
Gotta Catch All Them Kunoichi

Silas has been reborn as a failure of an academy student in a dumpster. He burns his way out and is free to chase after all the sexy Kunoichi girls after he makes sure he isn't in a futa world.

Ultimatedaywriter · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

CH2: Choking Out A Teacher

Iruka took him through the academy halls to meet another teacher while he needed to prepare for the graduation exam. Not that any test would challenge his awesome powers, but he had only memories of using chakra for jutsu. His teacher had an angry expression on his face, and the veins on his forehead were popping out. If those veins popped out anymore, Iruka might have an aneurysm and die on the spot.

"Do you think Sakura would say yes if I asked her out?" Silas asked as they turned a corner.

"You'll be lucky if she doesn't press charges; what were you thinking," Iruka said.

Silas felt a haze of something but brushed it off. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Silas said.

Yes, he cup-checked Sakura, but he had to be sure. Being trapped in Naruto was one thing; there were tons of beautiful kunoichi, but he was drawing the line at dick. Sure, had remembered futa porn but seeing it on a screen was different than real life. What would he have done if Sakura pulled down her panties only for a 12-inch monster whack him in the face? It was for the good of his sanity, and he wouldn't regret it.

"Several students reported you, including Sakura herself," Iruka said.

"I heard you were Naruto without the awesome heritage. Do you think that's true?" Silas asked.

Iruka froze and opened his mouth and closed it before calming himself. "Naruto is an orphan; his parents' names are unrecorded."

"So, you know, is it like the other secret?" Silas asked.

"How do you know about that?" Iruka asked.

"I don't, but there is something there. I'm a no-good orphan with no talent, but shops don't run me out. What about you, Iruka? You were an orphan; did anyone run you out of shops?" Silas asked.

Iruka grabbed his shoulder. "If you think changing to the subject and broaching subjects you shouldn't speak about will save you, you're mistaken," Iruka said. "Maybe I should have Naruto, and you switch places for a day with a transformation. I'm sure it will be enlightening for the both of you." Iruka said.

"What are the odds the Hyuga heiress uses her Byakugan on me before I ruin Naruto's chances with her?" Silas asked.

He could hear Iruka's teeth grind, and it was like music to his ears. While he didn't have anything against the man messing with people was fun. Silas didn't plan to waste any time transformed as Naruto when there were easier ways to get into Hinata's panties.

"She would find you out," Iruka said.

"I figured, but she isn't my main concern. Sakura Haruno's green eyes sparkle like precious gems when she answers questions, her outgoing personality is exciting, and her big, beautiful forehead is to die for. Have you ever had a crush Iruka?"

"Is that why you touched her?"

"Have you ever had a nightmare so vivid you had to check? The nightmare world lined up well with our own with only one difference." Silas asked.

"A nightmare. Was it around the time you were in the dumpster?" Iruka asked.

Silas didn't say anything and stared at the door to the principal's office.

They arrived at the closed door of a secluded classroom.

The door opened, revealing Suzume, the woman in charge of teaching girls their kunoichi ways.

"What do you think, Iruka? Should he be allowed to take the test, or will we expel him?"

"I have reasons to believe he was put under a corrupted Genjutsu and what he did was an attempt to test if the current world was real," Iruka said.

"What did you see?" Suzume asked.

"Everything was the same except every kunoichi had a dick. I had to be sure." Silas said.

Suzume opened her mouth and closed it. "At least you didn't strip her naked in public."

Wait, were they letting this slide. Silas's eyes widened; this wasn't an uncommon occurrence. What kind of messed up genjutsu were out there?

Then he started to think about the applications for Genjutsu, and Kurenai was a pervert. Itachi and every single Genjutsu specialist were. He would have to be careful around her or risk falling into a hentai realm he may never escape from. But, on the other hand, Itachi could make those realms last for hundreds of years until the real world felt like an illusion.

Immunity to Genjutsu suddenly stepped up on his priority list. Getting a sweet set of Byakugan would do the trick. Still, the only available eyes were Neji's, and he might have a run-in with Itachi before then.

"Hey, are you listening," Iruka yelled and threw a piece of chalk at him? He felt it hit his head and crumble into powder.

"Oh, sorry, I just had an existential crisis over Genjutsu, no big deal. Can I take my test to get one of those sweet headbands?" Silas said.

Iruka crossed his arms while Suzume smirked. "Do you think it's as easy as the academy three? You have to take a written test and spar with a teacher."

"If I accidentally kill my sparring partner, is it a pass?" Silas asked.

"Where do you think we are, the bloody mist?" Iruka said.

"A harder pass for hotter kunoichi is a good trade-off," Silas grumbled.

The beautiful angel of porn, Sakura herself, graced him with her divine voice when he sat beside her. "Why are you back?" Sakura asked and then spoke quietly under her breath. "Thanks to you, I'm too dirty for my dear Sasuke."

"He would be a fool to think that," Silas said and moved to his seat.

"Well, since you aren't smuggling a sausage, let's go to dinner, my treat. I'll even let you hold my hand." Silas said and held his hand out to her. The pinket scurried away.

"Hey, leave Sakura alone," Naruto yelled.

Silas gave Naruto a friendly smile. "How's your hand? Did anyone look at it?" Silas asked.

Naruto froze before his rant could get going and opened and closed his hand. "It feels fine. What was that jutsu you used to make your skin hard like that?"

He noticed Sasuke leaning in to glean anything that could make help. "If a pervert like him knows it, then it can't be that impressive," Sakura grumbled.

"It's not a jutsu," Silas said, leaving it at that.

"The academy doesn't have any training that makes skin stronger. You don't have the chakra reserves to shrug off Sakura and the dobe's attacks." Sasuke said.

Silas nodded and smiled.

"If Sasuke knew how you did it, he would beat you," Ino said.

"Maybe," Silas said and picked up a pencil. The implement snapped. Controlling his strength was going to be a problem moving forward. He was lucky he didn't shatter Sakura with his pat earlier. "Go out on a date with me, and I'll teach you," Silas said.

"Not a chance; what kind of girl do you take me for?" Sakura said.

Silas swapped his pencil with hers when she turned her head. He tried to write with the new pen, but it broke in his hand, spilling ink on his desk.

"That was my favorite pen," Sakura screamed.

Silas tossed Ino's on her desk while trying to write with Naruto's. The pencil lasted a few more seconds before snapping when he lost concentration.

"A shame you're not a girl, right Sasuke," Kiba yelled while laughing.

Silas took his stationary next.

"Sorry, I'll buy you a new pack before our date," Silas said.

He stole more pencils. "What's wrong with you? This is such a drag." Shikamaru, the resident pineapple head, said.

The transformation, clone, and replacement jutsu weren't hard, thanks to muscle memory and hand signs. Thanks to his body's low chakra reserves, he had the control needed to get the job done. After practicing with the pencils at his desk, he could hold back enough to not kill his sparring partner when fighting Mizuki. Throwing shuriken and kunai was easy with his stats. Silas could write his name with his accuracy at a hundred yards. But despite his amazing abilities, Sasuke made more clones than him and took the top spot. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be on his sweet pink angel's team.

"New graduate Silas the rooftops are for on-duty shinobi only." All hell seemed to break loose after he said those words. Shinobi raced across the rooftops, looking for something.

"The forbidden scroll has been stolen; all active shinobi search for academy student Naruto." Silas stepped forward and felt the wind rush past his face as he propelled himself toward his apartment.

Ok, he wanted the shadow clone jutsu. That was a fact; it would give him endless free time and be incredibly useful. There were a lot of goodies in that scroll, but the heat wasn't worth it. Sarutobi had let Naruto steal the scroll. There was no way a sexualized version of the transformation jutsu would take the legend himself out. So, he went home and made some ramen while he stretched his senses out and tried to glean anything useful.

Shinobi could already stretch their awareness out with charka enhancing their senses to insane levels compared to normal humans. With Silas, it was more thanks to the constitution, the gift that kept on giving, and the scroll was so close. He stood out on his apartment balcony and could practically feel the woods, then he was there.

Mizuki shot up twenty feet upon seeing Silas. The multiverse traveler was more surprised that his feet carried him to the action than anything else. He had cleared rooftops in minutes to arrive, where he sensed the scroll.

"What are you doing here?" Naruto shouted.

"I hadn't planned on coming, but I guess I was in the neighborhood and heard you needed a hand, Naruto," Silas said through gritted teeth.

"You wouldn't try to save him if you knew what he was," Mizuki said

"A blonde-haired prankster who was ironically too trusting," Silas said.

"Aren't you curious why people hate him?" Mizuki asked.

"No, Mizuki, it's forbidden."

He honestly didn't understand the big deal with the nine-tailed fox. Kurama was a pretty chill dude in the end, but maybe this wasn't the best time for Naruto to learn about him. There were many negative feelings between the two for a long time, and Silas was starting to like the blonde. That wouldn't stop him from mounting Hinata like a horse and plowing her fields.

Still, it would be better for Naruto's mental health to hear about the fox from Sarutobi instead of Mizuki, the loudmouth.

Silas grabbed the chunin teacher by the throat and started choking him. Kunai scraped against Silas's skin futilely while he choked the life out of the chunin.

"I always hated your lectures; you droned on and went on tangents. The life stories you brought up never connected with the subject wasting my time. Worse than that, you graded me below Sasuke and deprived me of a place on team seven with Sakura." Silas said and began squeezing.

"Enough," a powerful killing intent fell over the area like rain. Silas loosened his grip on the chunin's neck slightly. He slammed the chunin on the ground and took out some ninja wire. Mizuki groaned as Silas stomped his back, shattering the demon wind shuriken and pressing the chunin hard in the dirt. After that, he muddled through the capturing procedure he learned in the academy.

"Genin, you have an impressive bloodline limit. Not only do you have a superior defense but also strength enough to overpower chunin."

"And speed enough for my feet to take me halfway across the village in a couple minutes. I was testing chakra enhancement with my senses when I felt Naruto and came to help before I was ready. Thank you for stopping me, Lord Hokage." Silas said.

"You shouldn't be so eager to spill blood. But I've heard many troubling things about you. Naruto, take the scroll back to my office and wait there with Iruka."

"He is not under a transformation lord or a clone, according to our reports. Silas still has academy-level chakra reserves." One of the Ambu reported.

"Silas, why do you want to be on team seven?" Haruzen Sarutobi asked.

"It will put me closer to Sakura. With time and trust, we could deepen our relationship, and maybe that will turn into something more." Silas said.

The third Hokage blinked at that, then chuckled. "You're like my former student, and it seems your power hasn't gone to your head, but just because you can beat a chunin doesn't mean you are strong enough. If you learn everything you can and train hard, the kunoichi will fight to get your attention." Sarutobi said.

Silas nodded as if everything had become clear. "Truly, you are deserving of your title as the professor." The old man smirked, and Silas wasn't sure if he knew Silas was messing with him. But, of course, Silas wasn't completely sure he was messing around.

"While we are exchanging advice. You should tell Naruto about the nine tails yourself. It would be better to hear it from you than the mad ravings of a chunin."

"Perhaps; good luck with your team, whoever you end up with." The Hokage said as he and the Ambu vanished in body flickers leaving behind swirling leaves.

Silas took a step and slowly walked back to his house along the path he had taken. There were three steps imprinted on the tiles of the buildings he passed.

Cutting the confrontation short only kept Mizuki from revealing the truth about Naruto. He hadn't managed to steal the shadow clone jutsu, but there would be other opportunities to get it. So he decided to make plans and have some coincidental run-ins with Sakura.

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