
GoT: The Crimson Wolf

"Boy." A strong hand grabbed my shoulder as I as opened the door. I looked up and saw the face of a middle aged man, well into his life but still strong from his early years of fighting. The man's weathered, weary face was made more intimidating by his well trimmed beard. His wavy black hair, similar to my own, was kept to the length of his shoulders. "Do you want something Lord Stark?"

Jasmine_Oreno · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 5: Emotional Manipulation

When Edd finally arrived at Jon's bed at nightfall, the first thing he noticed was the boy's eyes. They had changed from their grey Stark color into a far more intimidating fierce yellow.

When the boy looked up to meet his father's eyes Edd felt a strange sense of familiarity that he had almost forgotten. Jon Snow really was Lyanna's son, there was no doubt about it. Even the Targaryen blood in him couldn't change that.

"Are you feeling alright?" Eddard said as he sat down next to Jon. "You haven't lost your sight have you?"

"No. My mother didn't accompany you did she?" Jon said as he turned his head to look behind the tall figure of his father.

"No. But it's best that she didn't. You don't know how angry she was when maester Luwin mentioned who your actual mother might be."

Jon chuckled. "Oh I can imagine. She goes crazy whenever she's reminded I didn't come out of her womb. Why do you think I constantly call her mother?"

Although Eddard knew that Jon called Lady Catelyn mother to make her think of him as her actual son, it still unnerved him. Jon had never called Edd, the person who cared about him the most, his father. Jon only called him by his title, Lord Stark.

In the same sense, Jon never called any of his siblings his brother or sister, merely addressing them by their name. The only person that Jon bothered to call by anything other than their name or title was Lady Catelyn.

It truly was sad, seeing his nephew try to get any affection from his adoptive mother to little reward. The most affection Jon had ever gotten was a kiss on the forehead, and even that was awkward and forced.

Still, Jon's hard work wasn't for nothing. He managed to get a highborn education and training suited for a future lord. He had access to hundreds of expensive and ancient books. He had the opportunity to learn from several great masters of the sword.

Whether it be horse riding or sewing, Jon had learned from the best. And the boy had made full use of the advantages granted to him by Lady Catelyn. Jon spent almost every single hour of his day doing something productive, there was never a time where he was lazy or resting, a quality Edd failed to find in his own children.

And that was probably why Lady Catelyn eventually became more accepting of Edd's bastard son. He was simply too great of a person to dislike, even if she had hated him originally. There was no way she could yell at the face of a sweet child who spent all his life trying to make her love him, it just wasn't possible.

Still, every so often the weak illusion Jon had casted over Catelyn would break. Unfortunately for Edd, it seemed this was the final straw. Catelyn couldn't bring herself to truly love his nephew as her son.

Lady Catelyn seemed dead set on kicking Jon Snow out of Winterfell, even if she had to force Edd's hand.

"Your mother..." Eddard sighed. How was he going to explain this?

"She wants me to join the Night's Watch? Or does she want me to be a squire to some random knight?" Jon didn't seem mad, and if he was, he didn't show it.

"You don't care?" Eddard said with a surprised tone. For a boy who tried so hard to become part of the Stark family, it was quite strange that he didn't seem to care about being sent away.

"I always knew mother wanted to kick me out. The only reason she hasn't is because of you Lord Stark, but that isn't the case anymore." A sad smile spread on the boy's face.

"I won't send you away Jon. You're my son, I would do such a thing." Edd said as he grabbed his son's hands and looked him square in the eyes. "Look at me Jon. I will not make you leave Winterfell. No matter what Cate says."

"It's fine Lord Stark. Winterfell is not my home. I was born in the south. I belong in the south." Water began to pool in Jon's yellow eyes. "It's best if I just go become a squire in the Reach or the Westerlands."

Edd felt his heart tearing into pieces. His nephew had tried so hard to fit in. Put so much effort to be loved. Just to feel like an outcast in his rightful home.

"Jon, you're just a boy. I can't possibly send you west. What if you get hurt? It's better to stay in Winterfell where it's safe."

"No." Jon quietly whispered as brushed away at the tears falling from his eyes. "Lady Catelyn hates me. My siblings take after her. Everyone looks down on me, even the common folk. I can always hear them, what they say about me and my mother."

"Why should I even stay here? No one likes me. I'm not even considered an actual family member. There isn't a family name I need to uphold, no land for me to govern. Why am I here?"

Eddard Stark struggled to say anything, only coming up with a sad sigh. It was true. There was no reason for Jon Snow to stay in Winterfell. The only real reason why he was still here was because of him, Edd. It was his own selfish desire of fulfilling Lyanna's request that forced Jon to stay at Winterfell, even if it was hurting him.

Jon served no other purpose in Winterfell. As of now, he was just a boy, barely 12 years of age. He wasn't in line to rule Winterfell and he wasn't capable of replacing the master at arms yet.

It was a waste to have him here, and it was only hurting him. What would happen if Cate suddenly went into a rage and hurt his son? What if his elder brother decided Jon posed to much of a threat and decided to kill him in his sleep?

I'm planning to have Jon to the south before heading east to learn more about magic.

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