
Gourmet Food Supplier

In a remote oriental country, there is a small and odd restaurant that has refused the three-star rating by the Michelin Guide several times. “The price is fairly expensive over there, 288RMB for a set meal of Egg Fried Rice and a bowl of soup. Ah, and an extra small plate of pickled vegetables as well. Even so, there are still a long line of people queuing up and waiting for a taste. Reservations are not accepted there, only waiting and queuing personally is allowed. “Numerous people fly there on their private planes just to queue up. Furthermore, parking bays and parking spots are not provided there. The service is terrible here. Customers have to clear the tableware themselves and wipe the table as well. For god’s sake, the boss is literally crazy.” ---Michelin Guide ----- Release Rate: 5 Chapters/Week; will be released on Mon, Wed, Fri and Weekend;

Cat Who Cooks · Urban
Not enough ratings
2735 Chs

Zhama banquet

Translator: DaoistLUbAbJ

"This is Dragon Eye bun, please enjoy." Zhou Jia put down the three steamers and then said.

"Hey, why aren't there any chopsticks?" The grandma looked at the grandpa beside her with a strange look.

The old lady knew that the old man had eaten here yesterday, so she asked him directly.

"You'll know later. I'm here now. " The grandpa pointed at Zhou Jia and said.

The old woman nodded her head. At that time, Zhou Jia delivered the towel in the rectangular plate to her again.

When the Grandma and Grandpa were talking and Zhou Jia was talking, the little boy beside them always behaved obediently and didn't interrupt. He just looked at the restaurant curiously with his big eyes.

The little boy only spoke after the towel came up.

"Uncle, grandma said that the buns you make are delicious. Is that true?" The little boy had a watermelon - like head and looked at people when he spoke, making him look very cute.