
The Hand's tourney

Author's note:

Last chapter I said that the wedding would be in two weeks but it will actually be in a month. I also mentioned that Stefan had the mountain captured and sent to Dorne, but for the purpose of the tourney and the war the mountain lives and instead Armory Lorch takes his place.

What position do you think I should give Oberyn on the small council"

And how do you think Ned should die, even though I don't want it, the war for the North's independence has to happen in this fic so that I could implement some thing's.

Sorry for the late update I had a lot on my plate yesterday

Two weeks later tourney grounds

Sansa POV

The capital was all I expected and more, just like the songs and stories I heard as a child, the capital and the red keep were beautiful, and yet it couldn't compete with the tourney being held in her fathers honor, which for some unknown reason he didn't seem to like.

On the field she could spot many banners showing beautiful house sigils, all of them more beautiful than the boring direwolf on her own, said banners being held by some knights of great renowned while others not so much, one particular knight was prince Stefan who was wearing pitch black armor lined with golden accents and a antlered helmet being held at the prince's side, the crown prince was handsome that much was obvious to anyone who could see him, although not as handsome as her beloved Joffrey with his blond, locks green eyes and pouty lips, while Stefan was handsome in a more rugged way, Joffrey was simply beautiful.

I came out of my thoughts once a horn was blown signifying the beginning of the joust, the first riders were between Ser Morris Frey and the crown prince himself, which the prince won in the first tilt without even being hit, the moment the Frey knight touched the ground, rather roughly at that, the crowd started clapping and cheering for the prince, none louder than Stefan's younger siblings Myrcella and Tommen, for some reason her beloved Joffrey didn't follow his brothers actions instead stayed seated with a frown on his perfect face, something that disturbed her greatly, after all a prince should not frown, especially one as handsome and gallant as Joffrey.

She came out of her thoughts as her new friend and future queen Lady Margaery started speaking "You should not be sad, after all a tourney is meant to bring joy and entertainment to people not make them sad" hearing that I brightened up after all how could the perfect embodiment of a Lady like Margaery be wrong about something so simple.

About two hours later the semi finals were about to start, first would be, Stefan vs Ser Jaimie and Ser Gregor vs the most beautiful man she's ever met Ser Loras looking like the warrior himself in his looking splendid white armor and cloak of the kingsguard, hopefully nothing bad would happen to Ser Loras like it had done the young Ser Hugh. Not to the surprise of many Stefan defeated his uncle in a few tilts.

Finally the moment I dreaded most came as Ser Loras started riding towards SEr Gregor who mimicked his actions, the pounding in my chest was all I could feel as the two riders came closer and closer, finally it happened, and thank the gods above as the mountain went rolling through the dirt, before I could stand up and cheer like the rest of the crowd, Ser Gregor shouted "SWORD".

Margaery POV

Dread filled my heart as the mountain's squire san up to him with an incredibly large sword in hand, the moment he had the sword in hand the mountain cut his own horse's head clean off, the moment the blood started leaking the mountain rushed towards my brother with the intention of killing him, before I could even shout at Loras in warning, the mountain had already knocked him of his horse and into the dirt, but before he could deliver the killing blow Sandor intervened by blocking his brother's swing, Which I had no doubt he did so he could have a chance at killing his brother and not save hers.

After the brothers exchanged a few blows the king finally stood up shouting "STOP THIS MADNESS IN THE NAME OF YOUR KING" hearing that Sandor immediately got on one knee while the mountain simply stormed out of the tourney grounds.

After the whole debacle the king ordered for the archery competition to start so that both Stefan and her brother could take a rest, the archery went just as she expected with Ser Anguy winning.

The joust between her betrothed and brother was a long one, both of them breaking a dozen lances before finally, Stefan sent Loras to the ground, much to her father and mother's displeasure, while Garllan merely laughed saying something about Loras finally being humbled, something on which she couldn't agree more on.

After a victory lap, Stefan approached me still on horseback, with a crown of blue roses on his hand, once he got to her Stefan placed the crown on my head announcing to everyone "My friends I give you all the queen of love and beauty Margaery Tyrell" hearing that everybody started clapping with smiles on their faces, well everybody except the queen who didn't seem too pleased at her sons declaration judging by the frown on her face.

Once all that was done, a great feast was held in honor of Stefan's victory, something that didn't please him, which he made very clear when he told her how all this was unnecessary and how the crown's gold could be put to better use like building more orphanages in king's landing, a feeling she wholeheartedly agreed on, nevertheless she still danced through the night mostly with Stefan who couldn't stop saying how beautiful she looked with the flower crown on her head, and no matter how many times he said it, it still made her smile with a rosy tint on her cheeks.

Stefan's POV

'What I would give for a nice cold bath and a good night's rest to alleviate all the pain in my body' were my thoughts, that unfortunately won't happen for some time seeing how Myrcella insisted on him staying saying something about he should celebrate his biggest and hardest tourney win he's ever had, and like always no matter how hard I tried I couldn't bring myself to refuse one of Myrcella's requests who was currently dancing with prince Trystane, smiling happily as she did so, making him smile at her happiness.

Sorry for the short capter but I wanted to get the tourney done so that I could continue with the weding

david_bierzcreators' thoughts