
Got: A Broken Dragonling

14 years ago I awoke in a run-down house with no idea how I ended up there, since then I have built a life for myself as a Mercenary captain, at the young age of 20, I command a troop of 300. As I grew I began to notice that I was different to my peers here, unlike most I have some capacity to use magic. To what extent I have yet to find, I believe I may be related to dragons. My now dead Dornish Mother left me with an amulet with a dragon carved into it. I swear the eyes in the dragon move, looking at me when I sleep...

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The Aftermath of the Battle of the Yellow Fork.

"A good battle today Commander."

My second in command said as he walked past me, he is a gruff man, tall, on the older side, a bastard from the Reach. Fought with me for three years, most of my troop have, we are here, bought on the promise of future payment by House Stark but in all honesty, I'm not here for that. We are where for the injustice caused to Ned Stark, one of the few good men left in the realm, one who helped out when I was younger, smuggled me into the north after the death of my mother.

It is easy for someone to distrust me on sight, you see although I have the typical appearance of a Dornish man, there is one striking difference, I have lilac coloured eyes, only born to those of the Dragon. Although my mother had tried to convince me I was a Dornish bastard, my eyes tell a different story as does her death at the hands of the former king.

Something about smuggling a Targaryen boy, Ned reported me dead in the building, killed by his hand before he brought me north, leaving me with one of his bannermen. As the years went on. I left the tutelage of the Bannerman, joining the mercenary company, I now run at the tender, age of 15. A young age to begin fighting but a need for food and a bed to sleep in drove me towards the only thing I could do well, kill.

"It was indeed, we did well today, reward the lads with some extra coin, should upgrade the whores they can get. Any major injuries?"

Stopping in his tracks, Byron turned around smiling he said" Micheal has some minor wounds but other than that we are fine, no need for your magic hands."

I nod, "Is Micheal still trying to prove himself like an idiot?"

Byron laughed, " It is as you say, he is still trying to claim his first kill, he tried to charge Jamie Lannister in whispering woods a few months back, I was luckily on hand to pull him back. Too much life in the young one, well the other young one."

I let out a small laugh, "He should be full of life while he can, this world will tear it away before he can blink, where is Jamie being held?"

"He is being held in a pig's pen near the centre of the camp, why do you ask captain?"

I smile at him before walking out of the large tent, my men made sounds of acknowledgement as I walked past them focusing on how to word what I was going to say to Jamie. You see a side effect of my blood, at least I think it is, is magic that runs rampant through my body. So far I have used it to heal, burn, freeze and electrocute, it however has used me as well. Forcing me to see visions whenever I gaze into the fire.

These visions vary in what they show, some things unimportant like the birth of a child during a storm or a battle that happened thousands of years ago however some of these visions are very interesting. For example, the real reason Brandon Stark was thrown off of the keep walls or the true masterful plot behind Ned's death.

Walking up the shit covered cage Jamie was being held, in, I took a sep to the side, to my surprise, it appears Lady stark and her Knight Brienne? Were conversing with the kingslayer, taking in a bit of their conversation, I gently walked up behind them, a relaxed posture, showing I meant no harm.

"It is a surprise to see you here Lady Stark, what business do you have with Ser Jamie?"

Turning on her heels, the woman shot me a glare before responding with, "I could ask you the same thing."

I laughed a little at her frosty attitude, as I walked forward, Brienne walked between the two of us, protecting her lady. "You misunderstand, if I wanted you dead you already would be, weird for the two of you to be talking with him while Robb isn't in camp, not making any private deals I hope?"

In response to my question, Brienne's hand hovered over the sword at her side, "I see so that is the case, I was going to offer Jamie something similar, you see I need him in Kings landing, his sister gets anxious when he isn't around and that is bad for everyone, including your daughters Lady Stark."

"You know nothing of me and my sister." The Golden Lion snarled from his lovely seat.

My body moving on its own, walked past bot Lady stark and Brienne before I knelt next to Jamie and whispered "I know she and you fuck regularly, I know that our lovely King is a bastard sired by the two of you. I know that Bran saw the two of you and that is why you threw him from a window, now I suggest you shut up and let me negotiate for your release."

Turning around, I meet the confused eyes of the two ladies, it was a known fact that Jamie would spew insults at people in the camp, trying to make them act out against them, weakening Robb. "I want to make a deal with you Lady Stark, you release the Lion, I and my troop will escort him back to King's Landing and trade him for your daughters. I know you will not trust me, so I suggest Breinne comes along with us. Someone you trust to be at my side for the duration of the trip."

"You will get my daughters for me?"

I drop to my knee and vow "On the soul of my dead mother and as a way to repay the Good deed Ned Stark gave me."

Be sure to read the Auxilliary chapter.

Thanks for reading.

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