
Got lost in a another Universe (Dropped)

After leaving Shimotsuki village to become the Strongest Swordsman Zoro finds a particular, black hole and when Zoro came in contact with the hole he suddenly vanishes out of nowhere and reappeared in some unknown building, What will Zoro do does he stay here and become the strongest swordsman or does he leave and go back to his homeworld.

Thief_0982 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

#Timeskip no justu#

'did you hear about that hunter' a scared pitiful devil said.

'You mean the flash god why are you looking so scared' a cocky smirk on the devil's face.

'No it's the three-way hunter' the devil replied with a scarred face.

'what that hunter guy with green hair with three golden pierces. You mean that hunter' A scared face on the devil's face.

Heavens Realm

'Than behemoth killed one of our sisters again' A beautiful girl said.

'Now now sister she was going to fall anyway so it was inevitable a calm voice said the angel.

'But.but.but she was still was one of our sisters, a frustrated angel said.

Head base of the hero faction.

'That god damn three-way bitch again destroyed one of our bases again' a frustrated voice came out of cao cao voice.


Sigh" Maybe I should accept that offer. he touched his trusted sword 'kuina'

'George this is my last mission and I'm done with being a mercenary.

'What Zoro you're one of the best mercenaries. George knew that this day would come but he couldn't help say so.

'So George what's the mission'

Sigh'Lately the yokai clan has been getting kidnapped and some died, so your mission is to take back the yokai members and exterminate the culprit. George sigh

Hmm'Youve been sighing a lot lately what's happening.

'It's a kid' sigh

'what you knock some chick or something'

'nono his the same age as but he's not the person type and don't get along with people' hai rubbing his eyes.

'So you got a clue where to go'

'The church'

'Okay bye'

[A/N: Ok I rush it so bye


Thief out.

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