
The rules don't seem to end!

"Are you done already? We are getting late for school!" Harper shouted from outside and it was heard from the living room.

I rolled my eyes at him. We are not getting late actually. The school starts at half past eight and it's only half past seven now. If you are wondering when I woke up then let me tell you I woke up at six in the morning. 

When some more shouts came toward me, I looked up at Hayden expectantly. 

"Why did you stop me, Hayden? Is it something serious? Because if it isn't I better go, before they take the whole house on their heads." I said in a mocking tone while pointing at my back. 

Hayden chuckled at my words and waved them off ever so casually. 

"They are just being dramatic. Everyday they leave for school when it's almost half past eight. Today they are being like this to irritate you." Hayden said with a roll of his eyes. He took my hand and walked me till the sofa and made me sit on it. He also took a seat beside me.