
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs



298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


I wake up and stretch as best I can with two clingers and look over at Rhaenyra, My Rhaenyra.

She seems to be fine, I am not overly worried as it's a normal thing to lose their 'maidenhead'. But still, the blood was more than I thought but less than I feared so it should be alright. Syrax was being extra 'protective' and hung onto her even when we tried to put her to bed when we got tired.

I try to move my arm to get up but she starts to wake from my attempts.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Rhaenyra as soon as she starts to open her eyes.

"Eragon?" She asks softly and I lean in and kiss her lips before slipping my arm out from under her neck.

"The one and only." Her head drops down onto the pillow and she tries to wrap her arms tighter around me so I can't get up. "I need to go get meat, it's my turn to get the dragon's food." She whines but let's go and I turn to my other side and start working Daenerys off.

Daenerys doesn't even wake as I lift her head and slide my arm away and set her head back down. I shake my head at her slightly open mouth and messy hair as she continues to sleep blissfully. I can't help myself and kiss her cute face as I climb over her to get out of bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I slowly stand up and stretch my arms as I mentally prepare myself for the day.

We are having an important guest in Sunspear today and we get to meet them so I am slightly excited to see who it is. Oddly, we weren't told the name or the house or anything so it almost feels like a surprise of some kind.


"Dracarys." Balerion winds his head back before spitting out his midnight black flames onto the pile of meat. It gets tiring to feed the pieces one by one and they get impatient so I just started getting them to cook the whole thing at once. ""Eat up good boy."" I run my finger down his spiky tail as he lunges at the pile and starts eating.

I head over to the closet as I plan to head out and get some training in before the guest arrives, might be busy when they get here so I want to get at least some in.

I slip on the black pants and 'shirt' but I leave off the Targaryen pin as it will just be in the way. Looking myself over in the mirror the girls had brought in here I nod and head to check on them before leaving.

"I am gone." A grunt is my send-off, I shrug and head for the door.

On my way out I see Arrax perk up from his food and watch me leave, I feel bad I can't take him out and about. God my fear of some guard pulling out a crossbow and putting a bolt through their cute little head is annoying. There is an actual chance but there is also the chance nothing will happen and I am just mother Henning my kids too hard.

Whatever I will think about it some more if they start getting anxious being in the room, it's a massive room. The room even beats Viserys room in size and is clear of anything heavily flammable, they just climb around and practice flying. But they will want to go to the sky soon and I want to be somewhere no one is looking for them when they do.


I set Brightroar to the side as I watch two occupants already up and practicing in the yard I usually use.

Visenya and her uncle Benjen Stark, both have training swords and are in the middle of a match. Visenya fights ' quickly' but with a 'knight' style to her positioning and reactions. She can also wield a spear the same as any Dornish I have seen but with a sword, she is something different entirely.

She learned from some of the best in Westeros if not the world so she has had plenty of opportunity to learn some serious skills. It's obvious how much time she has put into her practice when watching her. She isn't built like Cynthia but Visenya has some real power with those arms of hers.

God something is wrong with me, I can stop checking out just about every ass I see.

"Eragon?" I hear Visenyas voice as I had gotten distracted and I look up to meet her eyes, her face and neck are covered in sweat. She walks over to a bench and grabs a cloth and starts to wipe off.

"Hello, Visenya." I nod in Benjen's way as well and he returns a nod.

"You don't usually get up this early." True, I like to sleep in when I can.

"It was my turn today." I stretch and walk over to the rack and grab a training sword. "You wore out or you still got something in you?" I ask in a tone that would have Rhaenys fired up and ready to go for another round.

"I could go once or twice more." She casually replies highlighting the difference between the two sisters.

"Good, I won't spend much time out here anyway since the 'guest' is coming today." She seems to already know as she nods in understanding and makes her way back over to the middle of the yard.

"I will go and find something to eat I am starving, see you later Visenya." Benjen nods my way as he walks off and leaves us alone in the yard.

"Ready?" She asks and I nod.


We are standing out Infront of a gate, the very same one we entered when we first came to Sunspear.

I have noticed how mother has been fussing over Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra herself is perfectly fine and looks beautiful today as usual. But mom seems to be checking and running a hand through her hair almost every time I look at them.

She only gave the rest of us a once or twice over before she focused on Rhaenyra.

It almost seems like she is worried about how the guest who is about to arrive will see her. I don't like the insinuation, why would mother care how someone sees her and not mind how they see the rest of us?

My hand is stealthily taken by Danny who is standing next to me and she squeezes it a few times. I smile at her before looking toward the road where the guest will arrive and wonder if it is what I am thinking.

I find it unlikely that we wouldn't know if they are trying to set her up with someone and mother wouldn't care how they see her so much so I must be overthinking. If I am not overthinking then it looks like I will be stabbing someone to death.

A banner being carried by a knight in odd bronze armor is easily spotted as the approaching carriage makes its way toward the gate to enter.

A light blue banner with a white bird diving into a moon.

"House Arryn." Shiera speaks before my mind can use all that knowledge that is crammed into it and my eyes widen.

Rhaenyras mom?

I look over to see Rhaenyra wide-eyed looking at the banner and their mother patting her back. I guess I won't be stabbing anyone today.


A knight in bronze armor with some kind of runes of the first men walks up to the carriage and opens the door before offering his hand to a woman who is already waiting to get out.

She has dark hair and brown eyes, not tall and not short but very slim. Got Rhaenyras hips though, or well Rhaenyra should have hers if this is her mom. The woman looks around and narrows her eyes at all of us Targaryens, her eyes pass over Danny and Shiera quickly but lock on when she sees Rhaenyra.

Her eyes widen and she stops walking away from the carriage, the knight who was escorting her forward also stops.

"Welcome to Sunspear Lady Arryn, it's a pleasure to have you." Prince Doran speaks up, today he is up and walking which is a rare sight. His teeth grit together and you can tell he is in obvious pain but is dealing with it.

"Prince Doran, I thank you for accepting my request to visit and discuss some matters." She only spares him a look long enough to get pleasantries out of the way and then looks back at Rhaenyra.

Definitely her mom, Rhaenyra looks frozen in place and isn't doing anything I thought she would once she saw her mom. She was too young to remember her so she might be questioning if this is even real.

My mother rubs her hand slowly and comfortingly on Rhaenyras back and her eyes are slightly red but she won't cry in public.

"Well let's head inside, we have some food prepared to welcome our guests." Prince Doran speaks up breaking the awkward silence that built up and turns around slowly to hobble back into the palace. A guard close behind him ready to catch him if he was to fall over but far enough back to not get in the way.

We all slowly turn to follow him and the woman who I believe is Aemma Arryn, the woman who married my second oldest brother before he died and gave birth to Rhaenyra, looks ready to run over to her but is also holding back.

Mother holds Rhaenyras arm and slowly pulls her along but at an angle that she will intersect with Aemma and as the gap between the closes Rhaenyra starts to get nervous. She looks up at my mom and her eyes widen but Rhaella pulls her along and they walk beside Lady Arryn.

Me and Danny with Shiera walk slowly enough that they pass us and subtly pick up the pace and walk behind them so we can hear any conversation. It takes until we are inside the palace before Aemma looks over at Rhaenyra and finally opens her mouth.

"Hello, Rhaenyra I am Aemma... I am your mom." Dear god that was horrible, they both look incredibly awkward but also look ready to hug.

"Hello, Lady Arryn I am Rhaenyra Targaryen and it is nice to meet you." Oh boy, this is good, they are both killing this meeting. Did she have to introduce herself when the lady just said her name to her?

"I know, trust me I know as I was the one who named you." A sad look crosses the face of Aemma but it soon disappears and she looks back forward.

"Who is this?" Mom asks while looking at the knight in bronze armor.

"This is my husband, Robar Royce the son of Yohn Royce the Lord of Runestone and house Royce." So the replacement for my brother, couldn't have made this any more awkward if she tried at this point.


I watch as things slowly get better with Rhaenyra and her mom and they talk while eating, neither is really touching the food but instead just moving it around. Robar Royce is also trying to talk with Rhaenyra but it doesn't seem like it will do him any good.

He seems young, older than me for sure but not as old as Aemma, she isn't old mind you. She should be around Shaena in age and I wouldn't call Shaena old.

Thinking about Shaena I look over at her and she is conversating with Elia and some others. I need to talk to her, I feel bad about how I just left and I should apologize. I am sure it must have felt bad when I just ran off as soon as I woke back up.

I also have lessons with Visenya and Rhaenys after we eat so I can't do it right now but I will visit her room later.

Thanks for reading!!!

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