the base of the mound, I kept walking up towards the sword and with each step it felt like my body was getting heavier, it must've been the last test that the sword gave. When I was about to reach the sword I was crawling on the ground, using my arms which I could barely lift to push me forward. I was at the sword and I reached out towards it. The immense gravity that was present had probably broken the majority of my bones but I didn't care, not one bit. I then touched the sword itself, it started glowing and I felt a nice energy envelop my body. It breathed new life into my broken body and rejuvenated my spirit. I was in top form once more and I was able to stand up, it seemed that the gravity had returned to normal. I put my hand on the sword and tried to pull it out. Here it is! Here starts my adventure in this parallel world! I've dreamed of this for years! But then when I tried pulling the sword out I heard a clicking sound. 'Fuc-' the mound then disappeared and I fell a short distance, usually this distance wouldn't be very fatal but for me it was. <i>I think I broke a few ribs, why? Why did this happen?</i> Only my arms and legs could move I was completely immobilised, in this dark room I saw another entrance to a pitch black room. I didn't want to go in there so I stayed in the room I was currently in. <i>Eek, eek, eek, eek</i>. I heard these sounds coming from that pitch black room in front of me. <i>Oh god no! Please! Please! What the fuck is this? No, no, no, no, no, no</i>.

'Someone save me, please!' I was scared shitless. 'Someone! Please someone save me! Help me!.' I then saw a little brown creature come out of that room, it resembled a bat. 'Hey little guy, how are you doing? You're my friend right?' The little brown creature's eyes started glowing yellow. 'Right?' Then in the pitch black room I saw countless pairs of yellow eyes. Then I heard them making the same noise as earlier but much more and it was louder. There isn't a word in the Japanese(or English) language that could describe the fear I was feeling at that moment. You could call it complete terror but even that would be an understatement. The tiny creatures started coming out one by one and started swarming me. They each bit into a part of my body and injected a corrosive acid into it. My whole body spasmed in pain as I felt my life-force being drained slowly little by little. 'Gah! Save me! Please save me! Fuck!' I held my hand out and so many tears were running down my face. Is my adventure really going to end like this? Before I even rebuilt my relationship with Akari, or took my revenge on Hamachi? Is this all my life amounted to? Why even send me here in the first place. Is this some kind of sick joke? Tell me! My body was being devoured by those creatures and soon my soul was devoured too.