
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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Chapter 17: Graduation


"Good morning."

"Good morning, Satsuki."

Naruto was shot a knowing look by Kiba. He raised an eyebrow, confused at what Kiba was trying to message him. Naruto soon ignored this and went on with his day.

He waited and waited as more people filled the room. Naruto saw Yu join the class and spared him a glare as he sat down at his own seat. Naruto sighed, regretting even sitting with Satsuki.

"Can I sit at my own seat now?" Naruto asked, annoyed at the amount of glares that he was currently receiving. Satsuki looked at him and nodded her head up and down.

"Suit yourself."

Naruto nodded, getting up from his seat and walked over to his that was just a few desks above hers. Naruto looked down everyone, noting how the amount of glares he was getting were slowly disappearing out of thin air.

Iruka appeared walking into class alongside Mizuki.

You might be wondering about Mizuki, well, he was a new teacher that appeared in this class to be an assistant for Iruka. He first appeared when they were all at the ripe age of 9. Naruto didn't really like him. His ability as a chunin was blow standards and should just be bumped down to genin.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Iruka-sensei!" Most of the class blurted out, annoying Naruto even more than usual. Yeah, this was one of the reasons why he skipped classes most of the time.

The abundance of shouts and voices he hears from just this class was a nuisance to Naruto's ears. He guessed Satsuki was at least bearable to a very large extent. She was quiet when she wanted to and loud when she wanted to. All in all, she was quite the quiet person.

"As you know, today is your graduation!" The class roared in excitement, well, some roared in excitement. Some had tears welling up to their eyes. And some people were neutral and just stayed silent during it all.

Naruto was indeed excited, but that doesn't mean he'll act like a hooligan. "I would love to congratulate you all on your 6 years of your stay in this academy. It really made me happy that I have known you all. Thank you." Lot of the class roared out of admiration.

"You bet, Iruka-sensei!" One kid shouted, obviously both sad and happy about their graduation day. Iruka smiled at everyone, glancing at everyone with content and happiness altogether.

"I would like for us to begin the graduation exam," said Iruka, getting some people to go serious at this. Iruka pulled out a piece of paper from his holster and held it tightly.

"But before we do, I would like to announce who the Rookie of the Year is." Many students had their eyes widen a considerable amount and thirsted for that title for themselves.

Though there was really no chance that they would actually achieve such a title due to Satsuki being in the class alongside them. And she was already very skilled at being a future kunoichi. The only other few people who could even be a candidate for this spot was the top 2 people and Naruto.

But Naruto was most probably not going to get it due to his grades as an academy student. Probably. "The Hokage and I have discussed who should be the Rookie of the Year for your graduating class. We have an agreement with our choices." Their mouths were watering on who could possibly be the Rookie of the Year.

"The Rookies of the Year are. . ." People widened their eyes at the word 'Rookies' — there was an 's' at the end! Does that mean there are 2 rookies this year? Shit.

"Uchiha Satsuki and Ahihcu Naruto." The class erupted at the second name, Ahihcu Naruto. There was no way that this could be true at all!

"There's no way! That dude has been absent almost every class for the past year or two!" Yelled Yu, infuriated at such a decision. Iruka sighed at everyone as Naruto and Satsuki walked towards Iruka.

But before Iruka could say anything else, Shikamaru spoke out with a loud yawn to break the silence.

"Wasn't it obvious from the beginning? It would've been either Naruto and Satsuki." Shikamaru got many glares in return after saying that line to them. "What the hell do you mean? That dude has been absent for nearly a century and you're telling me he is sharing the Rookie of the Year title with Satsuki-chan just because?!" Yelled a fanboy, infuriated at the choices.

"I mean, I understand why you're mad since Naruto has been living a dream by playing hooky. But let me remind you, the Hokage and Iruka-sensei had a say in this. It was quite clear that the Hokage acknowledges Naruto's abilities at such a young age." Shikamaru yawned once more, lazily speaking to them all.

"And while Naruto is always playing hooky all the time and his grades lowering because of that choice, there is no doubt that his abilities at the shinobi arts are at prodigious level that can be compared to someone like the Fourth Hokage. The abilities that he holds compensate for his grades, which. . . speak quite a bit. Man, can't believe I had to say this — you all are too loud." Shikamaru yawned, putting his head back down on the desk.

"You know, that's probably the most that I have ever heard you talk." Kiba looked at Ino and nodded in agreement. "I know! He's always so drowsy. I think that's what people call it." Kiba looked back at the sleeping Shikamaru. He looks at Naruto for confirmation.

"Yes, that's the word that you can use to describe Shikamaru." Kiba nodded, praising himself at his capabilities as a person. Their attention was now back to the front of the class.

"Alright, since you two are the Rookies of the Year, we usually do this thing where we will grant a wish that is within our abilities." Satsuki's eyes widened at that information, having the intention of milking this situation to the fullest. She looked over at Naruto and saw the saw an amused expression right on his face.

What are you thinking about asking for? Satsuki thought, wondering what was going inside of Naruto's brain. Though she ignored that thought and looked at Iruka.

"I would like a fire jutsu that is at a C or B-Rank level." This was Satsuki's request. It was was quite an underwhelming one for someone like her, but it was the best she could say that wouldn't be considered a breach in her boundaries as an Uchiha.

"Hmm. . . I'm pretty sure that can be arranged. But to make sure, I'll ask Hokage-sama if your request is possible." Satsuki nodded, satisfied at what Iruka had informed her. But it was now time for Naruto's turn.

"What request do you want made, Naruto?" Asked Iruka, curious at what he had wanted as a prize. Many thoughts were going through Naruto's head at the moment. His eyes darted everywhere around.

Ichiraku Ramen coupon? Fuinjutsu scroll guide? Kenjutsu scroll guide? Are those 2 even possible for me to request for. Naruto thought, pondering on his many choices that could potentially choose from. He finally decided on what he would get after a few more moments of thinking.

"I want an Ichiraku Ramen coupon," said Naruto, getting a dead-panned expression from a lot of people. Satsuki glared right at him with her fierce and piercing eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Satsuk hissed at him with a low tone. Naruto looked at her, unamused devoid of emotion.

"There is nothing wrong with me, Satsuki. I am without a doubt, 100 percent sure this is what I want." Satsuki heavily hated Naruto's attitude that he is always using. "You're basically throwing away such a good opportunity to get stronger to feed your damn ramen addiction?!" She hissed at him again.

Naruto nodded at her.

"You're actually unbelievable and crazy."

"Why do you care anyway?" Naruto had an eyebrow raised at her. Satsuki immediately snapped her head right at him. "I'm saving you from ruining this golden opportunity that is literally presenting itself to you." Naruto still had an eyebrow raised right at her.

"Hm? When did you start caring about people?" Naruto turned back to the amused Iruka. "I'll take that Ichiraku Ramen coupon that I have requested for. I can mail you my apartment address or I can write it down." Iruka sweat-dropped at Naruto's antics.

"Haha. . . there is no need for you to mail your address to me — the Hokage can do it since he knows you more than me." Naruto nodded, bowing down a bit. "Thanks you, Iruka-sensei. See, Satsuki? Just let time flow and when you see an opportunity for yourself, take it. I did it right here." Naruto walked back towards his desk and sat back down.

What an idiot. Satsuki thought, gazing right at Naruto from the corner of her eye.


"Since that is now out of the way, I would like to start with the graduation exams now." Everyone nodded, noting to themselves that this was their goal while they were in the academy — to graduate.

"I would like Nara Shikamaru to go up first. Please go the testing room to do the clone jutsu." They heard Shikamaru groan, annoyed for having to go first. But he didn't complain since that would result to more things to become much more troublesome.

After awhile, Shikamaru appeared from the testing room with a forehead proctor being held in his hand. He sighed, walking back to his desk-turned-bed. "Congrats, Shikamaru!" Kiba held out his hand out towards him. With a slight yawn, Shikamaru outstretched his hand and shook Kiba's hand.

"Thanks, I guess. I'll be going back to sleep now." Kiba laughed at Shikamaru, patting him on the back. "Make sure to wake yourself up." Shikamaru sighed, putting his head back onto the desk. As time went on, each person left the room one at a time to do their graduation test.

The fanboys clapped for Satsuki as she got her forehead proctor, hoping to get noticed by their queen. She ignored them, only wantitng the acknowledgment from someone from her caliber.

That person was Naruto.

And she was quite pleased to see him give her a sneaky small thumbs-up at her and adding a small smirk on his face. Oh, yeah, she will be definitely be bragging to some others about his praising.

"Can I please have Ahihcu Naruto get up from his seat and enter the testing room?" Iruka had his head sticking out from the door. Naruto nodded, following the orders by getting up from his seat and walking towards the door.

"Good luck," said Satsuki as Naruto past right by her. He nodded slightly, acknowledging what she had just told him. Naruto arrived past the door and entered the testing room, looking at Iruka and Mizuki.

"Alright, Naruto, show us your best clone." Naruto nodded. His hands started to go through a set of hand seals at a super quick and fast rate in just a single second.

Ram → Snake → Tiger

"Clone Jutsu" Naruto had a puff of smoke right beside him. The cloud of white smoke started to slowly disappear into the air around them. A perfectly normal clone that stood still was there, devoid of any emotion.

A pleased expression was plastered on their face. "Good, Naruto. You may get a forehead proctor of your choosing." Naruto nodded, walking over to the table that was close to him and looked at the many options.

I'll take this one. Naruto thought, outstretching his hand and grabbing the forehead proctor with the signature metal plating and dark-blue cloth that was used to engrave the metal plating onto the cloth.

"Good job, Naruto. You have done well in the academy even though you have skipped many classes while attending here." Naruto nodded, bowing down slightly before walking away. Naruto lightly sighed, knowing he did quite well in casting the genjutsu earlier ago.

Wait. . . genjutsu?

Yes, Naruto had flashed his Sharingan for a moment to create a basic genjutsu that was quite hard to get out of since it was a genjutsu produced by the Sharingan.

When Naruto had flashed his Sharingan for a split millisecond, Iruka and Mizuki had fell into his genjutsu where he had created it to where he made it seem like he had created a successful basic clone jutsu that was necessary to pass the graduation exam.

But in reality, it would've just been a clone that was all blue and dead on the ground. He then released the genjutsu the exact moment the clone puffed away out of existence. He had thought of this plan before he entered the room.

Naruto stepped outside the room with the forehead proctor right around his forehead. He walked towards his head, seeing a nod of approval from Satsuki herself.

A ninja. . . huh?


"You have called for me, Danzo-sama?" Naruto was in front of Danzo, waiting for what he had been called for. It was just about an hour or two before midnight officially began.

Naruto was kneeling down.

"Do you know of the man named: Mizuki?" Danzo's old and wise tone asked Naruto. He raised an eyebrow, nodding his head at Danzo to answer his question.

"Mizuki is an academy teacher — an assistant teacher for Iruka." Danzo nodded, already knowing this information at hand. "Naruto, an acquaintance of mine has told me that they do not have use for Mizuki anymore." Danzo first began, creating suspense with this slight pause.

"They had told me that Mizuki was falling below the expectations and wants him dead. But the said person can't step into Konoha without any consequences." Naruto nodded, ready to kill Mizuki without any hesitation.

"So I would like for you to do the dirty work and kill or at least subdue him so Hiruzen can take it further." Naruto nodded once more, standing up to face Danzo.

"My acquaintance has told me that he was sent here to get the forbidden scroll that Hiruzen has locked up. Do whatever it takes to take Mizuki out. Dead or alive, just take him out."

"Yes, Danzo-sama," said Naruto.

He disappeared.



DONE! This shall be the end of this chapter. As you can see, the next chapter shall be about Naruto vs Mizuki.