Quentyn is sent back after his death in Meereen...but someone else inhabits his body. Two years before the events of AGOT, the new Quentyn Martell will have to navigate the treacherous landscape of Dornish politics and push himself forwards if he's to avoid the same fate he did in Meereen, and make the Sunshine over Westeros. ______________________ patreon.com/MoonLight18
"When the sun reaches its zenith, Robb!" he straightened up. "And I'll send you to your brothers!"
"And I'll send you to your uncle in the seven hells with the rest of your line of murderers!"
Without another word, the king slipped out to get ready. Rickard did try to reason with him, to convince him that Winterfell was going to fall in a matter of days, but it was no use. King Robb wanted to end the Turncloak with his own blade. And frankly…Rickard Karstark understood.
Indeed, did he not get vengeance for his sons with his own blade himself, by slaughtering the Kingslayer underneath the walls of Winterfell? Did Dacey Mormont not cave Gawen Westerling's chest in after he slew her mother?
Did Cley Cerwyn not hack Roland Crakehall to pieces after he had killed his father with his lance? He could understand the desire to avenge his kin, his fallen brothers.
And so, Rickard Karstark sighed and let the king go on. And that is why not a single voice was raised against the king's wishes.
King Robb came forth and placed his hand on Rickard's shoulder.
"Do not fear, Lord Karstark." He smiled. "The traitor has never bested me in combat before, it will not change today."
"I believe you, your grace." Rickard nodded with a smile. "I have seen your prowess in battle. The turncloak is no better than a common reaver. You shall slaughter him, just like Umber slaughtered his uncle."
King Robb smiled back and nodded.
"If the Turncloak tries anything stupid, like riding out with a horse or in full plate armor." The king did whisper to him.
"Kill Lady Asha. In front of him. I believe that I have made my point very clear and I do not wish to be taken for a fool more than I already have."
Rickard nodded and had two men bring the Greyjoy bitch a little closer to the fortress, just out of sight of the men. It would give them some ideas they might regret later on.
Fortunately, the Turncloak seemed to have a shred of honor left in him. He walked out of the gate with no armor, only armed with a sword and shield. The king came to face him, similarly armed. However, Rickard could feel that something wasn't right.
The Turncloak was advancing slowly, and he felt that the distance between him and the king was increasing, while the Turncloak was only taking small steps towards them, and stayed relatively close to the battlements.
He dismissed these concerns as the Turncloak shitting himself with every step. However, he suddenly heard the Greyjoy traitor shout.
And suddenly Rickard's heart stopped.
The sky darkened with arrows shot from the battlements, and to his horror, they were all well aimed at the king.
For a moment, time stopped and the world went deadly silent. One arrow found its mark. Then two. Then three. Four. Five. Six.
"NO!" Lady Mormont shouted. "YOU BASTARD!"
The king's body fell to the ground, with another volley of arrows flying towards him. These were much less accurate, but one or two found their mark.
"FUCK YOU!" the turncloak chanted while raising his sword in the air. "I KILLED YOUR KING! I AM THE WOLF SLAYER! THE STARK LINE ENDS AT MY HANDS!"
Quickly, a few horsemen led by Lady Mormont and Lord Cerwyn rushed to the king's aid, braving the third flight of arrows coming straight for them. Rickard didn't even pay attention to the Turncloak's jeers and taunts as he rushed to the king's side.
The king had been turned into a hedgehog…a bloody one. His heart sank, but…the king…he was alive! He was coughing blood while the Greatjon's voice boomed, yelling to grab a maester.
The king was alive. He was still alive.
Suddenly, the king grabbed Rickard by his furs and brought him towards his face, which had been spared despite his mouth being full of blood.
"Kill…her…" he whispered.
Suddenly, Rickard Karstark felt reinvigorated. He rushed forwards, unsheathed his greatsword and brandished it at the Turncloak, who was dancing as if he were drunk off his arse.
Three men clad in Karstark colors suddenly broke the crowd, bringing a rattled Asha Greyjoy. One of them had even taken the initiative of bringing an execution bloc. How kind.
Suddenly, the Turncloak's smile fell, while his men set up the Greyjoy bitch on the bloc.
"Any last words?" he asked her, almost kindly, yet his voice filled with hate. "Do say thank you to your brother for this if you wish. He will be joining you soon enough."
"WHAT IS DEAD MAY NEVER DIE!" Asha Greyjoy instead roared at the top of her lungs.
"Poor choice of words." Rickard sighed and lifted his greatsword. It fell quickly and severed the Turncloak's sister's head clean off.
Enraged, Rickard took the head by the hair and flew it straight at the Turncloak, who still had no idea what had happened, only sparing a quick look at her sister's head, before running back into the castle.
Indeed, the king's direwolf had launched itself at the Turncloak's pursuit. However, it came too late as the Greyjoy bastard, slippery squid as he was, managed to run back to the castle right on time.
His initial rage contained, Rickard Karstark kicked the bloc off of the Greyjoy girl's body, leaving it to rot in front of the castle, and rushed straight back to the tent where the king had been brought.
For what felt like hours, at least a dozen maesters would go to attend the king, with Rickard pacing outside the room along with the Greatjon.
"We should never have sent the lad." The Greatjon shook his head, his voice was solemn.
"What could we do?" Lady Mormont was clearly holding back tears. "He would have overruled us. He was already disappointed that he didn't get to kill Victarion, and his brothers' murderer was right there."
"We should have known it was a trap." Lord Rodrik Ryswell's voice rose now.
"Aye, I agree." Cley Cerwyn nodded. "We never should've trusted any word coming out of the squid's mouth."
A mumble of agreement rose in the tent, which now hosted a good dozen men, all eager to know if their king was going to make it. However, the mood was bleak, and no one had any jeers to bring down this atmosphere.
"Let's pray to the Old Gods that our king pulls through." Morgan Liddle sighed. "He led us so far and brought us so many victories. He's a tough man, I'm sure he'll pull through."
"He's Ned's son and Rickard's grandson." The Greatjon nodded back. "Good men. Tough men. Led us through some of our darkest times. But even they were mortal."
Suddenly, a flurry of maesters exited the room, with the head maester, that of Cerwyn, addressing the entire room of lords.
"My lords, his grace is under a lot of pain." The maester confessed. "However, we have administered milk of the poppy and he wishes to receive Lord Umber, Lord Karstark, Lord Ryswell, Lady Mormont and Lord Cerwyn."
Rickard stood up, quickly followed by the Greatjon, Rodrik Ryswell, Dacey Mormont and Cley Cerwyn. They shuffled into the small makeshift room under the heavy glares of the rest of the assembly.
Two maesters were standing guard over the king, who was white as a sheet and covered in bandages. He dismissed every maester bar Lord Cerwyn's, who stayed at his side on a small chair.
"My leal lords…" the king coughed blood.
"You're alive…" Lady Mormont breathed a sigh of relief.
"Don't be too hasty, Dacey." The king coughed once more.
"His grace has been wounded no less than twelve times. We did our best but…" the maester sighed, bowing his head. "We can only delay his passing. He lost too much blood and will not live for much longer. His grace requested your presence in his last moments. I am sorry."
"No…" the Greatjon quickly rushed to the king's side, nearly running into the massive direwolf Rickard hadn't noticed was close to the bed, whimpering. "No, your grace…you cannot die…not now."
"I'm afraid that it is so." The king replied. "I was foolish, my lords. You were right. A foolish boy blinded by a desire for revenge…"
"You did what any of us would've done." Cley Cerwyn spoke up, earning nods from everyone, even Lord Ryswell.
"You are our king." Rickard nodded. "Now and forever."
He bent the knee, quickly followed by every member of the assembly.
"Just…tell my sisters that I'm sorry. When you go back south and help our allies get rid of the Lannisters once and for all…tell them I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help them." The king sighed, his hands trembling as he reached for his direwolf's face.
The direwolf quickly stood up and stuck out his tongue, whining as it lapped at his master's hand.
The king smiled for a moment, with the maester doing his best so that the bandages all over his body wouldn't break.
"I wished…I could have been there for all of you." The king sighed. "I have let you down one final time, my lords. Just like at the Golden Tooth."
"No, Robb." Dacey Mormont spoke up. "You never let us down. Not once. You gave us hope even when the odds were stacked against us. You gave us our greatest victories, our finest hours as northmen. I promise you; you did not let us down."
"Your grace…" Rickard whispered. "You have guided us through the darkest times. As Lady Mormont has said, you gave us our finest hours as Northmen, even if it meant that we all had to sacrifice something. We will never forget you. Tomorrow, we shall storm Winterfell and put the traitor to the sword."
"No…" the king coughed. "Only a Stark can serve justice for that traitor. My brother…Jon."
"You wish for us to save the traitor for your brother?" Lord Ryswell asked.
The king nodded.
"As my dying wish, please…" the king almost pleaded. "I don't care whether the castle falls tomorrow or in a year, but my brother has to serve justice to the traitor. Promise me…that you'll serve him as loyally as you served me."
"We will, your grace." The Greatjon vigorously nodded. "I promise you that we will drag your brother out of the Watch, kicking and screaming if needs be."
The king chuckled, although his voice was clearly fading by this point, with small streams of blood stemming from his shoulder and torso.
"I'm sure you all will do fine." The king slowly whispered, his strength leaving him. "It has been a privilege to be your king…"
Then, the king stopped talking. Suddenly, the room went completely silent.
The massive direwolf whimpered as he tried to wake its master up, while the maester scurried for any sound of life.
Before the latter could say anything, the direwolf quickly abandoned his efforts at poking and licking the king's face. Instead, he threw his head to the sky and emitted the most dreadful sound Rickard has ever heard. A howl of despair.
It was the hour of the wolf. And the King in the North was dead.
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