
Gossamer Thread

Memories, feelings, thoughts... they leave behind bits, pieces, almost soul like. A type of magic in itself, accidental, yet heavily looked down upon. A faux creature, offspring from a mind; a living toy. Skin of fabric, buttoned eyes, mouth stitched silent. A world that gives access to great change, grotesque monsters, masked hate. Gossamer threads that go deeper then physical. A doll plays the world itself.

AbNormal_Human · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Character Sheets (Spoilers)

As the story progresses, character sheets will be updated.

As such, they will contain spoilers.

If not caught up with the story, it is recommended to read the sheets later.


C Angofiede current statistics:

Titles: Unlucky, System's Child

Species: Sentient Construct

Subspecies: Living Toy

Class: None

Level: 1

Exp: 0

Skill Points: 5

HP: 7/7

MP: 13/13

Strength: 3

Defense: 2

Stamina: 10

Speed: 4

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 3

Charisma: 1

Luck: -5

Magic Skill: 6

Physical Skill: 6

???: 0

C Angofiede abilities:

Universal Language

System Language

Vocal Mimicry

Clay Assimilation

Fabric Assimilation

Gossamer Thread

Natural Healing Level 1

Harder Skin Level 1

Movement Level 1

Bow Knowledge Level 1

C Angofiede spells:

Transfer Unlucky (Requires Contact)

Magic Absorption (Requires Contact)

Assimilative Bite (Requires Contact)

System Communication (Requires ???)