(Qohorik Dragon Teahouse, Qohor, Nine Free Cities of Essos, Essos)
Gerold sat at the head of the table in the Qohorik Dragon Teahouse in Qohor, while representatives from Braavos, Pentos, Lys, Tyrosh, Astapor, Yunkai, Meereen, Myr, and Qarth.
''I'm less than inclined towards Myr getting access to the pipeline, your people raided me. Braavos, Pentos and Lys made the best offers. Thus I'm more than a little inclined towards them, especially considering the three have an additional value in their wealth and Trade Routes and Contacts. As for Slaver's Bay and Qarth, unless Yunkai offers a better deal you ain't getting shit. Meereen, Astapor, and Qarth however made acceptable offers.'' Says Gerold.
''Yunkai offered her best slaves, any true man would kill for such payment.'' The Yunkai representative snarls
''That might hold true on Essosi Soil, but like Braavos, we don't deal in Slaves in my homeland. To be a slaver is to become a Non-Person. Astapor offered Unsullied, something that while being Slaves I can respect as it's their best commodity and Export. And Meereen's port can serve as the primary source of shipping throughout Slaver's Bay, both of these are far more valuable to my long-term goals than everything Yunkai offered me.'' Gerold fires back, show that while rigid in his stance on the traditions on Westeros stance on Slavery, he's Flexible enough to recognize the Value of the Unsullied and access to Meereen's Port.
Taking a breath Gerold turns his attention to the entire Group rather than a single entity or region.
''I'm inclined towards a Trade League. My goods sell well within my own Homeland but it's the Exporting to Essos that has a small problem. The plan is a simple one. Braavos, Mereen, Lys, and Tyrosh will fulfill the Naval aspect within Essos, while Qarth, Astapor, and Hopefully Volantis will focus on Land-Based Trade throughout Slaver's Bay and Southern Essos. Myr and Yunkai will handle coordination alongside Pentos. Every Free City will pay an annual sum of money that has been based upon the amount of goods that have passed through our ports and markets, have been sold by our recognized merchants, or have been escorted by another partner. This Money will be set aside, with small portions going to the Cities themselves, the Partners who escorted your goods, and the rest will be deposited in a Guild account to be accessed only to benefit the Guild.'' Says Gerold.
''Braavos agrees so long as no slaves pass through our ports.'' The representative from Braavos states.
''That's another thing, Slaves don't count as Goods. You can do that shit on your own initiative, coin, and time, but don't expect Braavos or House Lannister to support you, regardless of the deals in place. I'll need to speak with each of you individually to discuss the finer details.'' Says Gerold.
Gerold Lannister sat in his room, he'd just finished his discussion with Braavos's Representative. After that he only had one more person to talk with. The Astapor Representative.
As the man entered, Gerold motioned him to sit.
''I want to Purchase A Hundred Thousand Unsullied Warriors. I'll need them around late in two hundred and eighty two AC. The least I'll take his Eighty Thousand. Make this happen and We'll pay a premium of Twenty Thousand for every five years they were kept in reserve.'' Says Gerold.
''Money is of little issue, but the holding of Purchased warriors will make it your issue.'' Says The Rep.
''The Gold will take care of itself, right now however I want you to make those Unsullied happen. When War breaks out, my father won't commit his Troops until a decisive Victory has been won from either side, These Troops will be the deciding factor in my father's decision.'' Says Gerold.
''Eleven Years should be sufficient to bring your troops together.'' The Rep notes.
''Good, do it well and I'll place a discount for my goods to Astapor for twenty years.'' Gerold says.
Gerold wanted the Unsullied because he'd lead them into battle at the Trident, whether they fought on the side of the Crown or Rebels would be dependent on Which side made the best offer.
For Gerold, he wanted the Westerlands to be independent, to Reclaim their Ancient Crowns and Title of King's of The Rock and West. Gerold's Sister would wed Rhaegar or his first Daughter Robert's son. Princess Elia and Princess Rhaenys would survive with Rhaenys wedding Robert's Son to settle the feud. And Gerold would serve on Robert's Small Council as his Master of Ships or Rhaegar's as Hand of the King.
Gerold's plan had one small issue though, Tyrion was being born early, so would this get his mother killed early or would she survive? If Lady Joanna lived, they could potentially betroth Elia to Jaime in order to deprive The Targaryen's of their Dornish allies and Joanna would be in favor of the match as well.
Gerold also knew that the future would be considerably less bleak if Joanna lived. So he could only hope she did.
The only thing that Gerold had left to do before he left Qohor was write Letter.
(Bellegere Otherys POV)
Gerold Lannister was coming to Braavos specifically to see her. He wrote that since his business in Qohor had finished he would stop by briefly in order to speak with her, before he returned to Westeros.
This was Bellegere's chance to escape tradition as some high-paid Whore from a line of Legendary Whores. If Gerold took her to Westeros she could easily make the most of that opportunity.
She just needed an hour with him to get her wish.....
Okay, no more Cersei being a Hoe for a while. Next Chapter will probably be a Chapter with a Flashback of the Black Pearl meeting as its a lot me fun to write.
Unsullied will be used for one battle before being granted freedom. Maybe a third will take it, not sure on the proportions yet.
I am considering using the Targaryen Blood in The Pearl to raise a Noble House in the Stepstones on Bloodstone or Grey Gallows. Not sold on either just yet.