
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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Chapter 9: Double Trouble


Naruto walked away from the downed Yu, hearing his groans of pain as he made his way to the sidelines. He stood back on the sides, waiting for Iruka's next instructions.

Naruto could feel the many stares from the numerous other academy students near him. It made him quite uncomfortable to say the very least. Iruka managed to get the injured Yu right back up.

Naruto watched as Yu spared him a glare, his arms still wrapped around his stomach in utter agony. He sighed in a quiet manner, ignoring the glare that Yu had casted right upon him.

"Alright! We shall go back inside and move on to our next topic of the day!" Announced Iruka, gesturing for them to go back inside of the academy walls. A lot of them groaned out of laziness and wished to anything but do that.

"Do we have to, Iruka-sensei?" One asked out, holding their face as they groaned into their hands. Iruka shook his head, looking at them. "Yes, we have to do it," said Iruka, gesturing them to go into the academy building once more.

They slouched their heads down, following Iruka back inside the academy building and inside their classroom once more. "Sit down." They followed this order and sat at their original seats that they had been sitting on before they went outside to the fields.

"Alright, everyone! We shall be moving on to our next lesson like what I said earlier outside!"


Everyone was escorted to the hall of the academy — lunch was right upon them. Most were relieved by this development and soon shouted with excitement.

This was the most fun they get in their entire day unless they are actually outside doing the spars that they loved to show-off with. It was a typical thing that people did for attention. Weird.

The cool thing was: They get to choose where they wanted to eat. And well, Naruto was eating cup ramen on a tree. How did he get that cup ramen you may be asking? Secret information that is better off untouched.

"Yo! Naruto!" He perked up at his name, his head snapping towards the call of his name. Naruto raised an eyebrow at the person who called for him.

Hm? What was his name again? Kiba? Yeah. Kiba. Naruto's eyes gazed at the Inuzuka, wondering what he might have wanted. "We were wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together! You seem quite lonely!" Kiba was grinning at Naruto. He thought about it for a second.

"Pass. Maybe next time," answered Naruto, deflating the Inuzuka. "Whatever! I'll ask you next time! Good job on defeating that arrogant fanboy!" Kiba yelled, getting increasingly further away from the tree that Naruto was sitting on.

Naruto shook his head at Kiba, resuming to eating his cup ramen noodles. He had quite peaceful lunch, until a few troubling people came up to him.

"That's him!" Naruto heard someone yell right towards him. He sighed, knowing that he'll be in another situation that he'll have to fight in. Naruto's eyes looked to the side, finding out who was the person that yelled at him.

Oh? It was the people from earlier today — the ones that thrashed the store that he was passing by. And it seems like they weren't alone this time. Naruto raised an eyebrow looking down on them all.

Is that the whole graduating class for this year? Naruto thought, knowing where this would take him. "You see here?! These people are part of the graduating class! The best of the best in the academy!" The one that Naruto had thrown his cup ramen at yelled.

"This one right here — he's the current Rookie of the Year!" Naruto sighed, annoyed at their annoying schemes. "And that is why almost everyone in the class had agreed to beat you the hell up! We'll make you learn your place!" The graduating class roared. They readied themselves for battle.

"I accept. . ." Naruto jumped down from the tree, his cup ramen fell onto the ground. His eyes were sharp and held a serious look into them. Oh, yeah, Naruto was definitely ready for the fight.

"Your challenge," said Naruto, getting into his stance. A smirk slowly crept up to his face as he looked at them with an intense gaze with his very own eyes. "If you want to defeat me. . . go all out." Naruto was in his stance, ready.

"Shall we have a dance to the death?" Naruto quoted, his smirk never-ending. He pulled out a kunai from his holster. The graduating academy students gritted their teeth in anger. "We'll make you pay!" The Rookie of the Year yelled, rushing in towards him.

The others did the same. Soon enough, people started to fill in around them all; they were shook to the brim. "What the hell! This is insane!" Yelled Choji, his mouth gaping wide. Everyone nodded slightly, their mouths also gaping wide.

"There's no way he's going to defeat them all," stated Ino, just grimacing of the thought of a bloodied and battered Naruto. Oh, that sent shivers through her spine. Satsuki came walking in, curious of the amount of commotion being created.

Her eyes widened a bit, shocked at the sight in front of her. Naruto was fighting the graduating academy students. Satsuki gritted her teeth out of nowhere. You damn idiot. Do you have any idea how dangerous fighting them all is? Satsuki thought, shaking her head at the sight.

The graduates came rushing towards Naruto in his taijutsu stance. Naruto inhaled and exhaled, his hearting beating at a quick rate. Was he nervous? Maybe. No. No. No. he wasn't nervous.

This. . . is only a way for me to. . . further myself in my own capabilities. Naruto thought, regulating his breathing as he slowly started to walk towards the arrogant graduates. His eyes traveled from one end to another. Naruto made the quick decision.

I'll end this in a. . . flash. Naruto thought, cringing just thinking the amount of times his father might have used it. Yeah, it did not look good on him at all. But it's whatever. He quickened his pace towards them.

There was over 25 students in the graduating class of the year. Will he be able to defeat them all? Maybe or maybe not. The only way to answer that question is to show through actions. Naruto jumped in the air, jumping right over masses of students.

He caught sight of a person in the back. Naruto made the quick decision and landed right on top of the boy's torso. He fell right on the ground in pure agony. Naruto gritted his teeth.

I have to make sure I don't seriously injure them. Naruto thought, looking right at the back of him he saw the rest of them charge right at Naruto. Good, they were disorganized.

Conserve and have pure control. Naruto did just that maneuvered his way around his opponent. He ducked down and swept the feet of one of the arrogant graduates. Naruto's eyes moved on to the next person.

2 down. Naruto thought, jumping in the air once more. He pushed his hand into his holster and took out a multitude of kunai. Naruto inhaled and exhaled, throwing the kunais toward them all.

Make sure they don't hit anything vital. Naruto thought, landing on top of one of their heads. The kunais grazed most of the graduates' skin. Naruto jumped off of the person's head, making them crash onto the ground. He landed back on the ground, his eyes searching for any possible weaknesses.

Naruto turned around, feeling the wind behind him rush with intensity. He instinctively did a kick, managing to kick a person's stomach and making them fall on the ground. Naruto wasn't just finish.

He jumped back to the fallen person and punched him in the face. That'll for sure shut him up real good. Naruto gritted his teeth slightly, why was life giving him such a hard time?

Naruto's sharp eyes caught sight a person trying to give him a punch. He dodged by moving his torso slightly to the side. His eyes slightly widened at the sudden pain that appeared on his face.

The Rookie of the Year had punched him in the damn face. Oh, yeah, Naruto was definitely going to get a bruise on his face later down the day. He fell on the ground. Naruto saw a stomp get thrown right at his stomach. He luckily reacted in time dodged it.

Naruto jumped in the air, extending his leg and hitting rookie's face. He was pushed back, a groan escaping his lips. Naruto spat blood on the ground that was in his mouth. He jumped back, avoiding a punch from a few of the students.

Where are the damn teachers when you need them. Naruto thought angrily. Yeah, this academy sure is the luxury. Fuck off! Naruto gritted his teeth in anger at them all. "It seems you all won't let it down," said Naruto, pulling out another kunai.

"So. . . I'll just have to go all out." Naruto covered his eyes, activating his Sharingan right behind them. He was able to see quite barely through the little slits he had made by opening up part of his fingers to give his eyes access to the world.

They won't be able to see my Sharingan. Naruto thought, running towards them with his hand covering his eyes. This caused them to grit their teeth. "Do not underestimate us!" Yelled one. It had a feminine tone to the said voice. Naruto inhaled and exhaled — he had to be very careful.

If they manage to take this hand off my eyes, I'm done for unless I deactivate in time. Naruto barely saw 3 of them throw their own respective punch right towards him.

"I can see. . . everything." Naruto decided to duck down, sweeping their feet and knocking them down on their asses. He made sure that they stood down and everything with a 'little tap' on their heads.

"If this is all you have. . . just give up." Naruto jumped up, avoiding a kick to the stomach. "Because. . ." He landed on the ground and jabbed a person's stomach with the tip of his fingers. That person fell down. "You're. . ." Naruto felt the wind rush behind him. Jumping up into the air, he saw 10 of them rushing right towards him.

Naruto landed on top of one of their head's, making them crash down. "Facing. . ." He jumped off of his body and went towards the next target. Naruto kick a girl's face, making her plummet down. He huffed and huffed. "The. . ." Naruto repeated this action for another 7 or 8 more times in a row.

Naruto looked behind him. Only 5 people were left. The people who had thrashed the store earlier, the Rookie of the Year, and some random person.

"Devil. . ." Naruto finished, rushing towards them all with the hand still covering his eyes. He saw the big boy rush towards him, throwing a punch right at his face once more. "This is the best the graduates have?" Naruto slid right through his legs.

"Pathetic." Naruto stopped himself, jumping right on the back his head.

"If this is all you all have — just drop out of this damn academy. You'll only get yourself and your own comrades killed in action." Naruto deactivated his Sharingan and taking off his hand that was covering his eyes. Naruto knocked him out.

"The first years — including me — are much more capable than you all will ever be." Naruto pulled out a kunai from his holster and threw one right pass beside the remaining 4's heads. He approached them in a silent and deadly manner.

"I already told 3 of you this earlier today." Naruto gazed right at them with such intensity.

"You. . . your class — the graduating class — you all overestimate your own abilities. This arrogance and overestimation will get you killed someday without a single doubt." Naruto continued to walk towards them with the quietest footsteps.

"This world doesn't need rubbish that wish to showoff in front of everyone and everything for satisfactory. Grow up. There's no time to waste around with idiotic things like fanboying and fangirling — that's a waste of a person. The shinobi world waits for absolutely nobody. Remember these words as you fight the strong that try and manipulate the weak." Naruto turned away, walking away from the scene.

"Ahihcu Naruto." He heard someone call his name behind him. Naruto sighed, raising his hand up into the air. God, why was their timing so fucking garbage? He looked behind him and saw an Anbu right behind him. Naruto tensed up.

"I am Inu — the Hokage has wished for me to escort you to the Hokage Residence. He has seen the entire battle through his crystal ball." Naruto nodded, silently following the Anbu back to the Hokage Residence.

Everyone was left in complete silence and a tiny bit of. . . awe? "Holy shit! That was fucking awesome!" Kiba exclaimed out loud, his eyes were wide and open to the world.



"What exactly were you thinking once again? This is the second time today!" Hiruzen yelled, increasing his voice each time he said a word out loud. Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Do you know the potential backlash that you could possibly get? A lot." Naruto wasn't a boy who easily lost his cool very easily. But it seems this village is very good at doing just that — losing his cool.

"They shouldn't have challenged me then. All of them were arrogant because they were graduating this year. And even then, their graduation wasn't guaranteed to happen. They weren't strong enough to defeat me; nor are they strong enough to defeat the the first years in individually." Naruto's eyes met Hiruzen's.

"You could have just walked away and act like they were never there." Hiruzen was trying to reason with Naruto at the current moment. Naruto shook his head at him.

"I rather not have them follow me around like vermin trying to find their food," responded Naruto, obviously not amused at this development at all. First day of the academy and he already got into trouble.

"What exactly was your thought process when fighting them exactly?" Hiruzen's tone was deadly and as cold as ice. Naruto thought about it for a moment to add the wanted suspense.

"To put them into their correct place. They act like total children. Don't try reasoning that they are children — they're graduating soon and will be considered 'adults'. They are upperclassman — they should be a role model; not a arrogant punk who knows nothing." Naruto was not finished at all.

"They flaunt their status as a graduate with arrogance and with no dignity or. . . grace. If they were not able to keep up with me, then they won't be able to keep up with my class — the class that I am currently in." Naruto's eyes were serious and his face hardened with his features.

"Their stupid antics will get their comrades and themselves killed someday. And this is no speculation, theory, or all of the above. It's an actual and factual statement. Because. . ." Naruto's body was tense, but his arms were clneched.

"The most important thing besides the objective to protecting oneself is the objective to protect the lives of your comrades."



DONE! This chapter has concluded. The next two chapters will be up tmr. Anyway, Naruto has fought the graduating class of the year. And as stated, while they were the potential graduating class, they are simply not as strong nor as much potential as the first years that Naruto is with.