
GOT: The Rise Of House Blackfyre

In the land of Westeros, there existed a house shrouded in mystery and infamy, known as House Blackfyre. Born from bastard blood, their lineage was forever stained, forever marked by their illicit origins. And yet, they dared to rise above their ignoble beginnings, adopting a name borrowed from a sword that had never rightfully belonged to them. They craved a place of power, yearned for a throne that was never destined to be theirs. Throughout the annals of history, House Blackfyre had become a symbol of failure, a tale of repeated defeats and shattered dreams. But what if fate had a different plan in store for them? What if, against all odds, they could finally rewrite their tragic narrative? Amidst the turbulent backdrop of Westeros, a man emerged—a man shaped and molded by a childhood steeped in violence, honed by a upbringing of bloodshed. Raised to fight from an early age, he possessed a fierce determination that burned deep within his soul. Unbeknownst to him, he held the key to altering the course of this fictional world, ignorant of the past, present, and future that awaited him. Could this man, reincarnated into the heart of a house that had always faltered, gather the scattered remnants of his ancestry and forge them into a formidable force within the treacherous game of thrones? Would he be able to assemble the fragmented pieces of House Blackfyre, long-held grudges, and forgotten alliances, and unite them in pursuit of a shared ambition? Dear readers, I am but a humble narrator, bound to recount the tales of this extraordinary man who dared to challenge the predestined future of Westeros. His journey was fraught with uncertainty, his path beset with countless obstacles. Yet, he possessed a relentless spirit, one that refused to bow to the weight of history. As House Blackfyre, reborn in a crucible of adversity, set foot upon the stage once more, the realm held its breath. Would this be the moment when the shadows of the past were dispelled, and the name of Blackfyre would no longer be synonymous with defeat? Only time would reveal the answer, as this audacious man set forth to claim his place among the great houses, to reshape the destiny of Westeros, and to rewrite the legends that had already been etched upon its storied tapestry. [No chapters on the weekends.]

Dextrious · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: The Union Of The Protagonist Parents

16 years later

276 AC

"Lady Vissera!"

"Lady Vissera!"

Handmaidens called out urgently only to receive their echo as a response, fear encompassed their faces as they assumed the worst while the culprit behind all of this showed itself to be a curious teenage girl.

Showing long silky locks of white hair and deep purple eyes, she was the result of Maelys tiny little baby girl from all those years ago, Viressa.

Vissera had shown tribute to her name as her appearance resembled that of a goddess though contrary to Maelys, she had a weak body.

Vissera was always sick as a child causing her to be held inside under close care at all times.

This in turn led to her becoming rebellious the moment her health suddenly improved making occasions where she would escape the confines of her room quite frequent.

These sorts of bouts happened so often in fact that many would immediately know the reasoning upon hearing the handmaid's scream.

"Hey Vissera, what are you doing?" A playful voice sounded behind Viressa who immediately froze.

"Busted." Viressa's nervous laughter replied to that familiar voice.

Turning around, her eyes laid witness to her cousin Santino Saan who rubbed his forehead.

"I thought you were too busy looking after my niece and your daughter." Viressa continued her nervous chuckle though before she could escape Santino grabbed her.

"Nice try SIS, but you're coming with me." Santio smiled though his annoyance constantly showed with the twitching of his eyebrow.

Both were cousins, that was true, but they regarded each other as siblings since after Maelys passed, Samarro would always visit the golden company while bringing his son to play with Viressa.

Santino also knew Viressa would call him 'brother' whenever she needed something which is why he reacted in such a way.

"Santino please! Just this once look the other way!" Viressa clasped both hands together while giving him an enchanting look of puppy dogs eyes.




"No, come on." Santino grabbed Viressa's collar and started pulling her towards a particular direction much to her grievance.

They walked closer to a door only to hear a rain of shouts from the other side which made Viressa cower under the misconception of it being about her.

"HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A BUNCH OF FLYING LIZARDS TO GO EXTINCT!" A loud menacing screeching caused even Santino to halt.

"Leader, they have been gone for a century-"

"There must be one, THERE MUST BE ONE THAT SURVIVED! HOW DOES A BEING THAT CAN TRAVERSE THE SEAS WITH THE FLAP OF ITS WINGS SUDDNELY FALL FROM DOMINANCE BY A MAN MADE SPEAR!" Antasa continued, leaving even the person inside trying to constantly refute her, speechless.



"Aunt Antasa, I have brought your missing daughter." Santino, knowing it was a bad time, also knew it was too late to turn back now and brought Viressa in.


"That is all Trevor, you may leave." Antasa said though her eyes conveyed a different meaning to Trevor who immediately picked up on it.

"Well it can't be a good morning if not for my unruly daughter trying to escape from her HOME." Antasa plopped down onto her chair that seated behind a desk filled to the brim with papers.

Antasa, much like her departed husband, was very capable and showed it by using her keen intellect to keep the golden company running while even making it somewhat flourish.

"Maybe if you treated me more like a daughter than a prisoner then I wouldn't have to escape!" Viressa stomped her foot on the ground as Antasa massaged her head.

"I'm going to go now." Santino felt extremely awkward since it didn't really seem like he had a seat in this exchange and left.


"Viressa you know full well the reason I'm keeping you so enclosed." Antasa said, gazing at the cut marks on her hands.

Viressa rubbed her palms since the real reason for locking up Viressa wasn't entirely because she was weak but because she possessed a small power that she couldn't control.

Viressa not only inherited the common features of white hair and purple eyes from the Targaryen ancestors but also the ability to use blood magic.

Antasa saw firsthand how pure Viressa's blood was after witnessing Viressa have her hand cut by a small rat but before she could treat her did Antasa see her five year old daughter crush the small rodent with her own blood.

However, though very potent, Viressa had little to no control over it, leading to Antasa having to knock her lovely daughter unconscious as she seemingly couldn't stop herself from draining her own life away.

From then on did Viressa health truly improve but a new problem appeared in the form of Viressa pore control.

It was why Antasa didn't want to let her leave without having properly mastered this dangerous power yet Viressa, being the naive teenager she was, obviously didn't listen.

"But mom I-"

"Go back." Antasa didn't want to hear anymore of her daughter whining leaving Viressa a little teary eyed.

"I HATE YOU!" Viressa rushed out of the room as Antasa immediately stood up in shock, not expecting this reaction.

"Viressa! VIRESSA!" Antasa called out after Viressa only to chase after her.

Antasa then turned the corner only to find her vision wholly accompanied by an empty hallway.

This sight made her eyes shake in horror, not at the nothingness that lay in the hallway but the blood littering it.

"SANTIO! ANYONE!" Antasa shrieking caused all surrounding men to rush towards her.

"What is it Aunty!" Santio, hearing the urgency in her voice came only to see Antasa caressing the blood on the ground.

Santio was also privy with the information of Viressa's magic, leading him to quickly understand the urgency of the situation.

"Find Viressa, that is a direct order!" Antasa ordered the men behind Santio since she couldn't exactly order him around.


"I know Auntie I'll find her, don't worry." Santio didn't waste anymore time and immediately darted out the hallways leaving a heartbroken Antasa alone.

'Has her control really improved this much?'



These past years weren't wasted as Viressa had been tirelessly working towards stopping the flow of her magic once it started and had exceeded last year yet her mother still wouldn't listen.

Now crying, Viressa held her hand as she sat on smooth stone surrounded by trees, she had used magic to turn herself invisible before escaping into this spot.

Viressa would always come to this particular spot whenever she felt sad or wanted to have some time alone.


Though instead of being alone, her head jerked up upon hearing the nearby bushes rustle and raised her hands into a fighting stance.

"Hello? Is anyone there-woah, woah!" Suddenly a man peered out of the bush only to hold his hands up.

The man had black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin that resembled his possible origin being from Dorne though it wasn't uncommon for mixed races to gather in Essos under the banner of being the child of a slave.

"Please don't hurt me! I'm just a lowly wanderer!" The man's cowardly words didn't match his expression as instead of fear, he showed a slight cocky smile.

"Who are you!" Viressa, not recognizing the man venomously, asked only to see him rub his chin.

"That's a good question, who am I?" The man started thinking as Viressa's eyebrows scrunched.

"Stop messing with me!" Viressa lashed out, still a little upset from earlier as it showed.

"You're really mean." The man pouted, showing a sad frown causing Viressa to feel a little bad.

"I'm apologize it's just that-"

"Alright I'll forgive you but only just this once." The man interrupted while hopping onto the rock next to Viressa.

"I'm Eli." Eli showed a toothy smile while holding out his hand towards Viressa who stood in disbelief.

"Viressa." Viressa hesitated though still came to shake his hand.

"Now let's take a look at that hand." Eli chuckled, turning over the hand that was covered in blood making Viressa flinch.

"Wait you-"

"It's pretty shallow, that makes it easier to treat." Eli analyzed the injury before grabbing some bandages from his pocket.

"Can you-OW!" Viressa tried to interrupt him only to have him rub something on it.

"What are you doing!" Viressa tried to tug her small hand only to have Eli let go.

"AHHHH!" Viressa shrieked, feeling gravity pull her down only to have Eli suddenly lunge forward to wrap the hand that previously held onto her now around her small waist.

"I do not understand why you wanted to fall but as a man I couldn't watch a beautiful woman like yourself touch the filthy ground." Eli smiled, causing Viressa to shrink a little though a red hue furiously spread across her cheeks.

"Now, if I may, I would like to treat your gentle hand." Eli asked once more, holding up the bandages to Viressa.

"Ok." Viressa meekly let out as Eli then started to tend to her wound.




They remained silent as Viressa kept staring deeply at Eli while her heart furiously beat in her chest.

"Done." Eli nodded at his work though Viressa wasn't looking at the injury but at Eli more closely.

Now that his face was presented in front of her, she saw his charming outlines along with his handsome smile that seemed to tie it all together.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Eli asked, touching his face all over only to have Viressa furiously nod her head.

"N-No!" Viressa denied makingEli smile slightly.

"That's good, but instead of my face why are tears seemingly staining yours?" Eli inquired, positioning himself next to this beautiful flower.

"It's.....it's nothing." Viressa turned away only to hear chuckles resound.

"Oh come on, don't be like that." Eli playfully nudged Viressa who frowned.

"Then who are you and why are you here!" Viressa puffed out her cheeks and poked his shoulder.

"Well long story short, I was a bastard and to prevent the coming bloodshed was disowned and casted out." Eli shrugged as Viressa's face immediately became ashen.

"I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, to be honest I'm glad I left since I was getting really bored of my role." Eli waved his hands to sway the sadness from eclipsing her face even more.

"Your turn." Eli nudged her shoulder and Viressa sighed.

"It's my mother." Viressa sulked and Eli nodded.

"Did one of your parents cast you out as well? If so, you can come with me and-"

"No it's not like that!" Viressa quickly cleared up the confusion as Eli tilted his head.

"Then what is it?" Eli pried further and Viressa decided to give in.

"It's just that I've been weak from an earlier age and my mother is very overprotective. She keeps me locked up and never lets me leave but I'm so sick of it. I told her how much I hated her and then I wound up here." Viressa slightly lied though instead of a smile, she only saw a disapproving frown from Eli.

"What is it-"

"She seems like a very caring and great mother, at least to me." Eli chimed in his thoughts causing VIressa to widen her eyes.

"But she-"

"She's scared Viressa, what mother wouldn't be when faced with the possibility that they can't protect their child." Eli turned his head to the ripe blue sky and smiled.

"I bet even right now she's tirelessly looking for you with all her heart and quite frankly I'm kind of jealous." Eli spoke his true words as the guilt started to stack up in Viressa's heart.

"I wish my mother and father cared half as much for me as your mother does for you." Eli sighed before smiling towards Viressa who showed complete remorse at her actions.

"You really made me out to be the villain." Viressa pouted and Eli's hearty laugh followed.

"No way! Instead I think of you as the righteous hero and myself as the wise damsel in your quest to conquer my heart." Eli unabashedly professed his likeness towards Viressa who blushed.

"We just met!" Viressa shireked though didn't push away.

"What? Isn't this like one of those stories? And if so, then shouldn't the classic love at first sight apply here as well?" Eli smiled, leaning in as Viressa became slightly entranced by his charm.

"VIRESSA! VIRRESSA WHERE ARE YOU!" Santino's voice shouted out since he also knew of Viressa's hiding spot.

"Who's that?" Eli frowned, seemingly a little jealous at hearing the masculine voice.

"My brother-wait what!" Viressa replied only to be shocked at the meaning of it.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Eli nodded only to have both her soft delicate hands pushed into his face away.

"You can't be here, he might misinterpret our interaction." Viressia hurriedly tried to push Eli farther away though the latter only raised a smile into a grin.

"Seems like something that would bend into my favor-ow!" Eli couldn't finish his charming words as Viressa started pinching him.

"Fine! Fine! But only if you meet me here tomorrow." Eli gave in but only on a condition.

"No my mother-"

"Then I guess I'm not leaving-"

"Fine, I'll come here tomorrow!" Viressa whispered in urgency while agreeing to Eli's demands.

"Viressa!" Santino pushed away some bushes to see Viressa flinch.

"It's not what it looks like!" Viressa assumed the worst and held up her hands.

"Really? Because it looks like my SISTER is hiding away in her usual spot." Santino's angry reprimand resounded though instead of being scared, Viressa who looked to her side in confusion.

Viressa should have seen Eli's grin yet his stupid smile had seemingly vanished with his figure causing her to become a little speechless.

"But he was just here-"

"Yeah, yeah, save the excuse for Aunty Antasa." Santio grabbed Viressa's collar as the latter dangled in the air with mass confusion.

After being dragged back to Antasa did she surprise her mom by being the first to apologize.

"Mom, I'm sorry for saying such hurtful things to you." Viressa bowed, causing Antasa to be shocked since she never apologized whenever she escaped.

"I'm just so tired of being caged up all the time and that's why I said what I said, I'm sorry." Viressa looked up as teary eyes showed themselves to her mother, Antasa seeing this had her angry front falter.

"Viressa I-"

"I know, I know you only want to protect me but you're starting to suffocate me as well." Viressa rubbed her delicate eyelashes as the tears streamed down her cheeks.


Antasa walked closer and took Viressa into her arms as the latter melted into her mother's embrace.

"My dear sweet Viressa, please don't cry." Antasa lightly kissed her daughter's head while trying to coo her.

"How about this, I'll let you go out for an hour a day if you promise, and I mean promise to come back when that hour ends." Antasa closed her eyes and spoke the words that would immediately cheer up Viressa.

"Really?" With hope, Viressa gazed up only to see a nod in affirmation.

"Yes really."

"You're the best mom! I love you so much!" Viressa exclaimed, her sad expression turned into that of excitement in a mere second as Antasa sighed again.

'I hope I'm doing the right thing.'

The next day

"And that's what happened!" Viressa excitedly told Eli who laid sideways on the smooth rock.

"I'm happy that you're now able to spend your whole hour away with me, each and every day." Eli smiled as Viressa rolled her eyes but didn't refute it.

"Whatever." Viressa crossed her arms as Eli chuckled.

These secret meetings between the two continued until two months later when their relationship would take the next step.



Viressa who had been dancing with Eli on the smooth stone suddenly slipped causing Eli to jump after her.

Clutching her into his arms, he held Viressa tightly before bracing impact as they collided with the ground.

They rolled for a little bit until Eli was above Viressa and the later blushing below him, their breaths sounded out before becoming intertwined as they gazed deeply into each other's eyes.

"Eli?" Viressa was the first one to break the serene silence but instead of answering, Eli leaned in.

Viressa, contrary to what many would believe, didn't cower at the advance but instead moved her head upwards whilst closing both eyes, and finally opening herself up to Eli's soft passionate kiss.

It was only momentary but it signaled the start of their romantic relationship for the next six months until they were finally caught.

"GET OFF OF MY SISTER!" Santino yelled out after wanting to check up on Viressa to see a foreign man on top of her.

"Santino wait-"


Santio didn't wait as a misconception formed in his mind which led him to tackling Eli who wasn't expecting a full on brawl to break out.

"VIRESSA IS UNDER ATTACK! MEN ASSIST ME!" Santino screamed to the distance only for a fury of shouts to follow.

"Urgh." Eli pinned under Santio, grunted in pain as his face became pushed into the ground.


"Santio what is it!"

The misunderstanding served to grow worse upon Santino's comrades barging into the enclosed space.

"Bring this man before the golden company's leader to be executed for daring to put his hands on Lady Viressa." Santino ordered his men who furiously turned to Eli who was being shoved face first into the ground.

"Ay!" They responded while grabbing the dazed Eli from their captain as Viressa tried to lunge at him.

"Viressa it's fine, your safe now-"


"YOU IDIOT!" Viressa screeched watching Eli being taken away.

"Viressa I don't understand-"

"He's not my assaulter! HE'S MY LOVER!" Viressa shouted, causing the men carrying Eli to suddenly halt along with Santino.


1 hour later

"WHAT!" Antasa, hearing the information from Santino, immediately rushed out of the room.


Huffing out a breath after barging a door open, she then saw her daughter holding a bruised Eli as she gently stroked his bruised cheek.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" Antasa screamed at Viressa though the latter stood firm.

"This is Eli, my lover, and the father of my unborn child." Viressa puffed out her chest as Antasa's facade crumbled from her daughter's words.



Both Eli and Antasa were surprised though each showed completely different expressions, Eli showed a wondrous smile and Antasa showed a horrified gaping frown.

"Let me explain."

1 hour later

Antasa, now sitting down gripping her forehead in distress, listened to her daughter's whole story which only served to make her feel even more dread.

"I wish our first meeting was under different circumstances-"

"Shut it."

"Yes ma'am."

Eli tried to be light hearted only to see Antasa's furious eyes peer into his soul causing his whole body to recoil.

Antasa wanted to get mad, in fact she was furious but how could she disapprove of an action she herself once did.

Antasa also defied her mother for love and it was the best thing that ever happened to her which is why she had trouble wanting to throw this out.

"Listen up." Antasa's words made both of them straighten up.

"You." Antasa pointed to Eli who flinched.

"You deviled my pure daughter so will take responsibility." Antasa's decision made them both overjoyed however she wasn't finished.

"Your name's Eli right? Well you're now going to join the golden company as a sellsword." Viressa raised her eyebrows in shock at this though Eli stopped her.

"Anything else?" Eli asked, avoiding Viressa pleading eyes.

"I will also train you to take over my duties since my daughter obviously doesn't want to." Antasa knew what kind of person Viressa was and also knew that she wouldn't fit the role of the leader of the golden company but Eli was different.

Antasa had an eye for spotting a good fighter from the bad, it was why she could be successful behind the desk while bringing in so many talents into the company and when she looked at Eli, she saw a shining sun.

"Very well, I accept if it means I can be with Viressa." Eli agreed since the only thing he had in this life worth fighting for was Viressa.

"Your training will start tomorrow." Antasa frowned though, gave Eli his first order and walked out of the room the two love birds would start to share.


"It's fine." Eli buried his head onto Viressa's shoulder with a slight chuckle.

"Believe it or not but I'm actually a good fighter, your brother just caught me a little off guard that's all." Eli lightly pecked at Viressa's neck though she still seemed to be unconvinced.

"Whaaaaaat? You don't believe me." Eli playfully said though Viressa's expression held firm.

Eli didn't really resemble what Viressa imagined a warrior to be as instead of hulking and brutish.

Eli was thin and elegant which contrasted the entirety of her opinion leading to the apprehensive expression.

"It's true!"

"Uh huh!"

"I'm serious!"

The next day

"Good morning mother-woah!" Eli cheerfully opened Antasa's office only to have a knife thrown at his neck in a response.

"That could've killed me!" Eli exclaimed, looking at the culprit who wasn't his soon to be mother-in-law but instead Santino, still displeased at the prospect of his sister's lover.

"Aunty, how could you allow such a weak man to be Viressa's husband." Santino complained, since to him he didn't seem even the least but worthy of the position of being his sister's husband.

"Oh? Why don't we have a rematch and I'll show you why you got lucky last time." Eli smirked, taunting the pirate only for it to work as Santino eagerly stepped forward.

"I know I really shouldn't mess up that pretty face of yours but I'm gonna do it anyways." Santino sized up Eli who didn't back down in the slightest.

"Really? You really think I'm pretty?" Eli's asked in the form of a question yet his face only seemed to taunt Snatino further resulting in the pirate becoming livid.


"Santino." Antasa's low voice rang from the side as Santio pulled back upon her command.

"Let this be your introduction into the golden company" Antasa gestured to the confident Eli who bowed.

"And Santino, don't hold back." Antasa side-eyed Santino who smiled in response.


"Don't worry Aunty, I won't." Santio cracked his knuckles wanting to ruthlessly pound that arrogant smile off of Eli.

"Let the best man win." Eli bowed slightly.

Outside in the courtyard, a massive crowd formed over second hand whispers of the arrival of the man who would take Lady Viressa's hand.

Curiosity was the main stage of the fight rather than the sword clash itself as many of the sellswords wondered what kind of man he truly was.

Was he an abdominal warrior? Was he a giant like her father? Was he from a very noble house that paid their way into the family?

Many upon many theories echoed from these eager sellsword's mouths only to have a bucket of cold water splashed onto them when they saw Eli.

"That's Lady Viressa's fiance?"

"He doesn't look like much?"

These became the countless staples that hung all around Eli's first appearance into the eyes of the golden company.

Eli had some definition to him but instead of the hulking muscles they expected, he was slim.

Instead of being comparable to a giant like her father, he was barely above average in terms of height.

If anything, his main feature that drew the most eyes was his face but more importantly that cheeky smile that appeared like it would never fade away even with the sands of time.

"Are you sure you don't want to surrender now? These types of fights can really ruin your nails?" Santino's blatant insult was immediately met with a resounding mocking laughter however Eli seemed to relish in it.

"It really warms my heart to see my future brother-in-law already caring so much about me even before I put a ring onto your sister's finger." The laughter immediately drowned out into silence upon seeing not Eli's expression, but Santino's.

"HOW CAN I LET SUCH A WEAK MAN PROTECT MY SISTER!" With Santino's proclamation, he rushed forth bearing hsi curved sword.

Nearing Eli, he pivoted his foot onto the ground with the intention of digging the sharp steel into his flesh yet it only seemed to cut the air.

"Poor form." Eli frowned, easily moving out of the way.

"Tighten your buttocks when you swing." Eli instructed, patting his thin sword against Santino's glutes.

Santino didn't respond and swung his sword horizontally though stopped mid-way with his ture intentions being to charge at it.


"Nice faint."


However much to his and everyone's shock, Eli's knee had burrowed itself into Santino's abdomen while forcing all the remaining stored up oxygen to pour out.

Breathless, Santino still tried to attack though his movement lacked the tenacity seen before as Eli simply blocked it with his.


"Give up? I assure you that you will only embarrass yourself even more." Eli warned though realized it was useless after staring into the bloodshot eyes of Santino.



ELi sighed with regret, easily ducking out of the way of a predictable swing before elbowing Santino in the side.

No air to extinguish, Santino was left stunned as Eli dropped down to the floor while swiping his legs against his.

The world seemed to turn upside down until Santino realized that he had ended up on the ground with Eli standing above him with that trademark cheeky smile.

"Do you surrender?" Eli playfully asked, his sword perfectly positioned against Santio's throat under the complete silence of the crowd.

At least everyone except one particular figure who made sure to rub it in everyone's face while screaming at the top of her lungs.

"WOAH! THAT'S MY ELI!" Viressa squealed in joy at seeing Eli clearly victorious in this bout.

"I.......I surrender." Santino ducked his head in shame but instead of rubbing it in, Eli stuck out his hand.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot but I hope that we can one day call each other comrades." Eli smiled as Santino gazed up at this figure which seemed to shine against the sun.

"A-Alright." Santio clasped his hand signaling the crowd of onlookers to cheer.

"The victor is Eli!" The announcer flinched and announced causing the crowd to rile up even more.

Antasa crossed her arms to the side while leaning on a post a ways away from the courtyard.

Antasa instead of a displeased look, she cracked a small smile which would make any of her employee's gasp since she never smiled for anyone else except her family.

'At least he can fight for what he loves.'

9 months later

"Push Lady Viress-"

"SHUT THE F*CK UP!" Viressa furiously shouted at her wet nurse as a gust of wind started to gather.

"Virressa." A soft whisper sounded in her ear causing the wind to immediately die down upon hearing Eli's sweet and tender voice.

"It hurts~" Virressa whined as Eli touched his forehead against hers.

"I know my love but you must push through it, for our child." Eli was deeply troubled from the countless pain riddled cries of Viressa; however it was necessary for the birth of their union.

"Darling you must push!" Antasa urged her from the other side and like clockwork, she instinctively pushed.



'THAT'S HOW I DIED! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Rex, still in a trance from his cowardly death, wasn't even paying attention to his new surroundings or rather new body.

Virressa's skin paled even more as she collapsed back into Eli's arms though both their gazes weren't on each other but on the crying baby in front of them.

"It's a boy." The wet nurse joyfully announced as smiles highlighted their faces.

"L-Let me hold him." Viressa, a little teary eyed, held out her hands as the wet nurse immediately compiled.

"He's beautiful, you did great my love." Eli lightly kissed Viressa who continued to stare at Rex with immense love.

Contrary to his old appearance, Rex now had pure white hair and purple eyes resembling his mother yet his skin matched perfectly with Eli's.

"He's a big boy." Antasa chimed in as she only seemed to see Maelys in the baby in front of her.

Though there were no growths, she could tell one day his figure would resemble her beloved and that overjoyed Antasa.


"I really pushed this thing out of me." Viressa quipped, causing the two on both her sides to laugh.

'Wait what?' Rex opened his previously crying eyes to see an immensely beautiful woman that seemed to resemble a goddess before him.

"He doesn't get that from me." Eli joined in as Rex turned his sights to his father only to be shocked.

'Is everyone in the afterlife so good looking?' Rex questioned only to be surprised at another good looking woman in the form of his new grandmother.

"What will you name him mother-in-law?" Eli inquired since they both promised that Antasa would name him.

Viressa relinquished her hold on Rex while handing her to Antasa who gently caressed his head.

"Aegon, Aegon Blackfyre." Antasa's words shook the two parents to their core since his name alone could start a war.

'What kind of name is Aegon?' Rex now Aegon thought since he had never seen Game of Thrones and went off the previous naming logic of earth.

"Heir to the Blackfyre name and the rightful heir to the iron throne."

'The what?'