
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

What a drama

The room was nosing as the angry voices kept calling out Aurtur's name.

'Well, well, well. Hello family. Why create a scene every. I just had to notice that this family never run out of problems. It's not good'. Hannah said as she smiled at the Royals

'Well the problem you cause has no solution. '. Kaise said.

'I don't understand, what problem. I have not done anything. Been very obedient '. Hannah said smiling.

'You will soon understand'. Kasie said walking to Aurtur. 'What was the nonsense you portrayed at the board room today.'.

'What nonsense mother's. Aurtur said smiling.

'You know exactly what I mean. Why would you come in to the office without informing us.'. Kaise said with annoyance.

'What we mean is,we have spoke about this and we said you should stay away from the business. You should not get involved '. Ken said standing up from his seat and walked up to them.

'Why should my husband stay away. Her you doing some ungodly and inhumane act in the business '. Hannah spoke up.

'No, but we told Aurtur to not join. We told him to focus on his life. But he wouldn't. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the one who propelled him to act in such a manner '. Ken replied.

'I think that was not right. My husband has the same right to the company as Ken. He is the son of Lucas Royal also. He has the right to work in that place you call a company.'. Hannah said with annoyance.

'Aurtur, his a man. He knows the what to do.'. Ken answered.

'Exactly, he is a man. He knows he has a family. A wife and a son'. Hannah said .

'Nonsense, that child is not Aurtur's son. Don't you dare pin that child on him.'. Kaise shouted.

'Am not pinning anything on him kaise. He sis the father. Because he is my husband. Am expecting to know what that means right kaise. Right Kaise. '. Hannah smiled.

'What are you saying Hannah '. Lucas asked.

'Nothing, listen. Aurtur is my husband. Not yours. I have the right to tell my husband what to do. He needs to be a man. Not hide under the shadows of a rich man's child. He has decided to work.'. Hannah paused. 'I don't even know what's your problem, you should be happy that Aurtur is becoming a man and not acting all stupid. Being so melodramatic.'. Hannah answered.

'How cute. So you count yourself a good wife for telling him to work'. Ken asked.

'Exactly ken, I do count myself a good wife'. Hannah replied.

'You should be ashamed. You only married Aurtur a week ago and you already causing problems in his life.'. Katherine said standing up as well. She went up to ken .' A woman should think about her husband and not be interested in his money '. Katherine continued.

'To suprise your brain katherine, I never said I married my husband because of money. I love my husband. And he loves me too. And secondly why this melodrama, you all should be praising me. I came a week ago and am already impacting wonderful changes to Aurtur's life. Now he is having a job. Because of me. Rather than come and shout like insanely rampaging bull dog who barks when no criminal is coming, you should be happy and congratulate your son. He did not only come into the company for an interview, he came up with a lasting solution for your problems which you threw big for nothing, casket of a brain never thought of. He won the proposal. He is what you call a son and not ken. A forgotten brain idoilt dressing like a business man. Who has made no meaningful changes since he got to that company. Go to bed you all have some rest and tomorrow you all are going to work. And you katherine, you should stop speaking when not ask. Even your husband seem to hate your character '. Hannah said and went up to Aurtur. She took his hands and led him out of the room.

The others just stood there looking at each other. Except for Lucas who simply stood up and went to his room. Katherine looked up at ken and went to their room. Ken Starr at Kaise.

'Mom, we know that if Aurtur joins the company, the board members within two weeks will start fighting for him to he the vice president of the company. '. Ken said frowning.

'Hey, Hannah can not win, you will have to do your best Ken. We have play our cards well'. Kaise said as she stared at ken. Their eyes met and Kaise sighed.

Meanwhile, inside Hannah's room.

'Nice drama, I can't wait for the action to become bigger. I must ruin everyone in this family, make them pay for the pains they caused me.'. Hannah said as he starred out the window. She looked Aurtur. He was busy putting Bryan to sleep. Hannah was suprised to see him, she never expected him to maybe she knew he loved kids but she never expected to be so playful. Bryan hart son who never liked anyone carry him, is now allowing Aurtur to Carry him anywhere. Hannah shooked her head. And she looked out window. And smiled.

Please due to plan schedule. This story will be posted every weekend and sometimes week days

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