
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs



285 AC


Benjen Stark


"Are you sure you want to do this? Once you fake your death then there will be no easy way to come back without attracting some attention." Ever since he confessed the truth to me about Lyanna being alive and in hiding I have wanted to go and join her. Staying in Winterfell is painful, all the memories of better times, I almost went to the night's watch to escape.

"I am sure, I would feel better if I was there able to do something for her. Plus there is nothing here for me anyway, it's this or the watch for me." Ned raises his brows.

"You know that is a lie, your family and this is your home." It's a nice sentiment but it doesn't feel like home anymore, not when there isn't any of the family that made it so warm.

"I made up my mind, and with the letter, you received from Robert demanding the truth of what is happening at Starfall it's obvious he is having ideas." Robert has probably figured out that Ned lied to him about what happened at Starfall, Ned said it was about Ashara and he didn't want to talk about it.

"Alright, I can't convince you otherwise I take it?" I shake my head and stand up, he stands as well and walks around his desk, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I will miss you." I squash any momentary regret and back away from him.

"Aye, I will miss you as well, Take care of them for me while you are down there. I am sure she is going crazy being cooped up all the time and will be relieved to see you, you two were always close." I smile remembering all the times me and Lyanna used to cause trouble around Winterfell, I can't wait to see her once more.

"Alright, well I am off, I guess have fun at my funeral in a few months." He chuckles and slaps me on the back and I head for the door, I pause looking around the solar one last time. It will be a long time until I see this place again, if ever.


285 AC


Rhaella Targaryen


I walk into the nursery where Eragon and Daenerys are both playing and the servant who was watching them bows and steps out. Shaena follows me in as well and sits across from me.

"So you are considering marrying Viserys to Arianne Martell, don't you think that you're giving them too much? He confirmed that Elia and her kids are alive, so they will be pushing Aegons claim. Viserys could marry someone from the Reach or even the free cities to pull in some new allies." Shaena asks from the side. Dorne has Aegon and Rhaenys as well as a grandchild with the Kingsguard who is the daughter of a stark, the very same one that the rebellion started over. So the North and Dorne are going to be working together if they marry Aegon to that child that I haven't seen.

Aemma will be leading the Vale if all things go well on her end, and if not we still have Rhaenyra who carries Arryn's blood and can get a marriage on that end. Stormlands and Westerlands are united on the throne which leaves only Riverlands which is allied to the North and the Vale already. The Reach is a great option but our enemies will know that and any marriage candidates for Viserys will probably be offered to be the queen by Tywin. That doesn't leave many options for Viserys except the Iron Islands and I refuse to marry my son to some reaving and raping islander.

"Your right Shaena, our options are not very many on that side of the narrow sea." The options on this side of the sea aren't much better either, just rich men who temporarily hire mercenary's to fight their wars. The Dothraki are not even remotely an option and the Slave soldiers are off the table as well. And as far as the mercenary's, two of the biggest are very prejudiced against our family. The golden company hates Targaryens and supports Blackfyres and the Company of the Rose was settled by those who refused to bend their knee to dragons.

"We have time darling, we have time to think about it all. And who knows when an opportunity will create itself for us and we just have to be ready. Our main concern should be to survive and be ready to return should the opportunity present itself." She nods and leans back.

"I still wasn't expecting the red viper to travel all the way to Braavos to look for us though." It does show that we are more exposed than we would like.

"Eh!" Daenerys tries to get Eragons attention as he has turned away from her, he continues to try and pull the hair off the doll he stole from Daenerys and ignores her. "Eh!"

"Hahaha, look at them." Eragon sits up and continues to spin around to keep the doll away from her as he picks at its hair, much to Daenerys distress. Soon Daenerys can't take it anymore and cry's out for help as she has given up. I stand up and walk over and sit down next to them, they both look over at me. "You shouldn't take her toys Eragon, how would you feel if she took your toys?"

Eragon stares up at my eyes and then looks back at the doll and then back at me. As if nothing happened he pulls its hair again and I shake my head. I take the doll and hand it back to Daenerys and she grabs ahold of it with both arms to keep it from being stolen once more.

"My two precious little babies." I kiss both their cheeks and grab their favorite dragon toy that they both love to play with. A Solid white dragon with purple eyes, its white is reminiscent of a pearl, and it has some spikes on its neck. Seeing the dragon Eragons eyes go wide and he holds his hands out for it.

"Sweet boy, I will give you your dragon if you don't take your sister's doll anymore." His hands opening and closing as he leans forward to grab the dragon. "Alright, here."

Having the dragon in his hands his smile spreads wide and he plays with it very excitedly.


285 AC

Small council room

Robert Baratheon


"Nothing new I am afraid, my little birds sing of all kinds of tales in Sunspear but that's the problem. They are all singing in a different tune and I can't verify anything with that, I am certain that they at the very least want you to think Elia and her kids are in fact in Sunspear." Rage bubbles up in my gut, are those Dornish fucks taunting me?

"Why would they want me to think that they are there? Do they think I won't call the banners and march down to check for myself?!" The eunuch rubs his powdered hands together and smiles.

"I didn't say anything of the sort your Grace. I only assessed the information I have, they may be diverting attention to themselves because they have confidence in holding you off." Diverting from what? The other damn Targaryens are across the narrow sea. Is the possible dragon hiding in Starfall?

Ned told me that his sister was dead and said nothing about any child with Rhaegar, The damn honorable fool wouldn't lie to me. Unless it was for his family, could he have lied to me?

"Your grace, surely we can discuss other matters in this meeting. The only time you show up is when you want an update on the Targaryens. There are many matters in the realm that would benefit if you got involved." Jon Arryn speaks up from my side, my hand, and my second father.

"Alright get on with it!" I hold my cup out for the boy to pour me some more wine.

"The lands that were burned last year still haven't managed to recover and some lords are asking for help until their lands recover."

"Send them enough to get them through their recovery but have them repay when they are back to producing in full." There, easy enough, sitting around debating something so simple is just a waste of time. We should hold a tourney soon to celebrate the coming birth of my child with that damn lion. "We need to begin planning a tourney for the birth of my first child." Well, the first child in this marriage at least.

"Your grace, are you sure we should spend any more gold at this time when we have only begun to truly recover from the damages of the war?" Damn Penny pinchers! Why even am I King if I can host a Tourney when I want?

"We can and we will, it will do the realm some good to celebrate the birth of my heir." A few of the men on my own council look at Jon Arryn and I take a drink of the wine to cool any heat from lashing out at them. I am the king and if I want to host a Tourney then I will host a damn tourney.


285 AC

Casterly rock

Jaime Lannister


Sitting across from my mother, she called for me and has only been quietly reading ever since I came in here. I don't know how long I can just sit here without her saying anything, I need to be doing something.

"Are you nervous?" She finally breaks the silence.

"No, why would I be?" she sets down her book and looks me in the eyes.

"Something other than what happened at King's Landing and then your trip to Dorne is bothering you and I am not going to stop asking about it until you tell me. I am worried about you Jaime, your father is paying a heavy price to get your image cleared and put you as his heir once more. He will notice it as well when he returns and takes a good look at you." her eyes bore into me and I don't show any emotion. or at least hope I don't.

How do I tell them that Shaena Targaryen had my child and took her across the narrow sea and I am worried for them? My father got his blood on the throne with my sister becoming pregnant and is finally getting what he wants with me taking the Rock, if he knew of Shiera he would have her killed. She is a weapon to be used against me and in turn house Lannister, he would pay any price to have them killed.

"It's nothing, I am fine. I am just adjusting to my new role and preparing myself for what I have to do. I swore an oath to take no lands remember? I didn't think I would ever be back here to take control." I give her my best smile and hope she just lets it end with that, I have enough conflict going on inside of me without dealing with her worrying about me.

"Jaime." She walks around to my side and hugs me. "You can tell me anything and I will always be on your side. Just tell me when you are ready, ok?" I nod as she puts both her hands on either side of my face and kisses my forehead.

"I will, when I am ready." She nods and then sits back down.

"Spend some time with your brother, he was happy you were back but you have been keeping to yourself since you got back. He probably feels like he did something wrong for you to not have talked to him since your return other than when we eat together." I sigh and head to Tyrion's room, maybe he can help distract me from my thoughts.

Thanks for reading!!!

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