
Got to Treat You Better

Zhou Yuexi is an orphan who grew up in the care of her grandfather. Now her grandfather is old and sick and his only dying wish is to see his only granddaughter get married. The old man arranged ger to be married to his friend's grandson. Zhou Yuexi agreed to her grandfather's wish and got married to Zhang Yixing. Zhang Yixing is the current CEO of Zhang Corporation. He has everything that a woman wants, tall, rich and most importantly, handsome. A perfect husband material, as the nation branded him. The only downfall of this seemingly perfect man is he's not interested in girls. But all of a sudden he finds out that his grandfather set him up to be in an arranged marriage. It was an alien idea to him but he agreed to it nonetheless. Because it doesn't matter to him who he marries as long as the woman knows how to adjust to his temperament. Never did he expect that the one he married is just as temperamental as he is. Will they be able to last long in their marriage? or will they fall out as fast as they got married? ... "Hey woman! I thought I told you not to go out with that scum anymore." "Excuse me mister! He's my friend, what's wrong with having dinner? And I dare you to call him a scum again!" "Your FRIEND is a scum." "ARGH! Why are you making a big deal out of it? It's just dinner!" "Yeah, dinner. Huh." "Oh, so I suppose you never take your secretary to dinners anymore." "What are you talking about? I never took my secretary to dinner." "Really? How about last week when I saw you at Platinum? Was that not dinner? What was it then? Breakfast or lunch? But I never saw anyone have breakfast or lunch at nine in the evening, have you?"

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35 Chs

Couldn't Help

Zhou Yuexi had a good night's sleep in Zhang Yixing's arms. She usually have trouble sleeping as she always gets nightmares about the accident her family was in years ago. Whenever she falls into slumber, the vivid memories of that tragic event keeps on haunting her. But amazingly enough, the last two nights that she slept with Zhang Yixing, she didn't have any torturous experience. It was as if Zhang Yixing was the cure to her long time problem.

Zhang Yixing had the best sleep in his life as well. He is a light sleeper and he wakes up at the smallest sound or movement. Added to the fact that he also has insomnia, he really finds it hard to sleep. But with Zhou Yuexi in his arms, it was as if he was on sleeping pills. He slept so soundly that even if Zhou Yuexi changed sleeping positions all throughout the night, he didn't wake up.

At exactly five in the morning, Zhang Yixing awoken as though he has an alarm in his body. He usually sits up and stretch his arms first after he woke up. He was about to do his routine when he remembered his wife who was using his arm as her pillow.

He took his time to stare at the peacefully sleeping Zhou Yuexi. Her eyes still looked as beautiful as ever, though shut close.

It was Zhou Yuexi's asset, her pair of bluish black eyes accompanied with her long lashes. It was as if they are drawing everyone to look at her and keep their attention on her. If one was to look straight at her eyes, they would find themselves lost in an endless abyss of wonder. It's like she has a whole galaxy in her eyes.

As Zhang Yixing stared at his wife, he couldn't help but run his finger across her delicate face. He trailed from her shut eyes to her pointed nose and stopped at her red lips.

When his finger touched Zhou Yuexi's lips he felt a shiver travel from his finger down to his spine, as if he was electrocuted.

Her lips were red and pouty which made it look inviting in his eyes. He was tempted to kiss those luscious lips and mark them as his.

Just as he was contemplating whether or not he would give in to his temptation, Zhou Yuexi who was unconscious of his dilemma woke up and the first thing she noticed was Zhang Yixing's thumb still on her lips.

Zhang Yixing was startled to see that his wife has already awoken so he moved his hand away from her face, flashed a bright smile and greeted, "Good morning darling.".

Zhou Yuexi who was still sleepy yawned then greeted her husband back, "Good morning.".

She seem to have realized her position, and felt shy as she was stuck to Zhang Yixing's side. She suddenly felt conscious of her sleeping posture and wanted to break away from Zhang Yixing. But just as she tried to scoot away, a long arm trapped her waist and held her back close to him in his embrace.

"Hey, why are you going away? I want to stay like this some more.", Zhang Yixing said as he cuddled Zhou Yuexi and rested his head on her nape.

Zhou Yuexi wanted to protest but relented anyway for she kind of liked the feeling as well. She didn't understand why but whenever Zhang Yixing took the initiative to show teeny tiny bits of affection, she doesn't want to stop or reprimand him even though such things are foreign to her.

Instead of protesting, she turned around to face Zhang Yixing and snuggled her self into Zhang Yixing's side. Zhang Yixing of course felt happy of Zhou Yuexi's reception. He was moved with Zhou Yuexi's dedication to her words because even though everything happened so suddenly and all these things are alien to her, she still stuck to her word that she would try to make their marriage work.

Zhang Yixing knew how much Zhou Yuexi was being considerate and understanding and he was thankful to her for that. He knew how hard she was trying to open up to him and it was no easy feet as he knew the struggles she went through growing up.

"Did you sleep well darling?", Zhang Yixing said as he rubbed his face against Zhou Yuexi's neck which caused her to nudge a bit as she felt ticklish because of his action.

"Hmm...", Zhou Yuexi just hummed in response as it was impossible for her to even utter a word for her face was buried on Zhang Yixing's chest.

Zhang Yixing was amused with her response. She still sounded sleepy but they need to get up early to visit Elder Zhou as they agreed to spend their Sundays with the elder. With that in mind Zhang Yixing concocted a plan to make Zhou Yuexi's sleepiness fly out the window.

"Good for you. You seemed like you were in really deep sleep while I was having a hard time trying to catch my sleep.", Zhang Yixing complained even though the truth was nowhere near that, for he had complete eight hours of sleep.

Zhou Yuexi's head which was then hidden, surfaced. She curiously looked up to Zhang Yixing who was also looking down on her accusingly. "Why?", she innocently asked.

"You snore so loud.", Zhang Yixing accused. "Your snore kept me up all night."

Zhou Yuexi blushed at his accusation, replacing the dozy vibe she had. "I don't snore!", she denied.

Zhang Yixing shook his head in disagreement and sarcastically answered, "Yes, and the sun sets in the east.".

"I'm not lying! Okay? I really don't snore.", Zhou Yuexi defended seriously.

Zhang Yixing raised her a brow. "How would you know that? You're asleep."

"Even so! I know I don't snore!", Zhou Yuexi denied, her voice rising a little.

Zhang Yixing chortled at how quick-tempered his wife was. "But you did darling.", he continued to tease.

His reaction only made Zhou Yuexi more agitated. It made her feel like he was making fun of her, which he really was doing on purpose.

"You are the one who snore! Your whole family snores!", she hollered.

Seeing that his wife was pissed with him, Zhang Yixing decided to cut the act as he already got his desired result, Zhou Yuexi was wide awake. "Okay, okay. You didn't snore, I was just teasing you.", he admitted.

Zhang Yixing shuffled her hair then tightened his embrace to console her. Zhou Yuexi pouted and glared at him in response which earned a hearty laugh from Zhang Yixing.

"You always tease me!", Zhou Yuexi complained as she lightly smacked Zhang Yixing's chest.

"And your reactions are always cute.", Zhang chuckled.

Zhou Yuexi pouted even more.

"See? That's what I'm talking about! You always make cute expressions that makes me want to tease you more.", Zhang Yixing justified.

"What's so cute about me getting embarrassed and pissed?"

"I don't know. I just love that side of you. The side that you don't show to anybody else, only to me.", Zhang Yixing said as he played with her hair.

Zhou Yuexi smacked his hands. "Don't play with my hair, it's tangled. I haven't combed it yet."

Zhang Yixing continued to tousle her hair, acting like he didn't hear what Zhou Yuexi has just said. Zhou Yuexi pouted at him again.

"Stop pouting.", Zhang Yixing said with a laugh.

Zhou Yuexi frowned at his words. "And why should I?"

"Just don't.", Zhang Yixing answered as he bit his lower lip, his eyes turning a shade darker.

"I don't want to." Zhou Yuexi pouted at Zhang Yixing even more. She even shook her head provokingly, thinking that what she was doing was getting on his nerves.

She was getting on his nerves all right!

He was his nerves trying his best to restrain himself but really couldn't help it. Especially when Zhou Yuexi's kissable lips are just a few inches away from his and is provoking every single bit of his remaining self-control.

He closed his eyes in attempt to calm to his desire but his action only made the childish Zhou Yuexi think that she was getting the upper hand, making her chuckle.

Her voice felt like music to Zhang Yixing's ears and it didn't help him as it made him open his eyes and stare at Zhou Yuexi's smiling face.

He was smitten with the way Zhou Yuexi's eyes smiled together with her lips. He looked like a love sick fool at that very moment. It was like Zhou Yuexi's every move was in slow motion and he was lost in a trance, just staring adoringly at his wife.

Zhou Yuexi who was so into her own celebration bubble didn't notice Zhang Yixing who was watching her. She was busy trying to get back at Zhang Yixing's teasing not knowing the fire she ignited in her husband.

Zhang Yixing couldn't help it anymore and gave in to the temptation. He held Zhou Yuexi's head in place and lowered his head to place a kiss on his wife's lips.

"Nevermind the consequences! She's my wife anyways!"

Zhou Yuexi was shocked at the sudden turn events. She was caught off guard by Zhang Yixing's abrupt attack. Her face reddened and ger eyes widened when reality dawned on her. She never expected that Zhang Yixing would steal a kiss from her out of the blue.

She wanted to get away but Zhang Yixing had her head on his grip. Just when he felt that she was about to move away, his grasp on her neck became firmer, keeping her in place.

Zhou Yuexi grunted in remonstrance but was silenced when she felt something soft and wet glide across her lower lip. She opened her mouth to tell Zhang Yixing to stop but instead of voicing out her complaints, she only felt Zhang Yixing's tongue enter her mouth. All the words that she wanted to say got stuck in her throat as she was dumbfounded at the foreign feeling of being kissed.

She was resistant at first but after a few seconds, she felt something she never felt before, as there wee butterflies stuck in her belly. Her earlier grunt was replaced by a pleasured moan.

When Zhang Yixing heard her moan, all his worries flew out of the window together with his restraint and sanity. Kissing Zhou Yuexi was the best feeling he ever felt in his life. All he planned was giving her a peck but once he got a taste, he felt addicted and didn't want to let go of the crazy feeling he had.

Zhou Yuexi was bewildered with her self. She didn't where that sound came from. All she knew was what Zhang Yixing was doing sent her to her wits end and she could no longer think straight.

After a good few minutes, Zhang Yixing finally let go when they were out of breath. They both panted like they were hanging on to dear life.

Zhou Yuexi felt shy and couldn't look straight at Zhang Yixing so she turned her back at him.

Zhang Yixing followed suit and turned sideways. He hugged his wife from behind and nestled his head on her shoulders. "That's why I told you not to pout darling.", he whispered to Zhou Yuexi's ears with a hoarse voice.

Zhou Yuexi was having an internal turmoil and when she heard Zhang Yixing's words, she couldn't help but think of how stupid she was for her childish actions. If only she didn't do what she did, she wouldn't be in that embarrassing situation.

Their steamy moment continued on playback in Zhang Yixing's mind stirring his desire. Added to the position that they were in, Zhang Yixing couldn't help but feel aroused.

Zhou who was busy chastising herself was startled when she felt something hard pressed against her back. Then she heard Zhang Yixing's low grunt. Her whole face all the way to her neck blushed when she realized what was happening.

"Did I really do this?!", she incredulously asked herself.

I'm sorry for the slow update. I already explained why in the comment section on chapter 13 but in Filipino so I would explain it in English. I'm not a full time writer, I have a 12 hour full time job and spend 2 hours travelling to and fro. I wake up at 5 am, go to work at 6 finish at 7pm get home by 8 finish by 9 or 10 then write if I still have the energy. But my work really takes a toll on me and I'm often very tired when I get home so I don't get to write updates. I'm trying my best though.

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