
GoT: Gerold The Lionheart

A man dies, but a man gets reborn

Theragfromthecrag · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Preemptive Polling

Hey guys so in the interest of saving me a good deal of time, effort, and Work I want you guys to give me your top two picks for my Stark Story OC's future Bride, The Winning Pair will go on to a coin toss and get selected, so start voting. Now Before I give you guys the list, I am NOT DROPPING THIS STORY. I'm just writing this Stark Story to get out of my mood and rebuild my Thrones interest.

Obviously Ashara Dayne is on the list but for formalities sake here's the full list those I'm partial to myself will have the following symbol attached to it within Brackets: ♡. While those that I'm partial to but have big plans for will have the following Symbols between Brackets: ♡♤♡.

Anyways here it is:

Ashara Dayne (♡)

Allyria Dayne

Bethany Redwyne (♡♤♡)

Mina Tyrell

Janna Tyrell

Barbrey Ryswell/Dustin (♡)

Catelyn Tully (♡)

Elia Martell

Taena of Myr

Maege Mormont

Manderly OC (♡♤♡)

Karstark OC (♡♤♡)

Baratheon OC (♡♤♡)

Martell OC (♡♤♡)

Greyjoy OC (♡♤♡)

Arynn OC

There it is folks, cast your 2 Votes!