
Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight:

As the sun rose and peeked from behind the valley of Mindu, people slowly started to do their work as per daily routine. The only thing that changed was a group of missionaries smiling sweetly to the people asking them if they could spare a little of their time to hear their teachings. Quelle knights was stationed not far from the group looking around with caution.

“So clever of you to use the annual missionary kingdom visitation to look for what you need.” Collete told the prince beside her as she eyed the people slowly gathering around the missionaries listening to their every word.

“It was that or to travel in discreet and my mother was not happy with the second choice so we moved the annual visitations a little earlier than intended to mask off our plans.” Stellan told the informant. He was dressed in the same way as the missionaries does, blending in with his people. Lowering his shoulder from time to time to look less formal than a missionary. Naneya stood behind the prince on his right wearing her inner uniform. She too was looking around, but with less intensity and a more relaxed than her subordinates. If you were looking from afar, you would think that a village girl was just talking to a missionary and a lady knight.

Them alone is not threatening which is their goal in the first place. If not for a man frantically looking around like a lost dog. You can see the excitement in his eyes as he shifted from one foot to the other. You can visibly see that he was not made to just stand in one place.

“My prince, can I?” Ivan pointed to a small stall that sells cooked sweet potatoes, his eyes shining and mouth a little agape. Stellan nodded defeated and tired from his informant. Collete chuckled a little when the vendor jump as Ivan appeared in front of him, his face almost kissing the sweet potatoes he’s selling.

“Was it true?” Naneya spoke for the first time since they all gathered. Collete slightly looked at the female knight who’s also looking at her.

“Mind elaborating?”

“Did you sell that informant to this kingdom’s knights?” Naneya said with no hint of any emotion in her voice. Stellan told his most trusted knight with what he heard and knew from the night before. Naneya is the only knight he trusted the most at the moment. Half of the people he brought with him did not really know why they traveled ahead of schedule for the annual visitation. To protect the imperial secret and to lessen the range of investigation if ever someone from his people decided to betray him.

“I believe it is something that should remain to the both of us. Ivan is a good friend of mine.”

“No friend would want to endanger their good friend.” Naneya gave emphasis to the word ‘good’ like it was something she wanted to burry inside the female informant’s head. Collete understood what she meant and wanted. She faced the knight full body with confidence evident in her stature.

“Endanger is a strong word to say, Captain. There was a good reason behind it.” She looked straight into the captain’s eyes, challenging her to utter her next word. Naneya was about speak when a sweet potato was harshly shoved into her open mouth. She glared at the man eating the same food. Ivan swallowed his food.

“You are having wrinkles, captain. Smile more, I say.” Naneya bit the sweet potato on her mouth, glaring more at the man.

“You dare taunt me?”

“No? Okay look, what Collete did was called ‘following instructions’. Maybe she took it a little bit far, but she did the job and I got more than what we bargained for.”


“Very well. I take that we will see you on the surface tomorrow?”

“You shall and Ivan, we need to talk.” The informants looked at each other, sharing looks that only they understand. Ivan nod his head curtly, acknowledging the look she was giving him. They both watched the prince exit the secret room holding a lamp Ivan gave him.

“I apologize.” The female informant voiced, still looking at the now closed door.

“You did well. Thank you.” Ivan answered.

Collete sighed and faced the man. “What happened inside? I thought you were to escape?” She watched her friend took steps towards the nearest chair. Slumping down – eyes staring at the ceiling.

“When you sold me to get inside the castle, I did what I planned. Traded for information inside. One baron, traded with me and you know people with power, always wanting to hear only good things to boost their stupid ego. The information that I had did not satisfy his golden ears.” He shrugged. Collete took a seat beside him, listening to his every word.

“I was beaten, starved, drugged. Then the knights tried having fun with my drugged state. Took me outside to have me fight a qacilles.”

A gasp escaped her. “A qacilles? Those creatures are deadly! Their acid could melt you in seconds! If bitten, you will have you insides melt!”

“I know. I was nearly bit. Good thing those knights are S-T-U-P-I-D. They got too scared when a big one appeared. I was too drugged to remember what happened to those knights – not that I care, but I do remember running, shouting for help. That’s how I met the prince of Quelle Kingdom.” He waved his hands around as he mention the royalty.

“They saved me.”

“And you traded.” She said,

“And we traded.” He repeated.

Silence overtook them. Both in deep thought. Ivan knew the woman was feeling guilty. They both planned his capture, but they never anticipated the dilemma he faced. They knew each other through trades. Ivan once asked her for a trade that resulted in their now usual bickering. Given with Ivan's playful way, it was bound to happen as Collete always take her ways seriously. Reaching inside his pouch, Ivan took roll of paper and handed it to Collete.

“My end of the deal. Inside is the information you wanted.” Collete accepted the paper.

“Was- was it worth it? Risking your life?”

“I think so? I got what I need and you got what you need.” He felt her shift beside him. It was not new for both of them to risk their lives for informations. It is their job after all. However, it gets harder and harder to survive, and it gets harder and harder to accept the fact that maybe one day, one of them would not return.


“You are not the first person to know of this information. You may face problems along the way, so I advise you to move carefully. Death is now a step behind you so all of you need to ponder on your actions.” Collete unrolled a map in front of the three people inside Stellan’s rented room. Missionaries and knights are now ready to depart.

She pointed at the map. “This is where the Gaziens last traded for informations. A traveling informant traded me with their location. They appear to be looking for someone. These people are smart and cunning. Never even giving a slight hint on who they were looking for. Just general informations that they would use to navigate around. Scout around here if you wish to find them.” Collete leaned forward, using her hands to support her weight.

“I will await your end of this trade, until then, use this.” She handed them three cube shaped stones no larger than a coin. It was polished and shaped to perfection.

“This is a traded magical object that we can use to communicate. Only five of this are made. They are all connected, not matter who the owners are. A drop of blood would activate the cubes. Once they are active, you need to say ‘listen’ if you only want to listen and ‘communicate’ if you want to exchange words with the other cube owners. Say ‘close’ if you are done. The cube will feel heavy if there are any active communication between users.” Ivan, Naneya and Stellan took turns on activating their cube. The magical object feel weightless, a big flaunt on how powerful mages are. They could turn a very simple thing very valuable.

“Good luck on your journey and may the Gods favor you way.”