
Training START

Today is the day where I'm gonna start training under father. I admit I am nervous, who wouldn't? My father's nickname in the kitchen is 'The Ogre'(Yujiro where art thou?), he is very strict about everything be it sauces,soup, and he is really meticulous about plating as well as the taste of it, unless it is up to par with his requirements he will throw it up to the trash bin, so if you made unpalatable dish? Bye bye~ yep thats the reason why I'm so damn nervous.

I went to school for my early classes which is so boring because I already learned about all of its not really hard, Raku and I are what you may call close friends now, we only need eye signals on each other so that we could act faster and not to be late at the cafeteria so we will arrive at the vacant seats first.

'After Class'

Arthur: Son, today you'll start learning under me, as it is your first day just watch on how the kitchen works, how work flow, and how to react to all circumstances. Got it?

My father's restaurant is named 'Avalon' because almost all furniture were made by mostly apple trees or other fruit bearing trees(google nishishishi~) and the restaurant is surrounded by apple trees creating a harmonious aroma in the air.

On the first week of training I was mostly watching them on how everything works, from time to time about cutting techniques, how to stir-fry, how to make bread, and etc. I was like a D*mn sponge, yeah A d*mn sponge because I absorbed it all immediately and started theorizing about what I can do at my age, I also started doing light workouts, not too much because my body is still that of a child, I only need the stamina to stay focused and absorb everything I learned because Albion started covering me with dragon power from head to toe to tone my physique and that includes my brain as well, because my brain was also coated I gained something similar to photographic memory, I absorbed every teachings day by day and weeks passed, I also started practicing what I learned at training while also not neglecting my studies. I don't want to stop training in the middle of it just because of grades, yes?

After a month of training, father allowed me to work on the kitchen mostly preparations for next day ingredients, as usual he teaches me all I need to know about my job and I'm just following him and not complaining, who would complain if what you're learning is related to your dream right? its more interesting that way.

Even if I'm busy training I always keep my friends close, I sometimes visited Alice-chan and Erina-chan and sometimes show them what I learned from father so mostly cutting techniques. They are also having their own training of cooking so we sometimes compared notes on what we're doing. I even visited Raku because it is his birthday and I'm invited as well, I tried to invite Alice-chan and Erina-chan as well but they declined because they still have classes at that time. So I was the only one who've gone there. I met his father and I respect him because they are yakuza but they cleanse the street to make it peaceful in their territory, I bought a limited edition watch for Raku as my gift for him.

After one more month, I am starting to get the hang of it my body is responding unconsciously to the chef's needs, like a time where they forgot to take out the olive oil and the pan was heating up already so I immediately passed the one beside me, they were shocked because I was being attentive to what they need, after 3 months, I succeeded from being the 'water boy' to the soup department where I will make the soup dish for the guest but of course I need to watch first.

A week later, father told me to memorize the menu of the restaurant as in everything, because we change menus every change of season and must make new recipes for it and that is why my father's restaurant was one of the best and has the most returning customer, just to check if the menu has changed.

Father made me experience being the leader of the kitchen, at first it was chaotic but because father is beside me I decided to be reckless and learn aggressively, I don't speak much to them but when they needed support I am always on time for them, to my father's shock its like I had eyes at the back of my head but sometimes its just Albion helping me by keeping tabs on some of them and if I forget one he'll remind me.

5 years has passed since that hell training.