
Got bored so i decided to confess to the prettiest girl in school

Yuri got bored so he decided to confess to the prettiest girl in school. but he never knew thats when his peaceful life would turn up side down

Grimmy_ · Urban
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5 Chs

I shouldn't have done that

The cool wind brush my face as i stand on the roof top of the school building, nervously staring at the door waiting.

This must be the stupidest thing i did in my life.

NO! This is the stupidest thing.

Hell, if didn't said that in front of her, i won't be standing here waiting for my execution.

But its too late now.

Creaking sound can be heared as the door swang open revealing a girl.

She really came?

All this year I've been watching Anastasia from a far and thought to myself of how pretty she was, but now that she's standing infront of me, then i realized how breath taking she actually is.

She's gifted with celestial beauty, a girl with exquisite face of that of a doll, eyes made of ruby and a graceful figure.

Anastasia stared at me with gaze cold as ice.

Hell, what was I thinking trying my chances with this goddess!

I've heared stories of popular guys being destroyed after being rejected and humiliated by her. so i guess I've got that coming for me now.

Should i kneel?, bow? or...

Hell, lets just say it while standing.

You got this Yuri, lets get this over with.

I look directly to her eyes.

"Um...Miss Anastasia, your the most beautiful woman I've saw in my life, I've been thinking of confessing to you, er...im sorry but i only built up the courage now, I want to know more about you, will you go out with me?"

My body relax after the words was released.

We'll this it and at least i tried, hurl the insult lady I'm prepared.

Her face didn't seems to change much as she started talking.

"Mr. Yuri Watterson, from class-4B, average grades student, a class loner and a member of body emprovement club, is that correct?"


Wait Im a loner? where did she get that information?.

Anastasia turn around.

"I accept."

"Of course, sorry to bother yo...."

I froze to where i stand.

"Wait.....YOU WHAT NOW!?"

"I said I accept you proposal, that means were dating now, is it not? " Anastasia said.

"Er...yes...i.. guess?"

Hell, how would i know! I didn't think that i will get this far!!!


Ding dong ding dong

"Yuri, my man you look extra gloomy today, did Anastasia destroyed you with her words? Ha ha ha.."

His Brian a stylish looking guy.

This self-proclaimed ladiesman kept talking to me like were buddies, as much as i hate his guts, i don't want to smack his face just because his annoying me with his nonsense.

"Just leave me alone Brian!"

"Hahaha, stop being so grumpy, well I got tired of my last girlfriend you can have her if you want. I set my eyes in Harley next ."

Harley a popular girl in our class, she has a short black hair, bountiful chest, and an hourglass figure.

She's also the team captain of the girls tennis club. we're actually neighbors but we never once talk to each other.

I gesture for brian to go away.

"Then go bother her, i don't have time listening to your ramblings"

"Don't be like that virgin boy, i bet if you cut your hair a bit, you'll have a chance with the ladies,"

"NOPE, I don't think i will." I close my eyes and shove my face on my desk, i already have so much to think about, i dont have time for you.

"Your lose, just don't cry if you end up single fore-"

He suddenly stopped talking.

The room also turn quite.

I sensed someone infront of me. so raised my head. and saw two enchanting eyes staring at me.

"Er...Miss Anastasia what are you doing here?" I asked.

Anastasia flick her hair.

"Lets eat lunch."

i let out a blank look.

"Um...lets go?"

i gathered my thing and stand up from my desk.

I still don't believe this is happening.

Brian stared at me jaw dropped. While my classmate watch us with bewildered gaze. as I followed her.

After Anastasia and i walk out of the room the students started being rowdy. It looks like my somehow peaceful life is now gone.

Good job me!

Students gazes followed Anastasia as we walk side by side on the hallway. a felt few jealous gaze but who care.

Buying my lunch from the cafeteria, Anastasia lead me to nearby table in the school courtyard.

I look around the scenery as i scoop a spoonful gruel and put it in my mouth.

Trees dancing in the wind while few birds chirping around compliments the flavor of food.

Who knew this place was a very nice lunchtime area.

"Does that thing even taste good" Anastasia asked.

I almost forgot that Anastasia was actually next to me, well since she doesn't talk much so i kinda forgot we're together and honestly, I dont even think all of this is real.

"It actually taste good, the cook did a great job"

This rice and chicken gruel actually taste good but in only a low price. so I can say its the best deal you can have in the cafeteria.

"Er...your not eating Miss Anastasia?"

I noticed that she didn't order anything from the cafeteria.

She didn't answer me instead she bring out a lunch box.

If i remember correctly she's the daughter of a successful business man. I bet her food is extravagant. can't wait to see some lobster in there.

She open her lunch box.

inside were its a pile steamed vegetable, a slice of unknown fish and a few boiled eggs.

Seeing that my head tilt to the side.

"Whats the matter? Is this type of food not to your liking?" She asked

Did she read my mind?

"Hell, I'll eat anything, but i kinda expect food like caviar or lobsters, you know... the food that rich eats"

"As you migth see, the rich don't always eat those kind of food, and i hate caviar in particular, i prefer the healthier food instead."

"Woah, seriously"

Her eyes narrowed.


"ohh er...got it." i scratched my head.

Anastasia pointed my gruel.

"Your only eating that?" she asked.

"This would be enough for me" i answered.

Anastasia grab the the cover of her lunch box, put half of the content of her lunch box in it and slowly push it towards me.


"Er.....that won't be necessary Miss.Anastasia I-"

Anastasia face suddenly turned colder.


I raised my hand in surrender.

"Ok, ok.. got it. Who I'm i to refuse free food"

I gave her an appreciative smile.

She turn didn't said anything else before she started eating her portion.

Seeing this i started to dig in.

This vegetables taste so good! very tasty. Was this freshly pick?

What kind of fish is this tuna? Salmon?


This one is good too, the fish meat is so juicy, its like melting in my mouth.

I bet this boiled egg taste great too.


Wow, um...its...a regular boiled egg, what in hell did i expect.

A few minutes later i finished all the food that was blessed to me by a goddess and my gruel.

I never have thougth that vegetables and a piece of fish could taste so heavely.

I burped in satisfaction.

Surprise by my action Anastasia turn her head towards me shocked could be seen in her eyes.

"Er...thanks for the meal?"

~*~*~*~ the next day.

*Gringggggg* *gringgggggg*

I raised my arm and smack the alarm clock.


Hell that was a very great dream!

Stretched my body before walking out of bed, i steamed some rice and fryed some egg. then I got ready for school.

Yet another day.

Opening my door i saw a beautiful girl waiting for me outside.

"Um...Miss Anastasia?"

Wait..... that wasn't a dream?

Hell, how did she know where i live?