
GoT: Giant Falcon

Arryns: As High as Honor Altair: OUR ONLY DISHONOUR IS IN FAILURE. Once in a century event on earth leads to the soul of a formidable Doctor (in making) reincarnating into the heart of Westeros. A land steeped in honor, tradition, and treachery. But this time, destiny takes an unexpected turn. The soul that awakens belongs not to a noble knight or a chivalrous lord, but to a man forged in the crucible of ice and fire. In “Giant Falcon” the game of thrones takes a chilling turn. The most honorable house becomes the harbinger of change, and the echoes of Altair’s bloody footsteps reverberate through the annals of Westeros FYI MC not a good person, period. Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure and Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment A/N: I don’t own the rights of this novel or the characters of the Series. This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~

Fanficstein · TV
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32 Chs


Altair: Do you have any poisonous creatures among your merchandise?

Wenda: I don't keep them in my ship to prevent any accidents during an attack on the ship. I don't want my elite red archers and trained crew to be poisoned at sea.

Altair: Then do you know any trader who deals in these kinds of wares?

Wenda: M'lord there is an Ibbenese merchant named Togg Mogat. He is located at an abandoned corner of the port.

You will find his Ibbenese whaler ship. He deals in all kinds of shady goods, including poisonous creatures and man-made poisons.

Altair: Thank you for your hospitality. Leave your contact with Ser Andar. In the future, we will probably once again cross paths with each other. At that time there will be opportunities for us to further develop our


Wenda: Aye, It will be my pleasure M'lord.

I left with my entourage after Ser Andar settled the matter of coins. As we made our way along the narrow alleys and roads filled with stalls and people. Streets filled with children, some of them taking few glances and roaming around us in a very subtle manner. If my heart wasn't as cold as the deepest of the cosmos, it would have gone unnoticed when I was affected by the bustling and lively atmosphere around me.

Varys's power is slowly increasing and so does the power of other players of the game, while Little Finger has yet to enter the game as Petyr has not fought with Brandon Stark for Catelyn's hand in marriage. Tywin is still the hand of the king and has a firm grasp on the king's landing, I can tell most of the spies I noticed were Tywin's men.

You may ask how can I tell the difference between Tywin's spies and other spies? It's very simple tywin's spies are very well paid. Such wealth leaves a mark and a smell. I can smell the fragrance of brothels, whore's perfume even with a dulled sense of smell. I see the little signs of love marks and luxuries with my keen eyes.

I play this guessing game in my mind as we move towards our destination. It is a very subtle game but keeps the mind constantly vigilant. As the number of people started decreasing we reached the farthest docks where a huge whaler ship was docked. It had a black tar coating on its hull. There were no stalls or merchandise on the dock. As we reached the ship, I saw several short but muscular and broad-chested people looking down from the ship.

Altair (shouting): I come here seeking a merchant named Togg Mogat.

Togg: Who are you? I see banners of Vale with you.

Altair: I am Altair Arryn of the Vale

Altair knew that Ibbenese people were always suspicious but this was getting on my nerves. Even after my introduction, they didn't even send a welcome party or at least introduce themselves. It might seem like nothing but as per etiquette of nobility, it was very insulting.

Altair: send one of your men down the ship and I will present him with proof of my Identity.

After a few words that sounded like runts and grunts ( Ibbenese language), a man came down the vessel by a rope bridge. While this was happening I took a piece of blank parchment from my satchel and secretly with my other hand took a small dagger out of Andar's belt. He noticed me but looking at my eyes he kept silent.

As the man came down, I rolled up the piece of parchment and gestured for him to come closer. He comes in front of me and bends down to my level.

Altair: This parchment contains proof of my Identity take it.

Altair: Hold it with both your hands you fool. It is more precious than your worthless life.

He extends both his hands and grabs both ends of the scroll. I in one quick motion leave the parchment and hold his fingers in a strong clamp. Meanwhile, I use the hidden dagger in my other hand and push it through his joined palms in one swift motion. Due to my new strength, the dagger goes through his palms as easily as a hot knife through butter. The man shrieks in pain and hallows.

Altair: Don't move an inch or this dagger will cut through your blood vessels and you will die bleeding. Even if you don't your hands will become useless.

He stands motionless gasping in pain with blood-red eyes. The people on the ship started grunting and gasping, while I took the bloodied parchment from his hands. I keep it under the dripping blood making sure it is stained properly. I unfurl it and show it towards the top of the ship.

Altair (loud): This is proof of my Identity. Do you have any more doubts? Now if you want this man, lower the ramps and come down the ship.

The ship descends into silence as I narrow in on the short muscular man with long hands and short feet who everyone was looking at. After a few seconds, He erupted with a loud burst of laughter and he kept laughing for a good few seconds his mouth stretching ear to ear.

Togg: Marvellous Introduction!!! What are you looking at idiots, lower the ramps and prepare to welcome aboard the BLOODY FALCON of Vale.

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