
GoT: Giant Falcon

Arryns: As High as Honor Altair: OUR ONLY DISHONOUR IS IN FAILURE. Once in a century event on earth leads to the soul of a formidable Doctor (in making) reincarnating into the heart of Westeros. A land steeped in honor, tradition, and treachery. But this time, destiny takes an unexpected turn. The soul that awakens belongs not to a noble knight or a chivalrous lord, but to a man forged in the crucible of ice and fire. In “Giant Falcon” the game of thrones takes a chilling turn. The most honorable house becomes the harbinger of change, and the echoes of Altair’s bloody footsteps reverberate through the annals of Westeros FYI MC not a good person, period. Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure and Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment A/N: I don’t own the rights of this novel or the characters of the Series. This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~

Fanficstein · TV
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


While eating dinner, I was analyzing what happened just a few moments ago. As soon as I touched the meatball, I got all the biological information about the lamb from its DNA cellular, structure to the inner workings and details of its brain.

I was able to see the information which was known in modern science and things that are not even discovered by modern Medical research. I also had power or organic matter inside the meatball. I could change the DNA of the lamb present in the meat, strip nutrients or basic biological building from meatballs, etc.

I understood that my cosmic energy manifested in reference to my obsession with biology and medicine. I have biokinetic powers with an innate understanding of the touched subject, and the ability to modify, the biology of any living organism I


This power if used properly can be used to achieve practical immortality of the body as my soul is already immortal due to accumulated cosmic energy. It also helps me solve the most imminent problem of a weak body and lack of raw power.

When you have overwhelming power you can ignore opponents' techniques, schemes, strategies and plots. Now, with enough accumulation and experimentation, I can choose to play the game, rearrange the board before a loss or flip the board entirely.

Now while I was eating, I was also rearranging all the biomass available in meatballs to enhance my body. I was slowly absorbing nutrients in the food to rapidly produce muscle tissues to enhance my muscles. I started by strengthening the muscles and tissues in my respiratory and circulatory systems. I had to carefully maintain balance while enhancing myself.

I cannot strengthen the muscles and lignin of my heart without strengthening my blood vessels or they would rupture. Also, if I modify the size of my heart I need to produce more blood or else it can create an air cavity in my heart leading to a heart attack.

The same goes for muscles around the lungs, the size of the lungs and airways in the body. The human body is a very complex machine balanced on a very delicate equilibrium. The slightest push can cause things to go very bad. On the other hand, it is also very resilient in itself, with a very high adaptability.

However, this was no problem for my newfound understanding of the human body from my powers. I devoured the meatballs to show the outside world I was eating but as soon as it entered my mouth I dissolved it into essential building blocks for the body.

Everyone in the hall was eating quickly to escape the awkward atmosphere. Still, I finished before anyone could. However, before asking for more I enhanced and developed throat muscles and voice box in my throat. I shouted with a deep booming and coherent voice " Maids bring me more meat" as they were about to follow my order. My father stopped them and said, "You had a full serving, you should not eat too much meat and you should finish everything in your bowl".

I flung my bowl filled with broth across the hall splattering broth everywhere while I looked at the maids who stopped at his commands as I spoke to them in a cold voice. " I will not repeal myself the third time. Bring me more meat or I shall dine upon your flesh and blood". They were frozen at my haunting words and as the bowl hit the floor with a crisp sound they shivered and scurried to bring more meat. The whole great hall was shocked once again at my evil threats and cannibalistic remarks.

As the maids were about to place another bowl filled with meat at my table. My father stopped them, " you will learn some discipline and honour before you get any of your demands" he said. As my psychopathic nature was controlled by taking maesters eyes, I thought rationality that if I kept saying the same thing, it would look like a child's tantrum. So I said " If the lord paramount of Vale cannot even feed his year old son then you should leave being a lord to me and jump down the moon door. I am sure your honour will persuade stranger from taking your life".

Ned and some other people gasped at my words. The maids hurriedly placed the new bowl of meatballs on my plate to appease my anger and to keep me from speaking and insulting the lord any further. My father is either the spineless diplomat he always was or he was so angry at my words that he didn't speak for the rest of the meal.

As I was decomposing my second bowl of meat I realized that these boneless meatballs lacked some essential components to enhance my bones. They will not serve me other types of meat as I have barely few teeth at this age. I have to form complete set of teeth as soon as possible.

"Jenny serve me some milk" I commanded to Jenny standing behind me, startled for a moment she went and brought me a mug of milk. "I don't need that milk," I said as she understood and she blushed. She hesitated only for a moment before taking her breast out and placing her soft nipples on my lips. She was a smart little girl, wise enough to not test my patience after watching the previous scene. This scene caused a great commotion again, as everyone quickly silenced themselves looking at my father's deadpan face

After finishing two bowls of meatballs, I became irritated at asking for meat again and again. Hence, I asked them to bring all the meat and everyone was shocked as I started devouring the huge pile of meatballs, eating portions reserved for others as well. Everyone who finished eating started leaving the hall.

When I had finished all the meatballs, I had also completed basic strengthening of my weak body reinforcing my weak skeletal structure and my muscles were as dense and firm as a trained knight. I also my stamina by reinforcing my lungs and heart. My heart was big enough and capable enough for me to do dead hang for the whole day.

Not much had changed on the outside as I replaced excess baby fat with reserves of stem cells. I also synthesized a lot of p53 gene in my body from early on to prevent any cancer from forming in my body. I only increased my height by a few inches to remain unnoticed.

By now only Jon and I were left in the hall except for a few servants and guards including Jenna. He asked me to follow him into his study. I was happy after upgrading my body so I decided not to antagonize my father and followed behind him.

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