
Got lost in a another Universe (Dropped)

After leaving Shimotsuki village to become the Strongest Swordsman Zoro finds a particular, black hole and when Zoro came in contact with the hole he suddenly vanishes out of nowhere and reappeared in some unknown building, What will Zoro do does he stay here and become the strongest swordsman or does he leave and go back to his homeworld.

Thief_0982 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Got Lost In a Another World [Rewrite]

Chapter 1 Got lost in a another universe [Rewrite]

In Shimotsuki Village in the Graveyard, we see a fifteen-year-old with bright green hair praying to someone named Kuina Shimotsuki.

'So you're now leaving.

Looking at his master smiling and bowing to him ' Yes I'm gonna fulfill our promise I am now leaving master Shimotsuki.

'Good now leave I'm always gonna be proud of you Zoro.

After his master said that Zoro left.

Its been six months since he left Shimotsuki village, his is in a place called log town the area of beginning and end.

After his recent fight his two swords broke so he needed two more swords since his Loguetown why not go there maybe some good swords are there.

And here he was Yubashiri store the best store in Loguetown as he was about to enter he saw a petite girl with blue hair getting bullied grabbing his sword to prepare to help the girl out.

As the big bull guy was about to attack the girl she knocked him out with her shinai " " What mastery " " Zoro thought.

After that display of strength, Zoro turned to his back and entered the shop.



'Ugh, Looking at the man who knocked her out she said ' You gotta pay for that.

Looking at her Zoro smugly looked at her as if she were an inferior being Zoro took his pouch and said 'How much, The pouch was about to explode with so much money, Zoro never cared about money but seeing the looked of inferiority sometimes make Zoro happy.

'So how much is it.

'About 15-20 gold coins.

Zoro gave her the 20 coins

He goes to the counter and sees an old man sleeping

Poking the old 'Hey old man I wanna buy the best sword.

'That side, the old man pointed to the left side of Zoro's back.

'Hmm, I like this, pulling out a black sword and some red stripes.

'WOW, that's the shusui on of the great twenty-one sword of the Wado zono.

'You shouldn't buy that, that sword is cursed every user that had wielded it died a horrible way.

'A cursed sword huh, well let us try this with my luck, throwing the sword in the air spinning around his armed and simply sliding through him.

'Hahaha, It's very rare to see a genuine swordsman around all them just chicken out now since out outreach my expectation.

'Honey give me that sword.

'But honey that your family heirloom.

'Nah I'll give it to him since it's rotting in here.

'This is enma one of the twenty-one great swords in Wado zono.

After leaving with both swords for free Zoro truly felt like a lucky man.

Getting to his Luffy size boat and leaving.

Three hours later.

'I should be near there.




" " My arm hurt my chess hurt my balls hurt " "

Three hours later

" " I've been drowning here for how long now damn I'm going to die here without even fulfilling my promises to here " "

'Such desire.

'Wh-who are you.

'Ho, you can hear me you truly are special.

Suddenly the place around turned black and he saw a big humanoid white guy.

'Ho, you've even entered my dimension.

'Well, I'm good at direction.

'Hohohoho, Since you made my day I'll grant you a wish.

'Revive Kuina.

'That's not logical it would panic the public and try to experiment.

'Then don't let kuina fall down on the stairs.

'That's not also possible you may be in a parallel universe I can but not here your time is always moving it is not possible to go back time.

'Then revive me back to my world.

'That's not also possible the gods there already consider you dead if you revive back they'll kill you.

'Then how am I supposed to fulfill my promise if I'm in another world.

'You fool, a promise is from the heart if you fulfill it you completed it you fulfilled your promise. the god said passionately.

'Ok since your so passionate reborn me.

That's how Zoro got lost to a dimension and got reincarnated by a bored passionate got.

thief out by.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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