
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


Hannah looked at Aurtur. She smiled as she looked back at the surrounding. Tracey had already called Ronald. The job was already done.

'Shall we go in'. She said as Aurtur approached her. He nodded and they bothered went into their room.

Immediately they got into the room. Hannah gave out an awe. It was a luxurious room. The bed was red and white. The bed was made of Masonia wood which is a special type of cinder wood for the superstructure of the bed. Then the they also made judicious of foam and leather (high quality leather). It's dimension was about 12 feet wide and it is about 8 feet long. Then the thickness of the foam on the bed is about 2.5 feet. Then room was well decorated. The floor of the room was marble. White marble. It had POP on all the walls. Some pieces of art works such as the painting of a cat, a woman lips. It had a circular table at the middle of the room made of glass. Presumably must be the coffee table. And the table legs made of precious metal which was gold plated. It had a chandelier on the interior roof. It was big. That mist weigh at least 50 kg. The area of the chandelier is about 50cm radius. It had a flat screen on the wall. It had an 100 inch smart Japanese made flat screen television. The sliding doors had a great view that showed the swimming pool outside. From the balcony she could see the sandy beach of the Pacific ocean.

Hannah smiled as she went to the windows. She had the best view. Hannah starred back at Aurtur. 'It's beautiful Aurtur. It's like am on top of the world'. Amy smiled and looked back at the Pacific Ocean.

Aurtur walked up to her.' You sure you don't want to go out. If to clear your mind of a few things. And prepare yourself of the days ahead'. Aurtur said as he held her shoulders.

'Sure'. Hannah said. She needed to prepare herself for what is to come. She went to the bathroom and soon came back. Her wedding dress was already off. She was wearing a short pant. A small top. Her hair was falling back on her shoulders. Her makeup was already gone. Aurtur smiled as he got captivated in her beauty.

'You look beautiful'. Aurtur complemented.

'Thank you,'. Hannah said as they left to the beach.

By the time they got there. Hannah stood on the surfboard. Aurtur stood behind her. He held her. And they were soon moving with the waters. Hannah screamed as she leaned closer to his chest. Her thoughts flew away as she enjoyed the sweetness of the waters. Her hair blew backwards.

Aurtur looked at her enthusiastic face. He knew that once they were done their business will start. Her smile made him smile. He was forced to laugh.

By the time they were done. Hannah smiled at him.

' Thanks Aurtur that was refreshing. It helped me get a lot of things out of my mind'. Hannah said as the stepped into the hotel.

'Hannah, can we have this every once in a while. Even when we get back home. Even when you start your plans. It may not be everyday. May be once a month or twice. What ever you wish. I can accept it'. Hannah smiled and looked at him.

'Sure, Aurtur. We can. Although it will take some time.' Hannah said and looked past him. Hed eyes widened before she smiled wickedly. Finally they her plan was just about to begin.

Aurtur wondered what she was smiling at. He turned and looked his back and smiled. What was behind him was a spectacle.

It was no other than his brother and his wife. Ken and katherine. Aurtur looked at them and smiled.

'Welcome, what are you guys doing here. Ah Ken'. Aurtur said smiled.

'We also came for our honeymoon also. Right Hannah. We have the right to decided to have a honeymoon also'. Katherine said and starred at Hannah who was smiling at her.

'Of cos, darling. You welcome. Especially you ken. Since you are already here maybe we can use this as an opportunity to correct our problems in the past. Let bygones be bygones. Right Ken's. Hannah said smiling. As her eyes pierced into his. She then starred at katherine who was holding her husband's hand possessively.

'Right, katherine it's about time. You are married and I am married to this cuttee Pie over here'. Hannah said as she rubbed Aurtur's chin. Aurtur smiled.

'We should be friends again right. Let's catch over old time. Isn't it true. My hubby'. Hannah said holding his hands.

'Yeah that true. Dearest wife, it's about time. Not like you and ken have anything with each other again. So I don't see the problem. Why not' Aurtur said as he smirked at ken.

'Exactly Hannah. You and ken have nothing with each other again. You married and so is ken. So I guess we can settle our dispute. I guess we will see you later'. Katherine said as she held Ken's hand and left.

Ken looked at Aurtur with annoyance. Before moving away.

'Did you see his eyes. I have a feeling ken is still in love with you'. Aurtur said as he looked back at Hannah.

'I know and that is what am going to use to ruin him. Starting from his marraiage'. Hannah replied as she looked at their back. ' I will make sure dearest ken crumbles and never raises ever again. And when am done with his marriage , I will ruin everyone else '. Hannah starred back at Aurtur and then at now where in particular .