
Court, Justice and the threat to the East

One month later

Stefan POV

It's been a month since Jon died and two weeks since father left for Winterfell leaving me to act on his behalf her in the capitol, he left with the mission of convincing Lord Stark to take the office of Hand of the King, not there would be much convincing seeing how honourable the Warden of the North.

I came out of my thoughts once i entered the throne room with Ser Barristan who stayed behind to protect me, and Sandor at my sides, climbing the steps towards the Iron Throne I sit upon the uncomfortable piece of metal which so many people want, once I was comfortable I start with the everyday words "In the name of King Robert Baratheon, I Prince Stefan Baratheon declare this session of court opened to all problems brought upon the Iron Throne".

With that said Lord Luthor Blount uncle to Ser Boros came forth and kneeled in front of me and the rest of the small council minus Stannis and Ser Brynden who rode with my father so he could see his family again, said council was a few steps behind the throne, once fully down on one knee he spoke "Your Grace I and the rest of my house would ask the crown for compensation of my nephews unfortunate death" to that the crowd started talking among themselves mostly saying how obnoxious this was and how no family of a Kingsguard received a compensation upon their death, i merely raise an eyebrow and asked calmly "Ser Barristan has the crown ever compensated a knight's house once said knight dies?" "No your Grace, once the Kingsguard oath is taken a the knight losses all allegiance to his house and declares it upon the King instead" "As you can see my Lord there is no precedent to this, so i'm afraid no compensation can be given all we can give you is the items he had in his chambers".

Looking shocked the Lord of house Blount says "But your grace my nephew served you and your father for many years" "So has every other Kingsguard yet none got what you ask for" Calmly responds the blackfish while also adding "But I do believe the knights bones are always returned to their families" nodding to that i end the petition by saying "As said before Ser Boros's bones and personal items will be returned to your house" once finished the man ashamed stands up and leaves the room like a spoilt child.

Once the man leaves the royal steward calls for the next petitioner to come forwards, this time a man with ragged clothing and somewhat small bodybuild comes forward, after the formalities are exchanged he starts speaking "Your Grace my name is Leonardo I work in the street of steel I come before the crown today to ask for its assistance" once he's done I say "And how is that the crown can help you Leonardo?" looking scared as to how to answer, I encourage him by declaring that he will be protected from whatever he says, gaining a little more confidence he starts speaking again "MY house and shop were burned down by some men of the city watch they raped my wife and killed our son, please m'lord please help me attain justice" he finished his petition crying, once the court heard this most gasped and said how horrible it was, while Ser Jacelyn and uncle Renly grew angry knowing that this shouldn't have happened with all the new reforms being made into the city watch, while I on the other hand berated myself in my head for thinking that removing Slynt would eliminate a large part of the corrupthion.

"You need not worry, Lord Baelish will see to it that your shop is rebuilt with the crown's gold, while Ser Jacelyn will make sure that these criminals are caught, in the meantime you can have a room in the keep" hearing that the man just starts thanking me repeatedly until he is lead away by a servant to a room.

"With that solved, is there anyone else who would present their case in front of the crown?" surprisingly no one came forward "In that case this session of court is dismissed", once everyone leaves I and the rest of the crown's advisers walk toward the Small Council chamber to have our scheduled meeting for the day, once everyone takes their seat I ask "So my lords what do we have today" to that my new squire Trystane Martell hands me some papers detailing food harvests in the last six months, once the papers are in my hand I start reading them along with the rest of the council who received copies from Trystane.

Once we all finish we start discussing how to distribute the harvest among the people of king's landing. Once that is done lord Baelish says how the coffers now possess a million gold dragons inside them, something that made me glad seeing as how in my first meeting I found out about the four million debt the crown, which now was a problem nobody had to worry about "Well done lord Baelish see to it that it keeps increasing" "Of course Your grace" he answers me, next comes Uncle Renly who says that apart from the incident mentioned in court crime has lowered by three times since the new reforms were made to the gold cloaks, smiling at that I tell him to keep up the good work who responds with a smile and nod, finally comes Varys who starts by telling me about my families whereabouts and safety saying that all was fine which made relieved that everyone especially my favourite person in the world Myrcella the sweet bundle of joy she was, moving on from my family's safety Varys gives us some alarming news, apparently the Targaryen's were in pentos being hosted by a man called Illyrio Morpatis who was trying to get the dragon girl to marry a Dothraki Khal which is good because unless the fool Viserys defeats this Khal who Varys says is the strongest of them all then we have nothing to worry about especially if the Khal declines the offer of Marriage and simply takes them hostage, and with that the session is concluded.

The reason Trystane serves as Stefan's squire is because once Stefan found out about Elia's murder has the mounain's food and drink drugged to capure him and sending him to Dorne which he did in return for this Doran and Stefan agreed that once they came of age Trystane and Myrcella would marry but in the mean time Trystane would serve as Stefan's squire so he coud get to know myrcella better.

Other than that thank you everybody for the support.

And don't forget to give me you'r power stones

david_bierzcreators' thoughts