The 12 Players of the Angelarium has a build of different aspects and dominions. As each player in the real world specializes on different fields, though the MC will never know what the Players' real jobs are, he could only guess based on their builds and titles.
A religion will be born in the far future, in honor of the Clan of which he belonged. It will be called the Angelarium or the 12 Faiths of the New Dawn.
[Remiel] aka Remi
The Goddess of Burning Desire 🔥
[Zophiel] aka Sophie
The Goddess of Brilliant Mind 🛠️
[Auriel] aka Aura
The Goddess of Humble Earth 🌱
[Bueriel] aka Buen
The Goddess of Indulgent Nature 🌼
[Hannael] aka Ana
The Goddess of Gentle Breeze 🍃
[Xandriel] aka Cassandra
The Goddess of Piercing Justice 🗡️
[Sereniel] aka Serena
The Goddess of Supple Waters 🌊
[Charmiel] aka Charlotte
The Goddess of Charming Illusions 💕
[Seraphiel] aka Sera
The Goddess of Kindled Light ☀️
[Zephaniel] aka Stephanie
The Goddess of Worldly Wisdom 📜
[Lauriel] aka Laura
The Goddess of Tender Melodies 🎶
[Moniel] aka Monique
The Goddess of Mystical Magic 🔮