
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs


[ disclaimer - the year and the time stuff happen are AU and only pertain to this fan fic so going off the show or book would be pointless. I decided to start a fresh timeline and move stuff around to make it work out to achieve what I want. thanks for reading! ]


284 AC


Shaena Targaryen


" I still don't see how you can even stand at this point, when I had Shiera in my belly I felt like I was going to split open. Those two look like they are making an actual effort to split you with how big you are." My Mother Rhaella sits inclined as she looks over the painted table, a Raven came and with it, pieces have to move around the board.

"I honestly enjoy having them break my back." She rolls her eyes. "But on a serious note they have been helping me stay cheered up, knowing they will be here soon is a good feeling." She has put on a brave front since news of both her eldest sons, my brothers dying against Robert's forces. The news of Father joining them in death was something we least expected, damn Jaime why did you do it. Well, I have a good idea why he would, but he still needs to explain it to me.

Honestly though if I blame anyone I want to curse Rhaegar for thinking with his dick and causing all this. He has brought us to our lowest point since the conquest because of his obsession with three children. Why did he send them to Dorne as well, all his family should be here but everyone is scattered and dying one by one. I hope Elia and the kids made it out, no word of their fate has been heard and we can only hope that no news is good news.

"Do you need help?" Mother tries to stand and winces.

"I will be fine baby, I will retire to my chambers and get some rest. Monford Velaryon requested a private meeting with me but I need to get some sleep first." Standing I help mother toward the door, as we open it I spot Ser Barristan and he begins to walk over.

"She is fine, just needs a little help." He nods but still stands close by in case something happens as we make our way to mothers chambers.

"Ser Barristan." Mother calls out with some slight pain in her tone.

"Yes your grace?" His voice always makes me feel safe responds to her.

"Where is Viserys?" The pain is even more evident as she leans more onto me and the old Kingsguard sends me a worried look.

"Ser Willem Darry was watching over him as far as I am aware." Mother puts a hand on the wall and we all hear as fluid pours onto the ground. my eyes go wide as I realize what is happening.

"Ahhh!" Mother stumbles and I try to hold her up, Ser Barristan grabs her other arm and we keep her from falling.

"We need to get her to a bed!" it seems a servant on the side heard me call out as he appears beside me and helps move her toward a bedroom.

The door is kicked open and we make our way in as mother begins shouting, laying her down I notice her already sweating a lot so call for water and towels.

People pour in to assist as I also try my best to help, it's not the first time I have helped her after all. That and my own experience with Shiera, I know what she is going through at least a little. In the distance I hear thunder rumbling, it seems a storm has arrived.



284 AC


Viserys Targaryen


"Why can't I go inside?!" Why are they keeping me out? these servants can come and go as they please but I can't go check on my mother?!

"The birthing process isn't for young boys to see my prince." Ser Willem Darry has a grim look watching the servants coming and going with new towels and more water. Does he think I am an Idiot? If he looks this worried then how does he expect me to be able to calm down?

"I want to see my mom!" I run past him and try to squeeze into the door.

A hand catches my shoulder and I am turned around in place, Ser Willem Darry holds my shoulders and kneels.

"My Prince, you need to have faith that it will all be fine. Entering in there will only cause your mother more worries and she needs to focus right now." A scream comes from the room and I turn to look but he puts a hand on my chin and turns me back to meet his eyes.

"I just want to see her." I bite my lip and keep the tears at bay, a Dragon doesn't cry!

"You will, you will Viserys I promise you she is stronger than anyone gives her credit for." He smiles trying to placate me and I don't feel placated. Either way, if I keep trying to run in he will just hold me back. I must get him to let his guard down so I can sneak it while he is distracted.

"Ok." I stomp off to the side and sit down against the wall and put my head on my knees, peeking I wait till he isn't paying attention.

"How are things going?" I turn and see Daerons wife Aemma Arryn holding both Shiera on one hip and Rhaenyra on the other. I don't understand why she is even left alive, her Father betrayed our family and is helping Robert with his rebellion. My brothers died because of her father's betrayal, Jon Arryn was Daerons father-in-law and he still lead the forces of the Vale against him.

"Well, as you can hear..." a loud shout comes from the room right on time as Ser Willem Darry gestures to the room. He then looks between the room and me like I can't see his eyes or something, he is almost begging for her to do something.

"*Sigh* Alright Viserys come with me please." I don't move and she sets the girls down while still holding their hands. "Look, Viserys you can't help her, but you can help your nieces, look at how scared they are." I look toward the two and see Shieras mismatched blue and green eyes tearing up and Rhaenyra's own purple eyes aren't any better.

I look away so their pitiful looks don't affect me, but then I feel a small hand on my knee.

"Play Visiss." I have to stop the smile from spreading when I hear Shiera calling me the wrong name once again, when will this girl learn? When I see another servant leave to fetch more water I let out a sigh and stand up.

"Ok, let's go play, but not far. I want to be close when she calls for me." Aemma smiles as she pats me on the back and I hear the old knight let out a sigh as he follows behind us.

The sound of the storm louder as we walk past a window.



284 AC

On a Ship in the Narrow Sea

Jaime Lannister


"You know if you just tell her the truth she will most likely forgive you." Elia joins me leaning on the rail as I look out at the waves.

"I killed her Father, how could she ever forgive me?" I think back at our final farewell, more than a year since I have seen her or my daughter. I should have just sailed to Dragonstone and spirited them away to Essos or somewhere far away.

"She knows better than most how much he has changed." Elia's voice takes on a chilling edge as she pats my shoulder. "You also know how Aerys reacted when he found out she was pregnant, when she refused to answer who the Father was I thought she was going to be forced to kill the baby." My teeth clench remembering how he struck her for not telling him it was mine, I should have just killed him then and run off with her.

"Of course, I remember, I was standing right there." I try to shake off the memory since it will do me no good to get riled up at a dead man.

"That and it was your fault anyway, with being the father and all." I spin around making sure no one overheard. "Don't worry, no one can hear us and I am talking quietly anyway." I glare at her, Why did Shaena have to tell her. all she has done since learning is give me a heart attack whenever she can, if my father was to learn of this it would be a disaster.

I dread Cersei learning of it even more, when I joined the Kingsguard I thought she would be queen. Then in anger at Aerys, I took the chance when Shaena showed interest in me and bedded her, I never thought I would end up loving her.

I still remember how my heart almost stopped when I saw little Shieras one Lannister green eye. similar to how my own brother has mismatched eyes, I thought we would have been caught for sure.

"*Sigh* I should have been the one at Dragonstone instead of Ser Barristan." I shake my head once more trying to banish the thoughts that won't do us any good now. I need to focus on keeping Elia and her children safe till they are back at Sunspear. then I can go and find Shaena and Shiera.

"Don't trust him to guard your lover and your little girl? I think Rhaenys would be jealous if she knew her favorite Kingsguard was playing favorites." she smirks before turning around and walking toward the cabin. "We are going to get some rest." she walks off but pauses at the door. "Thank you, Jaime, I know I already said it but it will never be enough. That monster of a man would have killed us if you didn't make it in time." her eyes glimmer with tears as she turns her head back and closes the door behind her.

I smile, I at least managed to save those three.

A storm crackles in the distance behind us, good thing we managed to avoid it.


284 AC

Red Keep

Eddard Stark


"Where are they?!" I hear Robert bellow for the ' dragon spawn ' for the hundredth time. I need to leave, I have to find Lyanna as soon as possible.

"Robert." He continues to bark at all the people in the throne room as his face goes red. "Robert!" he turns and looks at me with a wild look in his eyes, he started this rebellion because of Lyanna as far as he says. but it seems he just wants to kill all the Targaryens and to think Daeron used to call him family because they actually share blood.

"What is it Ned?!" I take a deep breath and remain calm.

"I am leaving to go find my sister, she isn't here and I need to find her before something happens to her." Robert looks at me and then gives a quick nod.

"Go find her, if you see any of those dragons bring them back for me." I shake my head and head out to find some of my most trusted me to ride with me.

Please Lyanna, please be alright. I can't lose any more family.


Thoughts? I realized even with all my preparation I was still underprepared for just how big this world is when I started putting my pieces together and writing. But I had a ton of fun writing this chapter!

A very different GoT world should be obvious at this point.

Thanks for reading!!!

Pretending_Authorcreators' thoughts