
GOT- Elf between worlds

The MC reincarnates in the world of Game of Thrones 5000 thousand years before the script, he has as his goal, to explore the known world and the unknown. What he doesn't know is that this world is more dangerous than the one in the series. English is not my native language. I ask the readers, do not get stuck only in the original GOT story

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42 Chs

Ancient runes


It's been a few minutes since the battle with the King ended, and I'm planning to go to the business to look at maps, and find a bird to tame.

This bird will help me deliver letters and get information.

I am also planning to go to the library to see if I can find anything about runes and ancient magic.

The princess is willing to go with me to find what I need. When I get close to the gate, I realize that she has not yet arrived.

/10 min later /

Finally I can see someone coming , I see the princess with two other guards coming towards me , she wears a blue dress with white details .

'' Sorry for the delay '' she said

"No problem".

Going through the stalls , I see many different items , but the one that interested me most was ,a piece of metal that I feel some magic in it .

Hello, can you tell me where you found this piece of metal?

Who answers me is an old man who looks to be in his 60s.

"I found it near a dam, "said the old man

Then, I was near a tree with a face ' I thought

How much do you want for this metal?

He looks at me and my clothes, and says :

'' 1 gold coin '' he spoke with a smile

"How about 10 silver coins?" I said

'' It's not too little '' the old man says in a serious voice

It's a piece of metal, you won't find anyone who pays more than that," I said.

"All right, you win.

Coming out of there I hear :

'' You didn't pay too much, for this metal? '' said the princess

'' No I paid very cheap '' I said smiling

Because it's just metal '' she said

"It's not just any metal, this metal absorbs magic .

After talking to mirando about magic , I asked her to take me to a place that sells birds .

"This is it," she said.

I see a place, away from the main business, a house that is already old, and almost falling down.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I asked.

Of course, you can trust me'' she said, smiling.

As we entered, I looked around us, I saw several birds in cages and some birds flying.

In the center of the room , I see a lady with several animals around her .

'' Hello, do you have birds to sell? I asked.

The old woman looks at me and says:

"What kind of birds?

I think and speak :

"Do you sell raven?

"Yes, do you want to see them?" she said

'' Sure ''

Arriving at a room deeper in the house, I see several crows flying around the room, some crows are black with morron stripes, some are totally black.

Looking around , I pick out a totally black one ,which was looking directly at me .

'' I want this one . '' I said

"All right, go ahead and get it," said the old woman.

Going to the main room, I see miranda looking at me and says :

'''Did you get, any bird?'' asked

Yes, I will get a raven '' I said smiling

You have a very strange taste '' she said laughing

Leaving the store with the raven, I also passed some clothing stores, which Mirande made me try each outfit in the store, in the end I chose a black overcoat, and some black and white clothes.

Arriving at the castle, I said goodbye to miranda, and went to store my things in the room, when I arrive fenrir jumps on me and starts licking me, after all he is locked here for a few hours.

Putting my things away in the closet, I leave with Fenrir towards the library.

Arriving there I see some guards on guard and speak :

"Hello, I'm Baelon, the king allowed me to enter" I said.

They just open the door, and go away . Entering the library , I realize that it is not very frequented .

The library is huge, to find the runes will be difficult.

Walking through the library, I realize that there is magic somewhere in it, walking further ahead I see a bookcase different from the others.

This bookcase has runes engraved on it, and when I get closer I see the books that are on it, they are books in a language of the native Westeros language, and some are in languages that I cannot decipher.

I take the books that I can understand, and take them to the main table in the library, reading them I realize that they really are the runes. These runes are just the basic ones , in it are sharpening , endurance , Fire enchantment .

To use runes , in the book it says I have to use magic blood , and magic creature bones to write with the blood .

'I have to go beyond the wall to get these ingredients ' I thought

Reading other books, I realize that more difficult runes require ingredients from more dangerous creatures, like ice dragons and mammoth bones.