
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs



299 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


Walking down toward the vault with the hopes of introducing the three baby dragons to the 'old' dragons. Serral is a calm dragon who enjoys riding around latched onto someone, Jadewing is similar but you have to watch out for him nipping every now and then. But Daemeon is a terror to carry, the little dragon just wants to be independent and move around on his own without help.

""Come on, just let me carry you so this can go quicker."" He hisses and arches his back as I scoop him up off the ground.

I ignore his frustration as I push on to our destination, I am excited to see how they react around one another. I expect Arrax to whip them into shape like he does with his siblings when they get rowdy.

"Is this fine, are you sure we should be going with you?" Cirilla asks from behind me as I hold up a torch and guide us, her sister seems excited at least.

"It will be fine, just let them come to you and if they don't then they are not wanting to be messed with." As if hearing my voice a trill echo's from down the passage and I hear scraping and scratching on the rocks as multiple dragons start moving.

Daemeon stands on his feet and flaps his wings with a loud screech that stops all the sounds ahead, only a moment later the sounds pick back up. It seems he is blown away his 'warning' did not work as Daemeon lowers himself down to make himself harder to see but keeps his mouth parted and ready to burn someone.

""Hell Meraxes, you look pretty today as well."" Meraxes is the first to reveal herself with her head tilting side to side as takes in deep breaths.

"It's so big..." Cirilla seems surprised at their size likely not thinking they grew this fast but I see the surprise grow to shock as Arrax claws his way to the front.

Arrax stops before me with his snout pressing against my chest and taking in my scent before he looks at the babies climbing on my shoulders. Jadewing seems to fear nothing as he jumps with a few flaps and lands among the spikes on Arraxs neck. Arrax stiffens and Serral takes that as a sign as she soon joins her brother on the neck of her bigger brother.

""It's ok, they are just looking at you."" I place my hand on his head to keep him calm, he usually does not like being touched on his neck but he seems to accept this.

Arrax eyes Daemeon who is poking his head out from behind my back with his mouth open in a threatening way. A trill escapes Arrax and Daemeon shuts his mighty little jaw and climbs over me to get a closer look. Whatever he saw seems to please him as he joins his siblings in climbing over the largest living dragon known to man.

""Don't nip at his spikes or he will toss you off."" Helaena steps forward and with never seen before confidence runs her hand down Arrax until she gets to Serral who was prodding at a spike on Arrax. "Come feel the heat coming off of him Ciri." Helaena reaches back to her sister and beckons her to get closer with a wide smile.

'Ciri' sighs before walking over and placing a reluctant hand on Arrax who looks crowded with all the attention but stands his ground and accepts it. Balerion hiding in the shadows just out of sight slowly skulks around like a cat sneaking up on its prey. I try not to show that I spotted him but when he leaps out and dusts us all out by flapping his wings I can't help but be annoyed.

"What!?" Cirilla jumps back in fright and slams into me before calming down seeing it was just a dragon causing mischief. "Do they never stop being like that?" She brushes herself off before distancing herself and looking back at me curiously.

"They seem to like to play a lot, not much can be done about it other than chaining them and I will never chain them." She nods before looking at the dragons all sniffing around at her and her sister.

"I see." She sounds annoyed but there is a hint of amusement hidden beneath.


"Eragon if you try what I know you are about to try I will cut off your cock." I freeze in place with my son in my arms.

Arrax is a stone's throw away looking toward my boy with curiosity as he lets out a few trills and sniffs the air. I look back at Shaena who is laying out on a padded lounger that is resting in the light of the mid-day sun. I clear my throat and go back to rocking my son as he squirms a bit with the sun beating down on him.

"What is it that you thought I was going to do?" I wanted to let Arrax get to know the little bundle in my arms, I can't imagine what she thought I was going to do.

"You wanted to sit on Arrax and try to let him pick the both of you up?" I look down at Jaehaerys who is yawning or letting out a silent yell and I pull him closer to my chest.

"No." I start walking once more to my bond and Arrax gets excited as he shakes his head and his tail whips to the side seeing me walking toward him once more. "I was just letting him smell him a little bit." Shaena sighs and sets her head back down on the cushion.

"I see." She mutters but she sounds skeptical, I would at least wait a month before trying to ride Arrax with Jaehaerys.

Arrax can't even lift me fully so there is no real point in trying with my son in my arms, for now at least. When he can fly with me I will take my son for his first flight, maybe Jadewing will fly around with us and watch his partner fly even before he can stand on his own feet. I think Jadewing might be worried for Jaehaerys as I catch him watching other people move around and then he looks at his bond who can only lie down or get carried.

He is probably wondering why even after 'hatching' his partner can't walk around like him. Jadewing can already blow emerald and bronze flames and Jaehaerys can't even lift his head. I am right there with Jadewing as I am impatient to see my son lift his fat head and use his arms for something other than latching on to a breast. Though I find myself also envious of how easy it is for him to get a breast, he only needs to scream and a tit is shoved into his mouth.

"You got it easy, little one." I mutter while rubbing my fingers over his full belly, he seems amused as he wiggles more without letting out a sound.

Arrax slowly brings his head in and sniffs at Jaehaerys and his pupils widen as he tries to figure out what's going on. He earlier was looking at Shaena with an odd look before he noticed the bundle in her arms moving. I know he can tell what is going on, dragons seem quick of wit if not a bit childlike in their reactions.

""Smells good?"" Arrax blows hot air out of his nose and my son seems to like it as he squeals in a way I have never heard.

I look down in surprise as he wiggles around and even with him keeping his eyes shut most of the time he seems to want to see what blew on him. I position him to where he can see Arrax better and the wiggling stops as he keeps his eyes open as much as he can. It looks like he is enjoying what he is seeing as he soundlessly opens his mouth showing off his pink gums.

My heart warms seeing Arrax and my son both meet for the first time, they both seem to like one another but I never doubted that they would. Arrax turns to the side and hisses as Meleys makes her way closer, the sound scares Jaehaerys and he starts yelling.

""That is enough for now."" I turn around and start heading back toward his mother as I rock him and try to show him he is fine.

It may have ended in crying but I expected it, Jaehaerys cries a lot at this young age and small size as all babes do. But he is easy to calm down which I am grateful for and he is quick to happiness from what little I can tell. It is hard to judge a baby but I think he is a happy little boy for the most part.

Shiera jumps up seeing me head back toward where everyone is resting and quickly holds her arms out to hold Jaehaerys. Jaehaerys himself enjoys being held by his sister...

I sometimes can't help but wonder if that is what she is to him, she is a sister through the shared mom but she is married to me and he is my son. So she is also kind of his mom but maybe his cousin as well since I am her uncle, or would she be an aunt?

"What is wrong with you?" Shiera asks curiously as she holds Jaehaerys to herself with a fond smile.

"Nothing I just was thinking about some things..." I shake my head and stop thinking about it, she is a sister or a mom if she wants and that will be good enough.

Going to need to straighten this stuff out eventually, but I am sure a few laughs will be had about it in the future.


299 AC


Varys Blackfyre


Today is a dark day, news of my nieces being carried off to the Summer Isles is confirmed and Eddard Stark has been exposed. There is word going around about him being a Targaryen spy and working for them because of his sister and niece. With the King the way he is things are not looking good since they have been arguing.

The King rode off in a rage to go for a hunt with a small party and a bunch of wine to waste the time away as he thinks. I don't know what will happen when he returns but I know the stirrings are pushing for something to be done about Eddard not wanting to commit to attacking Dorne. He is single-handedly preventing the war with the way his relationship is with Robert, if he was not here the King would be marching down the Prince's pass into the sands of Dorne.

Dorne is prepared for a fight and seems to be getting supplies from the Summer Isles, the Summer Isles are lacking in meatal but they have the best woods and they also grow plenty of food. There are sightings of swan ships also moving around the Stepstones and scouting things out, the Targaryens are slowly moving around.

I pray my nieces are alright, my little birds are growing in number down in the summer Kingdom but not as fast as I would like. I believe they will be kept alive, either to be broodmares or to wait until the Targaryens can control their dragons.

My poor nieces managed to doom themselves by hatching dragons on their brother's pyre, I wish I knew it would happen. We could have hidden them away and slowly worked to kill the Targaryen's dragons and Westeros would have been the Blackfyres. Now Eragon Targaryen will have his hands on them and will likely put a baby into them so his child can claim the dragons on my nieces when he kills them.

I may be wrong but I need more information, I pray they are healthy and safe until I can get in touch with them. Their father was furious when Daemon died but I am disappointed in his reaction to his daughters being stolen. I need to protect them or the last of the Blackfyres will die out before my eyes.

Thanks for reading!!!

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