
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs



298 AC

Summer Isles - Ebonhead

Eragon Targaryen


"Well, it's big, very big." Laena Velaryon from what I have heard from my guards and from Rhaenys who has hit it off with her and quickly became friends, Laena has been interested in the ships we have.

I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise with her being a Velaryon and growing up on Driftmark. Saltwater practically runs through their veins and ships are their bread, it has brought thoughts of her father to my mind. Monford would likely be one of the best available options for me to lead my fleet when the time comes to go to war.

"It is, I have never seen a ship made from this wood and even more a color like this. Ebony wood looks imposing when it is crafted into such a large ship but I don't know how it will compare to other woods." She runs her hand against the side of the almost completed Flagship.

A very large midnight black ship with matching sails, the only other color on the ship will be the red dragon on the biggest sail. I almost wanted to make it a pearl-colored dragon on the main sail but I felt like it showed a bad message. Different colored dragons on personal heraldry have been a bad idea since the Blackfyres, a disappointment if I am honest.

"The most important part is if it's fast, naval battles won't really be a problem when I can have a dragon rain fire on any opposing ships. I pity any foolish captains that think they can sail against a ship wearing the red dragon in the future." I doubt even a fleet like the royal one of Westeros will last long under a storm of seven dragons.

"That is true as well, I am glad you invited me down here to get a closer look as I was a bit wary to just walk into a craftsman's space and start looking around." I nod as she takes a few peeks down at some swan ships under construction.

"It is no problem, I wanted to run some things by you to get your thoughts on the matter." She looks away from a man hanging on the side of an almost completed ship and raises her brows.

"My thoughts?" I nod and start walking back to the palace but pick a longer path to take our time talking.

"Yea your thoughts, I have a few people in mind to lead the fleet once it is all gathered and loaded to go to war. Your father is one of those and I wanted to hear about your thoughts regarding it, I get you might be biased one way or the other as his blood but still." Her eyes widen for a moment before she returns to normal and looks ahead.

"I think he would love it, if he was leading a fleet to help restore the Targaryens to the throne he would be overjoyed. For capabilities and experience, I believe he will meet expectations, but as you said I will be biased." I hum in response as I think about her words that almost came out exactly how I expected.

But I guess it is better than her talking poorly about her father, I will need someone and he is within the top three best candidates.

"I see, well I expected that but it's still nice to hear. Can I ask you about what you have learned as far as knowledge left by members of your house about the Jade sea?" She brightens up and looks over with clear interest.

"I can, I have read the journals left behind by members of my house who have lived on Driftmark for a long time and many have journeyed to the Jade sea. Some of the records were even what inspired Corlys Velaryon to go on his famous voyages. They didn't know the names of the places and were unprepared for what they found but they wrote a vast amount of details about the places they found. The sea snake was not the best about recording his discoveries in comparison even if he also did leave a bit of knowledge behind." Her enthusiasm kicks up and I finds myself listing to her talk about her favorite pieces left behind by past Lords of the tide.

We make it all the way back to the palace before she realizes how much she was going on and on and excuses herself shortly after upon our arrival.


"What are you thinking about?" Visenya asks as I lay on the ground Infront of Ghost and run my hand through his soft fur.

"Thinking about what I learned from Laena today and how I can utilize the information, she told me more about the jade sea." Visenya sets her book down and tilts her head to the side to match my own head laying on the cold polished floor.

"What do you want to utilize about the Jade sea it is far away from both us and Westeros." I snort and scratch the wolf behind the ear sending his leg shaking.

"The jade sea has a seemingly abundance of precious resources that they like to trade for foreign items and rarities. Silver and gold to fill ships along with fine jades and silks that can make a man rich enough to live off the rest of his life." She shifts in her seat and raises her brows.

"Again what does that have to do with us, the trip alone would take close to half a year or more with travelling and trading. Then we have to worry about pirates and we would be passing the Basilic isles one of the biggest pirate dens in the whole world. How does this help with Westeros even in the slightest?" I sigh as she smacks down my craving to acquire an abundance of wealth.

"I know, but we only account for roughly half of the ships on the Summer Isles once the princes and princesses of the remaining cities kneel. I am thinking of calling all vessel owners and offering them three deals and seeing how it goes. The first is the 'no deal' and they just walk out no questions asked. The second will be adding them to our own fleet for a 'Lordship' where depending on how many ships they have they get more land under their name. Third is having them group all their ships together and sail as one unit under the Targaryen name and king of the Summer Isles to make a trade deal with Yi Ti or Leng." Ghost flips over like a piece of meat cooked on one side and exposes his other side with his ears flopped over.

"It sounds like the beginnings of something that could work but more details are needed, mainly why they would pick option three. If they wanted to do that they could have done it before but they would rather sail in smaller groups than one massive one." I smile as she is ignoring a key detail.

"The various prince and princesses hate each other and would never swallow their pride to group up with each other let alone people who just own ships privately and no land. This is a stable platform using our name and power as rulers over this land and it has the backing of our power. They will be on the same footing and will have to work and show results to get higher positions and better benefits." She goes silent as she takes that in and nods in agreement after a few moments.

"Worst that can happen is they just walk out, I think trying will only do us good so why not?" If it works it could be the proving concept needed to get some focus going farther east for House Targaryen.

I have no idea how a place like Yi Ti never had problems with Old Valyria but everything I hear about them makes them sound like a fat cow. I would think in the thousands of years of thousands of dragon Lords that one would try to take their wealth. Either those kinds of stories got erased by history or the Old Valyrians just didn't have any need for preciouses resources.

"I will bring it up but I have been meaning to ask you today if you have had any new 'visions'. Your mom said it was warging when we asked her, so have to tried to do it on purpose?" She pats the couch next to herself and Ghost scrambles to get to her quickly.

I am left on the cold floor alone so I pick myself up and brush myself off as I spot a sly smile on Visenyas lips.

"I have, I don't know if it's because he is young or what but Ghost is 'easy' to practice with. He sits patiently and I can really get myself lost enough to slip into a similar state I find myself in the visions." I watch with great interest as Visenya focuses on the wall behind me and her eyes slowly cloud over and go milk-white.

I wave my hand Infront of her eyes and they stay wide open so I poke her forehead and she still sits still. I look over at Ghost and find him looking at me with his head tilted, he blinks slowly before I notice Visenya start moving.

"Like that, I still need to practice more but I was able to see you with Ghost's eyes for a bit before I lost concentration." I ruffle the pup's head as I sit on the couch beside him and think about what I just saw.

"Could you do that with a bird or a rat?" Her face scrunches as she looks at me and I let out an amused sigh. "To spy on people." Her lips part and she slowly nods as she looks back down at Ghost.

"I will have to practice more with a willing partner like Ghost before I try to make it work with a wild animal. I might try with Vhagar as I think I have done it before and just never noticed what was going on till I Warged into Ghost." If she ever can she can listen in on rooms and hear what people are saying.

I can't imagine how a spymaster with this power would work, no one would be able to keep a secret. One rat in a room and you suddenly know about an assassination plot or something, I hope our kids get this ability passed to them. I can only imagine what it would be like to Warg into a dragon as well, Visenya may be the very first to do it.

Not many Valyrians if any have ever had First men blood and a dragon, she could be the first to ever do it and that is a bit exciting and also worrying. I hope nothing goes wrong and she or Vhagar gets hurt in the process.

"Just be careful and take it slow as your health is more important than any ability, cant use it if you kill yourself with it." She leans over Ghost and kisses my lips and gives me a bright smile.

"I will make sure I am as safe as possible, I appreciate your concern Eragon." I nod as I run my hands once again through the white wolf's coat and he thumps his tail on the couch in response.

Thanks for reading!!!

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