
My Father?

"Long time no see, daughter!" 

That's the moment when I felt that my feet got glued on the ground. My whole body literally froze as I felt cold airs passing by me. I should be running away as fast and as far as I can but I can't. I should bring my phone out of my pockets and dial my brothers but I wasn't doing that either. Top of that I shouldn't be scared at all for many reasons. 

Maybe because I know how to throw a proper punch and kick now or I have a knife and I know how to use it properly in moments like this. Also maybe because I have guards around me and I shouldn't be worried at all. Or are they here today?

Oh, god! 

Out of everyday, I decided to lie today and he also decided to come out today only! What irony! Was it the reason I was feeling restless from today morning? Maybe.