
GOT- Elf between worlds

The MC reincarnates in the world of Game of Thrones 5000 thousand years before the script, he has as his goal, to explore the known world and the unknown. What he doesn't know is that this world is more dangerous than the one in the series. English is not my native language. I ask the readers, do not get stuck only in the original GOT story

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POV : Baelon

'-More how long do I have to stay here , I lost count of days already ' grumbled

'-what is this ? ' I asked

'That burning sensation ahhhhh '

POV : Emma

''ahhhhh I think my Baby is being born !!! ''

''Arthur come here run!'' I screamed

''What is it baby ?! "he asked

"What do you think it is? HE'S BIRTHING!'' I shouted

"Wait I'll call the older ones, lie down on the bed" - he spoke in a hurry

POV : Arthur

'I have to be born my son is being born !! '

I ran through the village , I almost didn't see people already it was night , I saw the houses of the elders .



The door opens, and I see an elderly person that I recognize isabell.

"-Please isabell help me my son is being born ''

"Hello Arthur, how is the hunt going?" she asked

"-Please don't worry, my son is being born" almost shouting

"-All right my son take me to Emma " she spoke patiently

"-Thank you".

Arriving home I can hear screams and desperation

"-Please, isabell, let's go" I said almost in despair

Arriving at the door I hear a woman screaming

"-QUERIDA , I arrived will be fine my love '' I spoke desperate

"-You'd better stay outside " isabell spoke heavily

"-It's ok"

4 hours of labor and I still hear screams.

'Has it stopped?! Please make it all right'.

"Boy come in"

POV : Emma

'At last the pain has stopped , I want to see my baby '

I see Arthur entering the room, with a crying face expecting the worst.

Let me see my baby please!" I said in a voice almost inaudible

I see isabell staring at my baby and I do not know why and I am afraid .

"Isabell what happened?" I spoke almost inaudible

Look for yourself Emma" spoke

I take my baby and I see that he has purple eyes, black hair the darkest shade I have ever seen, ears a little bit different than normal, but my baby is certainly the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.

POV : Arthur

'-Emma is staring at our son ' I thought

Emma is everything ok?'' I asked

"Come here and look for yourself" she said

Coming closer I see my son , purple eyed child with black hair .

Emma our son, isn't he too cute hahaha" I asked her

Yes he is beautiful" she said

"But why does he have purple eyes and sharp ears?

"Magic" said isabell

"What ?!?! '' - shouted both of them

POV : Isabell

This child she has a gift for magic, greater than anything I've ever seen '' I said amazed

"-What do you mean magic ?! Said the two stooges

Yes, magic, your child is very special. '' - I said

"Take care of this child, protect him and if someone asks why his eyes are like that, say that when you were pregnant ate {aconitum} .

"But why?" asked Emma

"I told you he is very special" I said again

POV : Baelon

I was finally born!' I shouted to myself

'Who's talking ?

I open my eyes and see an old woman who is staring at me , she passes to my mother .

'-This woman is my mother she is too beautiful, so that man is my father he is also handsome ' I thought '

'- What is this old woman talking about , that made my parents scared ?' I thought

'-Well whatever, I looked around and I see that I am in a small house, but it looks cozy ' I thought to myself '

'-Right I came to this world, I need to stay strong and train to survive, I don't think it will be easy but I have to survive ' I thought

'-From what I can tell, I think I'm in Westeros, because if I were in Essex the climate would probably be arid.'

'-It's a good place to start, first I have to learn the language of Westeros and learn how to use magic and swords ' I thought

'-I think I'm going to sleep, my mother has already slept from the looks of it and my father is tidying up the messy room, tomorrow is going to be a long day ' I thought