
My Queen


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After waking up I find 50 Spartan men readying there horses, "Spartans today we ride"

"AWOOO AWOOO AWOOO" That will never get old.

I walk to the commanders tent where I see warden and 4 royal guards I turn to the royal guards and I look at three of them they have there spears in the ground pointing up with there helmet under there arm. "go and get the men ready for travel" "yes your majesty". As there leaving I turn to the remaining guard "You will stay here and lead the remaining soldiers in my absence have them prepare for a siege on Valysar" "Yes my liege".

I turn towards warden "When we get back we will be busy." "Your majesty. I do have to ask what are your goals for this world?" I look at home and put a serious expression on my face "I will spread the name Sparta and conquer the world." He starts laughing and gets on 1 knee puts his sword above his head. I realize what he's doing I unsheathed my sword " In the name of the warrior, I taught you how to be brave, In name of the father I taught you to be just, In the name of the mother I taught you to protect the innocent, ARISE WARDEN A knight of Sparta.

"Your majesty I swear to purge the world of those who appose you and I swear to spread the name of Kaius The King Of Sparta!"

We start to walk to our horse to get ready to ride to Pentos. As we start our journey I can't help but feel excited.

(4 Days later)

Daenerys Targaryen POV.

I am sitting next to khal Drogo he scares me I don't want to marry him but my brother is making me. I then see some people bringing gifts first a white man that looks like a knight I ask his name he says Sir Jorah Mormont. I thank him and he hand me some books and journals from Westeros, I then see Illyrio Mopatis, "my queen these are dragon eggs that have turned to stone over time." I thank him and feel a strange connection to the eggs.

After starring at them for a minute Khal Drogo grabs my arm I scream and pull away and fall down, my brother notices and was about slap me when we all heard a deep, strong, majestic and STOICK voice (if you know you know).


Kaius King Of Sparta POV.

"Looks like I arrived right on time" I start laughing. Khal Drogo stands up and says "Fin goes rekke?" (Who goes there) I turn towards a fat man if I remember correctly he is Illyrio Mopatis I then tell him to translate " the Khal said who goes there".

As I was about to respond, Warden steps forward "Yeri ARE she THE PRESENCE ki KAIUS THE khal ki SPARTA, THE CONQUER ki WORLDS" (YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF KAIUS THE KING OF SPARTA, THE CONQUER OF WORLDS) Warden yells. I then look at warden. "Why are you able to Speak Dothraki". he turns and "The moment I was summoned here I immediately knew all languages of this world" he states.

Wow well that's awfully convenient I thought. Anyways back to the issue at hand.

I turn towards Daenerys and smile and say " My queen I have come to free you and help you conquer the 7 kingdoms"

She was still on the ground so I walk towards her and extend my hand she smiles and was about to grab it when I here a annoying voice that when I heard him I wanted to torture him in the worst way possible.

"Kneel before the rightful king" Viserys says with a annoying tone.

I turn towards him and and scoffed "you see the idea of kneeling well that's a problem, You are no more than a mere ant in my presence." I turn back towards Daenerys and extend my hand once more. "Thank you" when Viserys heard her say this he started fuming " how dare you you are just a horse whore how dare you thank him." When Daenerys heard him start yelling at her she started to shake I turn towards her and smile then turn back towards Viserys and punch him as hard as I can once my fist connected with his face I heard cracking noises, once I hit him he flys back 6 feet and lands on the ground blood gushing out of his nose and mouth. I saw dany start looking around and held my hand tighter.

I look towards where Khal Drogo is and smile.

"Do you trust me my queen" I say while looking at her she starts to slowly nod I then walk her towards Warden "Warden protect her with your life, tell the khal that we will have a sacred duel between khal and king to the death" Warden nods and begins to speak.

"Khal Drogo tih khal Wishes to hash a sacred vilajero ki khal Vrs khal. Unless yeri scared!" (Khal Drogo my King wishes to have a sacred battle of Khal vrs King. Unless your scared!)

"Anha am scared ki no false khal" Drogo yells

(I am scared of no false king).

I start to take all my armor off till I'm left with just my loin clothing lift my spear and throw it away. Khal advanced towards me pulls out his arakhs and lifts his arms in the air " aahhhhhhhhhhh" he screams and all the 80,000 Dothraki around us start chanting for there Khal.



Hahahaha all the Dothraki chants stopped I then run towards the Drogo.

He swings his blade I slide under it then stand up he composes his self and we start circling each other I see dany behind him she looks scared so I smile towards her, he see's I'm distracted and swings towards me I dodge his first swing and swing a right hook right into his kidney, He slides back 4 feet and takes a knee and starts coughing up blood.

I turn and look at my Spartans "SPARTANS PREPARE FOR GLORY!!" I scream.


I turn back towards Drogo who is now standing on his feet but wobbling he starts to run towards me he swings he misses and I grab his hand "CRACK" I crush his fingers he drops his blade I pick it up I stab him in the chest and pull out the blade he falls to his knees his head slouched over I bring the blade over my head and bring it down with all my might and cut his head off. I drop the blade and walk to my armor to put it back on, before I could get there the Khals blood riders run towards me, before I could turn around and face them Warden takes off towards me in the blink of a eye and cuts off all 5 of there heads. I turn towards the Khalasar and scream "All slaves are now free, There's no room for softness… not in Sparta. No place for weakness. Only the hard and strong may call themselves Spartans. Only the hard, only the strong." We start waking out of the khalasar with Dany, Warden, 3 royal guards 50 Spartan warriors and roughly 8000 free men ,women and children.

Author here hope y'all liked.