
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs



298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


I sit across from Prince Doran in his solar and he sets down the parchment he was reading and gives me a kind smile and a nod.

"So, Eragon what is it that I can do for you?" Straight to the point, fine by me.

"Gold, ships, weapons, people." His face doesn't even twitch as he looks into my eyes.

"I see, you want to leave." He sounds almost assured of himself, he has good reason to I guess.

"Yes, I believe the dragons will draw even more heat to Dorne than it needs. Just with House Targaryen being here it is under the eyes of the rest of Westeros, with dragons they will pay handsomely to brave men to try and kill the dragons. I trust House Martell to do all it can to protect us as guests and the dragons by extension but I can't put the life of my 'kids' in someone else's hands when I have my own ideas." He nods slowly.

"Where is it you want to go?" He grabs a blood orange from the side and starts peeling it with his thumbs.

"Summer isles, Ebonhead area, and the goal is to take Ebonhead and make it a seat of power for House Targaryen and slowly take the whole isles in their ritual style 'war'." His eyes look at the orange and peel a piece off it but I see his brow raise slightly.

"You think you can just go down there and say 'I am here let me take over' and they won't come for your head. That's ignoring your identity and the dragons should they be spotted, they also have some of the most powerful bows in the world and the best archers to wield them. Sounds more dangerous than the dragons just staying here." All good points, but so far the 'visions' haven't been wrong and if I start doubting them now then R'hllor might be reasonably upset and take some of his magic back if he even can.

That and I won't lie and say I don't want to 'conquer' the idea almost feels engraved into my bones and when I think about taking land and making it my own. Well, I get a shiver similar to when I was watching the sister of this very man take her fat ass and drop it on my cock.

"All good points but what if I told you I saw myself succeeding already, just as I saw myself hatching dead stone eggs." He stops peeling and his eyes meet mine once more, a smile slowly spreads on his face.

"Tell me more."


"So he approved and you will be leaving in a month?" Mother asks and I shrug.

"Maybe a few months, there is a lot to prepare and a lot of planning he also wants to do to help me succeed in any way he can." He wants to try and spread wild rumors of me everywhere to make sure I go unnoticed in the summer isles as long as possible. It could even be the key point that makes it possible for the visions to take place.

He is also trying to buy information on the pirates hanging around the area and seeing what he can cook up. He wanted numerous things from me in return for his help, as any leader of his people should.

Goldenheart bows in return along with gold I will be making if I can take the whole isles.

If I just get Ebonhead he wants a fraction of the amount but still a hefty price, I agreed as this is potentially my start. The start of Eragon Targaryen the father of dragons and prince of R'hllor.

Sounds fancy but I also know the name is nothing if I cant back it up with action and intelligent decisions. I won't get ahead of myself and start planning beyond the summer isles, for now, I see it as a safe place out of the way for the dragons to grow. I will spend my time helping Nata and anyone she might be with clear out the pirates and then go from there.

I could get killed in my first real fight so there is also that.

Against the pirates, I can use Brightroar and I will cut straight through the thieving scum, but in ritual combat, in the future, It's stone weapons and slings.

R'hllor is setting me up for a challenge but I won't lie and say I don't like it.

"How do you feel about all of this?" She asks while sitting up.

"I feel... excited and also worried." She smiles and puts a hand on my cheek.

"My baby boy, why are you always trying to leave me?" I feel a pit in my stomach hearing her sad tone of voice.

"It won't be for long, I will send word when you can visit and if it looks like that won't happen then I will just come back." She runs her hand through my hair and puts some behind my ear.

"I already lost kids Eragon, sons to a battlefield." Her voice cracks and I stand up and pull her into a hug.

I won't die, not when I have so much to do and see.

"I won't die on a battlefield, especially not before giving you so many grandkids you forget all of their names." She snorts and buries her face into my chest as she holds me tighter.

"I am pretty good at remembering names, you will have to have quite a few if you want me to forget even one." Well, I can't disappoint mother, now can I?


"Alright, here is the plan as far as I have gotten thus far." I look around the room at the dragon bounded girls each holding their baby in their arms who are also watching me with keen looks. "We need a place to raise dragons until they are big enough to ride, could do it here but there are risks and also it puts the entirety of Sunspear in danger from both the usurper and the Blackfyres."

A round of nods and chirps is their answer and I press on.

"So I plan to go to the Summer isles with all of you, the main reason is it feels right! But logical reasons are it is isolated and you have to sail to get there, and there are unpopulated lands to live on."

More chirps and nods.

"Similar to the hatching of the dragons in the flames by multiple people and myself we have seen me in 'ritual' combat in the summer isles. The ritual combat is for disputes about many things but mainly claiming land. So I am thinking I go to the Summer Isles and start claiming land."

Shiera coughs and sits up straight interrupting the nods and chirps.

"Why would any Summer islander support you doing so, you can't just show up and participate in their customs like you were born there." I smile and nod back to her, she mainly asked that for the others as she already knows the answer.

"I am going to help them with the pirate threat, Nata our friend from Braavos saw me helping her fight pirates that are raiding and slaving in the Summer Isles. I will gain good opinions with the locals and then use their support to challenge a landowner. Then I will challenge another, and so on and so on." Rhaenys scrunches her brows.

"That sounds very, how should I put it? Hard to pull off, I guess what I want to say is you don't have the experience or any other things to start a conquest." I nod once again.

"Prince Doran is going to be funding me with everything that is needed to get started, the only problem is gaining the local's support but I have some ideas if killing pirates doesn't work." Lots of backup plans.

"Ok, how prepared are you to 'lead' people in a ritual war?" Rhaenys asks another question and I shrug.

"Never done so before but I have studied my whole life, it's not a full war more than a single battle. They line up and fight till one side gives up and only uses stone weapons and slings. They don't like for people to die in the wars and instead just exile the losers." She sits back into her seat seemingly satisfied for now. "Alright, I got books on the Summer Isles and I am sure there are more in the Library so let's read up and be as ready as possible. Learning the Summer tongue will help you all immensely in communicating. We all know it from Nata helping us learn it for fun but you two need to learn as much as you can."

Visenya and Rhaenys scrunch up their faces hearing about a new language and seeming a bit unwilling.

"It will only hurt you, in the long run, to not be able to speak their language." It isn't that hard of one anyway and they already learned Valyrian which is supposed to be harder.

"Fine, but you will help us right?" Visenya crosses her arms and asks with a frown, her chest pushed up helps me notice she's got bigger breasts than her mom. Now that I am looking at breasts I notice Rhaenys has a bit more than Elia as well.

"I will, Shiera also will she is a good teacher." Danny and Rhaenyra are better learners than teachers.

"You said we needed to spend time together for me to join your pack so now is our chance to spend a lot of time together." Shiera enthusiastically looks at Visenya whose small frown starts to melt into a smile.

"Alright, let's do that then." Visenya agrees and Rhaenys also nods, things are going well so far.


"So that was why you picked up such an interest in a spear, right?" Rhaenys asks as we walk together to the training yard.

"Partly, I also train with the spear because it is a useful weapon." She nods and locks her fingers together behind her back as she walks beside me.

"I see." She walks a bit faster than me as we are side by side but she is pulling ahead.

My eyes drift around as the conversation dies off and I soon find my eyes on her perky ass. Her hands hid a bit of it from my sight but nowhere near all of it as she got her mothers behind. I wonder if it will bounce the same when she drops it down against my thighs.

Her hands unlock and drop to her side and swing naturally as she walks, a slight sway starts as she walks and I slow down a step or two to appreciate it.

I soon look up and meet the side of her face and her eye looking at me with a mischievous glint in it before she turns to look forward and continues without saying anything.

The fresh memories of holding onto her mom's hips as she slammed into me cloud my mind as the two similarities mesh in my mind. I lick my lips before shaking my head and putting off the thoughts for now, it's time to train.


Covered in sweat and arms and lower back aching I lean against a sandstone pillar, Rhaenys is sitting on the ground to the side with her back on a different pillar.

"You ready to get washed up and eat?" I ask and she grunts as she tries to stand up but slides back down the pillar.

I walk over to her and hold out a hand which she grabs and I pull her up.

"Let's put the training spears up and we will meet at the dinner table." I already had mine in hand and am Turing to head toward the rack before I notice what she is doing.

She left hers on the ground beside the pillar and puts a hand on her knee and bends down to pick it up with her hips raised high. Elia's kid, not a doubt in my mind in the slightest.

The thought of Elia drives my mind fuzzy and I soon find my hand traveling toward her rear and watch stunned as I lay it quickly across the left cheek. She stops as she grabs the spear and looks back at me with a hand on her knee and a hand holding the spear on the ground.

The waves that traveled make the fuzzy feeling turn into a full-on buzz so I turn on my heels and walk to the rack and set the spear on it. With quick steps, I walk past the slack jaw Rhaenys who is watching me in shock.

I won't let Elia influence me again! I have a plan and I am sticking to it!

The memory of the sight and feeling of Rhaenys backside lay heavy on the front of my mind and I speed up my walk back to the bedroom.

The girls better hope they aren't in the room or someone is ending up on the damn bed, curse these new feelings.

Thanks for reading!!!

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