
GOT: A Farmer's Tale

=== Author: alltheuntold (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12839968/1/A-Farmer-s-Tale === Synopsis: A 30-year-old American farmer is sent to the world of ASOIAF. Follow as he tries to create a life for himself.

DaoistViking · TV
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156 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

Twelfth day, Eleventh Moon, 236 AC

Violet and I sat underneath the apple tree as we had a little snack while taking a break from weeding our fields. Max, our corgi, lay beside Violet in the shade of the tree enjoying the cool respite from the heat of the day. Nyra was in the barn making felt for more cowboy hats that we planned to sell to the villagers.

While munching on an apple Violet said, "Papa, I like the summer better. It's nicer. Why do we have to have winter?"

I laughed, "Violet don't talk with food in your mouth. And the world needs winter to balance. It doesn't mean we have to like it, but it's needed."

She frowned, "But it's cold."

"Yes, but remember how much fun we had doing things like skating and skiing?"

Violet smiled, "Yes! That was fun!" She frowned again though, "But it's so nice when its warm. And we have fresh apples now! Why can't we play more games in the summer papa?"

"Because in the summer we have a lot of work to do to make sure we have enough food. Didn't you have fun at the harvest festival?"

She nodded, "Yes papa, but that was so long ago!"

I smiled, "Come now Violet, it's not so bad. How about we play a game tonight?"

She perked up a bit at that, "An outside game?"

I nodded, "Sure, what kind of game do you want to play?"

She worried her lip in thought, "I don't know papa. Can I think more?"

I gave her a reassuring smile, "Sure honey, you can think until later tonight if you'd like."

After a while of just enjoying the shade, I eventually stood up and took our empty cups back to the house. When I exited the house, I saw Nyra cleaning up near the river.

She saw me walking over to her and smiled at me. She said, "Michael! Good break?"

I nodded, "Yes, Violet was just telling me about how much better summer is than winter."

She snorted, "Yes, most children her age say the same thing about their first summer."

I shook my head at that, "It's still weird to me to have such long seasons. Really weird."

She rolled her eyes at me, "Better get used to it mister." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Because you're not going anywhere."

I held her close for a minute before giving her a kiss and pulling apart. As she walked back to the barn I took a moment to admire her, before walking back to Violet.

As I was crossing the field, I spotted Zane coming into view on the far side of the property.

I shouted out to Violet, "Violet, your Uncle Zane is here. I am going to go talk to him for a bit, so why don't you go and play fetch with Max?"

At the word fetch, Max raised up his head and started to wag his tail. I watched them run off to the empty field behind the barn and started to walk to meet Zane.

We clasped hands as we met and greeted each other. "'Lo there Michael. How's the family?"

I replied, "Good, good. Yours?"

He answered, "The little ones, Jeran and Tarla, are good. Tarla is a bit fussy still, but tha' is normal for a young one. Cait, is good too. Recovered from Tarla's birth easy enough." I smiled, glad that she had an easy birth. For her first one, she was in labor for many hours and took a long time before she was up and moving again. He continued, "Say, I had a few questions for 'ya if you don't mind."

"Sure, come on over to the house and I'll get you a drink." I led him back to the porch and indicated for him to sit, while I went inside to grab a drink for us. I came back out and poured us each a shot of vodka. We both threw it back, and I poured another. I spoke up, "So what's up?"

He replied, "It's about the dog breeding." I nodded, knowing from a previous discussion with his mother about his interest in it. He continued, "I know you've seen a lot o' the Seven Kingdoms and such. Was wondering what kinds o' dogs there already are."

Interesting, I am glad he is putting real thought into it. I answered, "Well there are lots of different kinds, with some kinds having specific purposes. Hunting and guard dogs are common, especially among masters and lords; shepherd dogs among animal herders. There are also mixed dogs that don't really have owners but aren't quite wild in big places like King's Landing. Then you've got a few special breeds that only exist in some places, like in Dorne they have hunting dogs but ones that are really small to chase into things like foxholes."

He looked interested at that last one, "So different types o' hunting dogs then?"

I nodded, "Aye, you might have the traditional Lordly hunting dog's flush boars or birds. Others to chase foxes or retrieve dead animals from marshes and the like."

"I was thinking something like a guard dog for merchants, 'cause I never heard about anything like tha'. I've talked t' Koryn's goodfather, Rodrick, and he said that some o' his fellows might have a large dog to scare off animals, but nothing 'special."

I hummed thoughtfully. That was a good idea actually, I'm pretty sure people did that with dogs back on Earth too, Dobermans I think, or maybe German Shepherds. "That sounds like a good idea. Any ideas on how to start that?"

Zane shrugged and said, "My dogs just had a litter, so I was planning to start with them. I was hoping the next litter could be studded from one of your large dogs?"

I nodded, "That's fine. Make sure you feed the animals well and keep them healthy though. And then make sure you only breed the animals that have what you want. Like the bigger ones, obedient and aggressive. Stuff like that."

"Aye, like you were saying about the other farm animals. I guessed it would be like tha'."

I replied, "You might want to come with me the next time I head to Deepwood Motte. Maybe get a dog or two from the guardsmen?"

Zane smiled and said, "Tha' would be good. I got the coin for it now, though it'll be a shame to spend the coin. It's a good feeling to have that coin to spend."

I laughed, "Yes, yes, it is. Another idea for the future is trying to capture a wolf or two to breed into the lines. The dogs will probably be much harder to control, but it might be worth it. Maybe we can find a direwolf, eh? A guard dog the size of a horse would be a mighty thing."

Zane snorted, "A direwolf? That's funny. They're all gone south o' the wall now, but tha' would be a thing to see. The wolf idea is good though. Maybe have a second line, and slowly breed that in? I'll think about it. Let me know when you are going to Deepwood next?"

I nodded, "Sure thing. And people say that the direwolves are all gone, but how would they know eh? I don't know where the regular wolves den deep in the woods, let alone the direwolves."

Zane rolled his eyes, "People would 'a seen tracks or something. Anyways, I got to get back to the farm. Thanks for the talk, real helpful. And the drink!"

I stood up and clasped hands as he left. I watched him leave the property, then walked around to the back of the barn looking for Violet. I saw her throwing a stick yelling, "Fetch!" with Max with Nyra standing behind her with an amused smile on her face. I walked up behind them and put my arm around Nyra and gave her a little squeeze.

She said to me without taking her eyes off Violet, "What did my brother want?"

"Just wanted to talk about his dog breeding, and to see if he can use one of our dogs as a stud."

She nodded, "Ah. He serious about it then?"

I replied, "Yeah, he's making plans and doing some research. I think he's got a pretty good plan actually."

She smiled and said, "Good." She was silent for a moment before continuing, "So, only a few more moons until we have another child. Ready for no sleep?"

I laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Always. And Violet is old enough to help with some things."

She didn't reply but just leaned into me.

We were silent for a moment, with only Violet and Max breaking the silence of the day.

I started to sing, "Lalalala, let's live in the moment…"