
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs



298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Rhaenyra Targaryen


I nod at one of the guards standing by our room as me and Shiera walk toward the door.

"I can't believe she wants it that bad." Shiera comments as I open the door and I instantly can tell something is wrong.

I close the door enough no one can see in and slide through the cracked entrance Shiera frowns and follows my example. Once we are inside and she sniffs her eyes widen a bit and we both look toward the massive bed and see a naked Eragon and Daenerys hugging each other.

Eragon and Daenerys are rocking their hips into one another slowly as if they are out of energy but can't give up.

"Well damn." Shiera comments and I nod in agreement as that fits this situation perfectly.

I look around the room and sigh in relief when I don't see any mess and it looks like they tossed their clothes and stayed on the bed. I also see the dragons huddled in a corner covering themself with their wings and tails.

Poor babies had to watch their dad fuck one of their moms.

Wait didn't they also watch me as well?

"So what were you saying about not believing?" I turn and head to the closet to get my night clothes on and join them in bed. I want to snuggle up to Eragons naked and warm body, he should sleep naked more often so I can lay my cold leg on his warm cock.

"Uhhh... OH! Yea so I can't believe Ashara wants to be 'recruited' as a head servant. I mean it's not unheard of for people of a house to serve as a servant for royalty but still." A moan from the bed causes my cheeks to heat up, Daenerys mumbles can be heard as I slowly peek over my shoulder I see Eragon rolled on top of her and laying into her.

Shiera beside me got so distracted she didn't even notice she dropped her night dress and is standing there naked. Her thighs start to glisten causing my eyes to widen and I quickly throw on my nightdress and head to the bed.

She won't take my cuddle spot!


298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Daenerys Targaryen


I hug Eragons side as he lays on his back, Rhaenyra was adamant about him 'keeping the clothes off' so she could have access to warm her leg on his cock. I won't lie, it is very warm and I would even go so far as to say it is hot to the touch.

Shiera whined that we got her 'fired up' and then started to fall asleep.

So Eragon being the loving man he is finger fucked her till she slumped on his shoulder with a content smile. Watching his fingers slide in and out of her pussy while she held onto him for dear life got my thighs wet again but I held back. I don't want to overdo it and have to rest all day tomorrow.

The best part was when he finished inside and I could feel the warmth spreading inside of me.

I slip a hand over the spot that still feels a bit warm, not as warm as earlier which makes me want to refresh it but it's still warm enough to notice. Even though mom told me not to get pregnant early as it will hurt me later on with other attempts I can't help but want to carry our baby.

But the thought of Shaena or someone else going ahead and doing it holds me back enough to not feel the need to rush. I can get as many babies as I want and I can help him pick and choose the best mothers, for both looks and health. That and I can make sure he won't pick a stuck-up bitch that is trying to use him to further some plan or something.

Rhaenyra told us about Ashara wanting to join us on our trip as a 'helper' which means anything we don't understand from lack of experience. She wants to be paid in sons and some much-deserved attention according to Shiera.

I feel a excited and proud feeling knowing a Dayne wants 'my' baby and will give us a strong Targaryen to help strengthen our dynasty. I mean the thought of a Targaryen wielding the legendary sword Dawn once he qualifies to take it from Ser Arthur fires me up to push Eragon on top of her.

That might be the most efficient way to acquire families' Valuable ancestral swords... other than killing them.

We just have to mind the spread of dragon eggs and make sure any 'wild' dragons that will come about from eggs hatching or in the worst case death of a rider. If we can control the access people have to the dragons he can fuck who he wants, but I know he mainly wants to fuck the dragon blood girls.

Maybe it's built into us, to pursue the best dragon blood partner to further our line. It would explain why none of us thought much of Viserys when Eragon is around. Even younger Eragon quickly passed Viserys in physical strength and then overtook him in size. All Viserys has is a 'crown' and we will just make our own without worrying about him.

Other note-worthy swords to try to get could be Ice or maybe Longclaw sounds like the name could trade from a 'bear' to a dragon with the help of MY dragon's own 'long claw'. Maybe Heartsbane from the House Tarly, but they are usually loyal to the dragons so maybe not.

There is also Blackfyre that is likely with the hidden Blackfyres in the Golden Company, that one we can take by killing. I wonder where Dark sister ran off to, it would be cool for Visenya or her kid to have the blade of her namesake.

I want all my kids to have the best of the best and I am willing to get my hands dirty to do it, or Eragons dick wet depending on who it is.

We should also make some Valyrian steel crowns of our own like Aegon the conqueror did, we would need to probably use more than one sword to get enough metal for all the crowns Eragons wives would need. But it would be a big status thing that we would show off proudly and others would envy.

I wonder where the Maesters get the Valyrian steel to make their chains?

Might be worth looking into.

Listing to Eragons even breaths and watching the rise and fall of my future children's father's chest eases my mind and I start to drift.


"Hey, Eragon." He looks over at me and smiles before leaning in to kiss my lips softly but possessively, I shiver feeling his hand grip my thigh under the table.

"Hey, Danny." He pulls back and I can't help but lean in to kiss him a second time before nodding with a content feeling.

"I want to talk to Melisandre where is she stashed away." He nods.

"She has a room in the palace tucked away I will take you once you eat, so eat up and don't pick at the food any longer." I roll my eyes and take a bite of my eggs.

"You two are so cute." Arianne who is eating at the table with us coos as if she is talking to a baby and I nod as we are indeed cute.

"You and Viserys are super 'cute' as well." Eragon responds and I see Arianne twitch but otherwise not respond but her eyes seem to trail Eragons features with a hungry look.

Does she also want to jump my man?

Dorne is getting out of control.

"You won't ask me what I need Melisandre for?" I ask curiously and try to forget about Arianne licking her lips as Eragon looks into her dark eyes. I will forget it until she tries something and then I will help Eragon hide any evidence.

"You could need her to fly to the moon for all I care, I will get you what you want." My smile returns and my stomach feels light and tingly.

I will also get him anything he wants.


"My prince welcome to my room, hello as well princess Daenerys." She won't stop with the princess stuff since we are in the palace so I will ignore it for now.

"My beautiful wife wants something so I brought her here." He walks into her room and flops onto her bed with an odd familiarity.

"You need me for something princess Daenerys?" Her red eyes look like fresh blood instead of the old and almost 'lifeless' red they used to be. Her skin looks even better if it is possible and her body is a little fuller. I almost want to squeeze her breast to see if she is stuffing her dress but I don't and walk toward Eragon and lay next to him. "If you needed a rendezvous spot then I am happy to accommodate you two, I live to serve the promised prince." Her tone insinuates something that makes me lick my lips but I put it aside for now.

"I wanted to ask since we now have dragons is there a way to go about trying to relearn the secrets of Valyrian steel? You once told us in a lesson on fire magic that Valyrian steel is a mix of multiple magics and metal along with a mineral and dragon fire, from your research." She nods as I lean my head on Eragons muscular chest and nuzzle my head against it. I might not be all into watching like Shiera but I can see myself liking being watched.

"This is correct, I wanted to find the recipe so I could have the loyal guardians of R'hllor equipped with the best weapons and tools. Valyrian steel also contains potent magic inside it that amplifies magic itself. Like Brightroar and Eragons flame, it is brighter and hotter with Brightroar than an ordinary steel sword." Eragon pulls me tighter into him as a hand slides down my back and rests above my ass.

"Well we have dragons so what do we need to do to study it, I had some thoughts last night and then they became a dream where all my children loved me the most. The reason they loved me the most is I gave them Valyrian steel weapons and ornaments, so I want to prepare in advance." Eragon leans up and looks at me and I feel my cheeks heat up but I just puff my lips for a kiss he swiftly delivers.

"I see, we definitely could try something but it could take years or even tens of years. It would be a nice project for my mind though so I will look into it once more." My sons will be equipped in the finest dragon scale like Valyrian steel armor with winged helms and swords to top it off. My daughters will have whatever they want of the metal, necklaces or even if they want full plate armor they will have it.

"Good, now let's talk about you living to serve your prince, look right here." I move my knee that has been stroking his cock and its hardened form is visible through the pants. "He is in needing of being serviced don't you think?" I look back at her while pulling his shirt up and exposing his body to her eyes.

Her eyes trail his body as I unbuckle his pants and Eragon has slipped his hand from my lower back onto my lower ass making a grab for my pussy.

"I am sure I can help satisfy my prince if that is what he wants." She nods but doesn't show any outward lust to my disappointment, we will see how she is with his big cock stabbing her cunt.

I look up into the eyes of my twin and blink slowly while puffing my lips again, he smiles and leans forward as I feel a finger rubbing the base of my slit.

We should have started fucking as soon as we could.

Thanks for reading!!!

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