
GoT: Giant Falcon

Arryns: As High as Honor Altair: OUR ONLY DISHONOUR IS IN FAILURE. Once in a century event on earth leads to the soul of a formidable Doctor (in making) reincarnating into the heart of Westeros. A land steeped in honor, tradition, and treachery. But this time, destiny takes an unexpected turn. The soul that awakens belongs not to a noble knight or a chivalrous lord, but to a man forged in the crucible of ice and fire. In “Giant Falcon” the game of thrones takes a chilling turn. The most honorable house becomes the harbinger of change, and the echoes of Altair’s bloody footsteps reverberate through the annals of Westeros FYI MC not a good person, period. Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure and Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment A/N: I don’t own the rights of this novel or the characters of the Series. This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~

Fanficstein · TV
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32 Chs


**( Altair's POV)**

[ Time skip to 1 year after birth] [279 AC]

I woke up in a daze and my movements were soon noticed by the maids. I was soon returned to Jenna's chest as I always start with her. I let the maids know my preferences from day 1 by refusing to drink, frowning and biting very hard on their nipples.

I continued to suck and flick on Jenna's nipple until it ran completely dry.

"My My, You're Hungry My Lord ~" Jenna spoke then switched me over to her other nipple as I started sucking out all the tasty organic milk that squirted out of her udder.

I relished the delicious flavour for half an hour before it ran completely dry, by this point Jenna had a flushed face and was breathing heavily at the skillful attention that I was giving her nipples.

I bit it hard and she orgasmed as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She is an innocent girl with no experience and is no match for my 21st-century degenerated techniques. Plus as a wannabe doctor in my previous life, I knew all the sensitive nerve endings in breasts.

Her colleagues looked at Jenna with giggles and amusement before asking if they could have their turn, Jenna reassured the women and then looked down at me.

"What a naughty lord to do that to your poor maid~" She moaned out then I bit her nipple again. She thinks I don't understand her crass remarks, I have to punish her for this in the future.

"Oh my, you drank everything Jenna had...let me get more for you right now my hungry little Lord," Maid 1 spoke and rang a bell to call for Maid 2.

Another beautiful lady soon walked in and Jenna told her to be on standby as I started with Maid1.

"He drank me dry and I need some help to get up, you know he only drinks from us single, pretty, and big-breasted maids... As expected of the young lord, he only takes the best." Jenna giggled as she rubbed my head.

"Yes, little Jenny!" Maid 2 answered before passing me off to Maid1 while I kept flicking her tasty nipple as a spray of delicious milk came squirting out. I started drinking a different flavour of breast milk.

"It must be fate that brought you here Jenny ...tell me, are you a Virgin?" Maid 2 asked the big-breasted honey that just finished feeding me her nectar.

"Y…..Y…Yes..." She answered a bit scared.

"Good...Good...you should save it for Altair there...if he grows up to find that you have lain with anyone before him he can have you and your partner boiled alive do you understand." Maid1 an experienced loyal maid of the house Arryn spoke at the young girl while staring into her eyes.

I took time out of sucking my maid's breasts and giggled at her to show my approval. She was startled by that and shouted "Yes My lord!!! I Understand!!!". The other maids started giggling as I went back and bit the giggling maid's nipple hard as an extra strong spurt of creamy milk shot into my greedy mouth.

During these last few months, I had more awake time and as I got bored, I had nothing to do except plan and think. So I started trying to speak, as my vocal cords started to develop.

As soon as I was able to form complete words and small sentences, I asked maester to teach me different languages. The only way to make him teach me successfully was when I was cradled in my father's arm and maester was checking my health.

I kept repeating 'Valyrian… learn… valerian... learn..'. At that time my vocal cords only allowed me to speak so much and my sickly nature let me out of breath within a while of repeating. Luckily my father understood and asked maester to teach me some of the languages he knew.

After learning for a few days I found that I could learn the languages and accent better from the whores Robert brought for his nightly activities. The maester only learned the language as part of bookish knowledge and rarely uses it. So I started talking to the Whores who indulged me after Robert was asleep drowned in wine. I learned high valerian from a girl who came from Lys and I also learned various dialects of low valerian common in Essos from whores who came to westerns to escape from slavery in pentos and slaver's bay.

I would have learned to read these languages if I could at least move my arms. Since my birth, I was always wrapped in furs only leaving my face out in the open. The reason for this was none other than maester, he convinced my father that by letting my hands-free I will put my hands dirty from playing around into my teething mouth.

As my health doesn't allow any risks, my father chooses to believe in the maesters.

Now as I am one year old I can form coherent sentences and speak properly. Still, I prefer speaking sparsely as I find it difficult to breathe after long conversations. I have also learned to crawl and walk, however my sick body does not allow me to walk too far and I fall asleep after short practice in my cradle or bed. I want to curse my sickly body aloud but that would leave me tired and look like I am whining.

This brings me to today's events which completely took me by surprise. It foiled every single plan and scheme I had in my mind and all possible scenarios I had in my mind for my future.

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