
Goth Girls Galore!

Goth Expy Harem in an RSM World Goth Girls: the pinnacle of Culture. The fantasy of asocial loners everywhere. Adam Prince was no exception. Except for the fact his preferences were quite a bit stronger than most… And that he lived in a world where the ratio of women to men was ~5:1… But that just meant more Goth GFs for Adam! Especially after he had a primordial force that drives him to conquer, claim, and covet shoved into his soul. After being depressed and broken for most of his life, why wouldn’t he want to embrace the power and control his Shadow offered him~? Early chapters are available on my Pat reon.com/dryskies_btb

Daddy · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

13: Anxiety


Ruby awoke to find herself in a bit of a predicament. An itty-bitty, freaky-weaky predicament… She'd fallen asleep in her best friend's arms. Heck, she was practically ON TOP of him, hugging him like she never wanted to let go! She kind of didn't… Mmmm~, muscles~…

"MMmph~!" Ruby bit her lip to muffle a squeak.

Forget 'freaky-weaky'! This predicament was straight fucky-wucky~! Something was now poking her… She knew what it had to be. There was only one possibility, especially since it hadn't been there when she first woke up. Well… It had. But then, it'd been asleep and Ruby could do her best to pretend ignorance.

Now though… The beast~! It was stirring~! And it was stirring right into the soft flesh below Ruby's belly button. She didn't even know that was a sensitive place! But faced with something so hard, so hot, and so humongous!… Ruby was learning as much about her own body as she was about Adam's.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Ruby worked herself into a fervor over nothing but the smallest touches. It wasn't anything lewd, she reasoned to herself. Definitely! They both still had their clothes on and Ruby didn't want to take them off. Totally! Not one bit! Anyone who said differently was a liar-liar pants-on-fire!

Still, even over their clothes, Adam's hard shaft sent thrills running up and down Ruby's spine. Her stomach tingled and turned pleasantly. He wasn't even doing anything! Other than practically hugging her on top of him, of course… And growing very, very hard where she could feel…

Straining against those oh-so-flattering gray sweatpants, Adam looked just about ready to burst, to Ruby's inexperienced eyes. Careful not to disturb him, she wiggled herself in his embrace. Wiggle. Wiggle. There! When she finally stopped, she was lying directly on top of him. His… thingy… poked her belly button. In the other direction, the thingy never seemed to end, the base of it reaching clear between Ruby's legs.

Involuntarily, Ruby's hips gave a little buck, "MmmmMMMHH~…!"

She barely stifled that one in time! The moan tried its best to tear itself from Ruby's lungs. Frick… Why'd he have to feel so… so good?! It went without saying that Adam was huge down there. As if there was any other option from her bestie! But what really stood out to Ruby was how hard he was…

It felt unyielding. Like NOTHING Ruby could do would make it bend or break. It pushed into the soft flesh and skin of Ruby's body, despite her clothes and her weight pushing back down against it. Without seeing it once, Adam's… thingy… dominated Ruby's thoughts. She already knew she'd remember this moment for the rest of her days. Knew she would cherish the moment of cuddles with her best friend turning lewd…

'Oh, God~,' Ruby moaned in her mind, biting her lip. 'I'm a bad friend, aren't I…? Taking advantage of Adam as he sleeps… He'll probably hate a l-lewd girl like me… I-It's just not fair! N-Not my fault! T-Totally not!'

Lying on top of Adam as she was, Ruby felt like she was running a fever. Her face was probably more red than her cloak! Honestly, how had Adam not woken up from the sheer heat of her body already~?!

He hadn't though, as far as Ruby could tell. She was keeping a close eye on his face. His perfect face… so handsome when he was relaxed like this… The sight just revved Ruby's engine even higher! Adam was so open, so vulnerable… and Ruby was a wicked, wicked woman for taking advantage of him…

Still, she couldn't stop herself from moving slightly. Just the teeniest shift of her hips against so many unyielding muscles. The hard planes of his chest supported her weight without complaint. The even harder s-shaft down below stood strong against her little wiggle. Ruby bit her lip a bit harder to keep quiet.

That slight movement grew bolder when Adam didn't react. This time, her hips took on a noticeable direction. Up and then down again. Slowly. Not enough to wake her poor, perfect bestie… Ruby ground her hips against Adam's… What did Yang call it? 'Morning wood'…?

Ruby's body felt like it was on fire. Quite literally burning inside her. Every shift and… *gulp* PULSE of the shaft below her stoked the flames higher. Something molten and gooey leaked from her core. She already knew these panties would be a lost cause after this. There would be no recovering them after the naughty, naughty, naughty things Ruby was doing in them…

"Hah… Hah… Hah~…!" Ruby was panting. When did she start panting…?

Adam throbbed and that thought fled Ruby's mind. It wasn't important. All that mattered was the hard body beneath her, coaxing her higher and higher. Driving her mad over their clothes. Her soft, soft body against his hardness, both above and below. Her breasts pressed against his chest, memories of seeing him shirtless flashing through her mind. Her plump thighs straddled him, thick pillows clamping as best they could around his waist.

No matter how hot the fire inside her burned, Ruby wouldn't go further than this. She was a terrible best friend… but she wasn't a rapist! T-This wasn't any different from grinding against her pillow! Adam had clearly offered himself as such when he cuddled her to sleep last night! And she always thought about Adam during those sessions anyway! See?! It was the same thing!

'B-Bad, bad Ruby~!' Ruby whined to herself. 'S-So close~!'

Suddenly, Ruby squeaked. She found herself flipped upside down so fast she couldn't even think. Her mind went blank, horror warring with excitement within. Excitement won out when Adam's body automatically took up the job of finishing her off. Her shock only grew, however, as she looked up at his perfectly relaxed face, his eyes still closed.

H-He was still sleeping! But even unconscious, his body had taken control of the situation, flipping Ruby under him so their positions were reversed. Adam let out a content, sleepy sigh. In contrast, his body drove itself between Ruby's legs as if… as if he was actually f-fucking her!

Ruby barely had any time to process the change. The shock combined with Adam taking control — unconsciously dominating her — sent her hurtling over the edge. His hardness pulsed and throbbed between her legs, pressed tightly against the drooling, leaking core of Ruby's sexuality. Something inside her clenched, coiled like a spring that released in burst after burst of terrible, terrific, mind-blanking pleasure.

Orgasm at Adam's hands was like nothing Ruby had ever felt before. So, so, so intense. Her eyes squeezed closed. They had to if Ruby wanted any hope of keeping her sanity. She bit her lip hard enough to leave a mark, the pain only serving to magnify her pleasure. Even then, a series of small squeaks were forced from her lungs with each white-hot burst in her mind and body.

As if sensing her release, Adam slowed his grinding thrusts. Unconsciously, he coaxed her through her peak and began leading her back down the proverbial mountain. Other than his movements, there was no sign he'd awoken. Even when he shifted their positions again, settling onto his side and hugging Ruby to him in a close spoon.

With the angle their bodies naturally settled into, it was as if they hadn't even moved. The bulge of Adam's morning wood still pressed up between Ruby's legs. It was almost comforting, in the weirdest of ways. Ruby couldn't help but pout. Why'd he have to be so perfect? All of that in his sleep and then proper cuddles in the aftermath? That was just straight-up unfair!

"Snrrrrkkhhh~…!" Then Adam let out a single loud snore as if to prove or disprove a point.

Ruby didn't know which but she couldn't help herself from giggling. A giddy feeling fluttered in her breast. Even if he snored, he was still her bestie. Oh, she wished he could be more… But if she didn't even have the courage to assault him when he was awake, she didn't deserve him yet, as backward as that logic was. Ruby wouldn't have anyone else, wouldn't even DREAM of it. Still, she 'knew' she had a ways to go if she wanted to win Adam's heart.

Ruby's adorable giggle was what finally brought Adam back into the waking world. Still groggy, he hugged her tighter to his chest. She fit perfectly, his sleepy mind mused. Small enough to engulf completely, soft enough to hold forever… thick and plump and attractive enough to set his blood racing like the world's most pleasant alarm…

'Still, why is she giggling…?' Adam thought to himself.

'I don't know, maybe ask her,' His Shadow snarked in return. 'I'm not your fucking security camera here.'

… It seemed that his Shadow wasn't a morning person, as strange a thought as that was. With a yawn that turned into a light groan, Adam buried his face in Ruby's fluffy hair. Mmm, she smelled nice, even without a shower last night. Almost too nice… Careful not to show it, Adam noticed how pent-up he was, his cock practically sticking through Ruby's thigh gap. Without their clothes, he would have been inside her. The thought sent a pleasant shudder down his spine and he prayed that Ruby didn't mind their current… predicament…

"What are you laughing at?" Adam asked cautiously, mumbling into Ruby's hair.

Ruby lost the battle against her giggles and began practically cackling, "You snore!"

"Wha-?! No, I don't!" Adam tried to deny her grave allegation. "… Do I?"

"U-huh~," Ruby singsonged. "Loudly, too~!"

"Oh, shut up," Adam grumbled goodnaturedly. "No one's perfect. Now, get moving. Classes and all that means up, showered, and fed instead of lounging around in bed all day. C'mon, you smell, Rubes."

Ruby instantly spun in place, coming to face him with wide, frantic eyes, "I-I do?!"

"It's a good smell. I certainly don't mind it," Adam assured. "I just don't want anyone else smelling it."

"Awawawawawa~…!" For some reason, that made Ruby's eyes go even wider. "J-Jeez~! Y-You can't just say stuff like that, Adam!"

"What, that I don't want anyone else smelling you?" Adam asked, confused.

"T-That you want to keep 'my smell' all to yourself!" Ruby stuttered, a blush going nuclear on her cheeks.

"Oh… Oh! Well, I suppose that's also true but it's not what I meant this time," Adam casually mused, getting out of bed with some effort. "C'mon, Rubes, let's make ourselves nice and presentable and then we can worry about getting some breakfast in us before our first classes."

He stretched for a moment, unwittingly giving Ruby a hell of a morning show as his shirt rode up and flashed her hints of his abs. The 'V' shape leading downward in particular drew Ruby's eyes like a magnet. Adam thought nothing more of his word choice, already moving onto a mindset of 'absent thought and morning rituals'. He quickly grabbed toiletries, a towel, and a change of clothes he'd bought yesterday to fit his 'newly whole' body and was into his dorm's connected ensuite bathroom before Ruby could react.

"T-This… time…?" Ruby was left sitting up in Adam's bed, practically stun-locked. Then her stomach rumbled and her mind switched to more 'pressing' matter, "Ah, breakfast cookies!"


Ruby had waited outside while Adam got ready so once he was shown to her dorm, Adam returned the favor, waiting outside as Ruby got herself ready for the day. He sat on the floor with his back to her door, ignorant of the attention he was attracting. He was mostly lost in his own thoughts. Mostly about last night and whether a 'normal' university life was even possible now with everything that had happened.

'Pass. Smash. Pass. Pass. Damn, smash!' Of course, his Shadow was doing its best to distract him from his thoughts.

'Must you?' Adam thought Inky's way.

Inky snorted, 'Damn right, I must. I've gone way too long without any eye candy. Let an old Shadow enjoy himself, dammit!'

'Whatever,' Adam rolled his eyes. 'Just keep it down. Some of us are actually thinking about important things instead of random women we'll never stick our dick in.'

'I mean… you could,' Inky reminded.

'I don't WANT to,' Adam shot right back. '1: mid. 2: bad vibes. 3: Ew. 4: sorority girl, ick. 5: not nearly goth enough.'

'Heh, high standards much?' Inky teased.

'Damn straight,' Adam nodded without shame. 'I know my type and I'm not about to settle, even before being made whole. Goth baddie gf or nothing. That's a hill I'm more than willing to die on.'

'… You know what? Respect. Hella respect,' Inky gave Adam a nod from deep within his soul before fading back to continue his 'smash or pass' while giving Adam a modicum of peace.

"Idiot…" Adam muttered to himself.

An utterly pathetic noise in front of him drew Adam's attention, "Hrrk~! B-B-B-But I-I haven't even said anything yet…"

Some poor girl had been caught in the crossfire between Adam and his Shadow, it seemed. Looking up, Adam saw that she was… honestly pitiful to look at. Not in an ugly way. She was actually quite cute underneath the pitiful aura around her. More like a puppy that had been kicked too many times and was now scared of its own shadow.

Right off the bat, Adam was inclined to like her. Simply because, as he'd just told his Shadow, it was goth or nothing. And the girl did have the goth look down, even if her attitude and personality didn't seem to back it up right away.

She wore clothes that she must have forced herself into. They were revealing enough to not match her shaky, anxious nature. A crop top hugged her torso and admittedly, surprisingly, full breasts. The word 'Beni' was written across the front in a jagged font. Sleeves of fishnets covered her arms. Her taut tummy was completely bare and much fitter than Adam would have expected from such a 'pathetic specimen'. Tiny short shorts covered another set of fishnets over her lower half. Most surprising — and tempting — were the strings that emerged from those short shorts, evidence of a very thin thong that 'whale-tailed' up to rest on the swells of her hips.

She was Asian, Japanese maybe? Taller than Ruby, though that wasn't saying much. Her hair was short, only about to her shoulders, yet she still managed to wrangle it into a little lopsided ponytail. A pair of red hair clips kept her bangs out of her eyes. Dark makeup shadowed her eyes, which, to Adam's horror, were already tearing up.

"Huh? Wait, I wasn't talking about you! Don't worry, there's no need to cry!" He almost frantically tried to soothe the strange pitiful girl's tears.

"Y-You don't have to l-l-lie…" She stuttered. "I-I'm the only one here… A-And I've been standing here for five minutes, trying to work up the courage to say a single word…"

Adam couldn't help but laugh at that. A mistake, considering how the deathly nervous goth girl shrunk in on herself. He quickly spoke to soothe her fears, "No, no! I was talking to myself. Not-… Here, what's your name?"

He stood and extended a hand to her. Slow as a timid wild animal, she took it, "K-Kobeni…"

"Adam," He smiled at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kobeni."

"I'd like a bit of pleasure from you…" Kobeni muttered without even seeming to realize it. A moment later, her eyes went wide and she scrambled to 'recover', "I-I mean-! The pleasure's all mine! I-I hope…?"

Learning from his mistake, Adam pointedly didn't let his amusement show, "So what's up, Kobeni? Did you need something from me?"

"U-Uh…" Kobeni just about froze, as if saying her request was worse than her involuntary flirting. "Just… to get past you…? Y-You're kind of sitting in front of my room."

"Your room?" Adam blinked. "Oh! You're Ruby's roommate?"

"Uh, maybe…?" Kobeni sounded unsure, even when she was telling the truth.

"Maybe?" Adam raised an eyebrow.

Kobeni frantically corrected herself, confirming Adam's question, "Y-Yes! My roommate is named Ruby! N-Not that I know her well or anything. W-We just met the day before yesterday and all…"

"Of course," Adam nodded. "I just didn't know she was stuck with one. I was lucky enough to get a single."

"I'd be stuck with you… Locked in a small dorm for a semester or two…" Once again, Kobeni's mouth spoke her innermost, horniest thoughts.

A long moment of awkward silence followed Kobeni's verbal slip. It was quickly filled with her horror. Adam just stared, not quite sure what to say to her switching from the most socially anxious girl he'd ever met to a 'smooth operator'. Thankfully, he didn't have to say anything. The door behind him opened and two things happened. Ruby chimed, ignorant of the awkwardness she was entering into, and Kobeni darted inside, shoving Ruby out and slamming the door before she or Adam could think to stop her.

"Ready, Ada-! Woah~! Hey, what gives~?"

"S-Sorry, Ruby! E-Emergency!" Kobeni called from the other side of the door. "N-Nice-! It was nice to meet you, Adam!"

Even as she said her hurried goodbyes, Adam and Ruby could hear her thumping her head against the door from the other side. Ruby was left blinking at Adam.

"What the huh just happened?"

"I believe… I met your roommate," Adam said slowly, shaking his head. "Nice girl. Maybe. Anyway, you ready?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess I am," Ruby shrugged. "Sorry about her. I like her, I think, but she's a bit… weird…"

Adam chuckled as they began to walk, "I didn't mind. Her heart seemed like it was in the right place. She's probably just nervous around boys, that's all."

"Everyone's nervous around you, Adam… Frickin' unfair…" Ruby grumbled. Even as she did, she crowded closer to Adam, glaring at any girl that so much as looked at him. Which, as it turned out, was a lot.

"I don't think that's true," Adam shook his head fondly. "You're fine around me, after all. Mostly, at least."

"Uh, yeah… Mostly…" Laughing awkwardly, Ruby quickly changed the subject. "So, the first day of classes! Excited~?"

"I suppose you could say that. Who knows what awaits us today~?" Adam's lips quirked as he spoke.

"Other than breakfast cookies, you mean!" Ruby declared, irreverently hopping onto Adam's back and pointing like a conquering general. "Onward! Chocolatey, peanut-buttery goodness awaits!"

With anyone else, he would have said it was far too early for this. With Ruby, he'd never get enough of her antics. Laughing freely, Adam played along. They had so much time to make up together, after all. He wouldn't let the supernatural revelations of last night, the dark secrets this town held, or the schemes that seemed to be surrounding him change that. Not when he was finally whole to fully enjoy the world — no longer a broken, depressed mess of a man. Screw everything else, if Ruby asked for his attention, she'd have it completely.

From a nearby shadow, four glowing red eyes watched Adam's every move, more than willing to ignore her every responsibility for her other half.

Still, "Shit…"

The upper pair of eyes rolled, "What, the cowardly devil hunter or the fact that the biggest, bitchiest vampire in town is now taking notice of him?"

"… Yes."

"Well, just keep stalking him. I'm sure that'll solve all of our problems."

"Shut up…"