
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
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60 Chs

Last day of honeymoon

'The honeymoon will soon be over, and Ken hasn't still acted the way you want him to'. Aurtur said to Hannah who was starring at the percific ocean .

'I wanted to create a kind of trouble in his head. What ever the last few days was just to make him feel something different not to make him start falling into my trap right away. I want him to suffer slowly. I have successfully made him a bit troubled in his mind when he thinks of me.Ken has to keep being more troubled until we are done with what needs to be done'. Hannah said still starring at the percific ocean.

'Sure, we still leaving tomorrow'. Aurtur asked.

'Yes Aurtur we are '. She said looking at him at last. 'Bryan is coming home to meet us.'.

'Realy, yes. I realy want to see that boy. The pictures of him depict a fine, handsome looking boy and I want to see it for my self'. Aurtur said excitedly.

'Aurtur, I hope you ready, from tomorrow in will set my plans into motion. '.

'I am, don't worry about me. I will do my best. And Bryan. I can take care of him. You know am now is fake daddy 2'. Aurtur laughed.


'Well before we go, why don't we have you know one last fun . Because. You know. Tomorrow. It's going to be the beginning of your war with my family.

'Well sure what do you have in mind Aurtur '.

'Well I was thinking we go to the cinema, then the dance festival and then the duck nest and maybe the love tree'

'Sure Aurtur '. Hannah said and stood up so did Aurtur.

'Let's go '. Aurtur asked.

'Yes we shall'. Hannah replied.

In the cinema,

'Aurtur what kind of movie is this. I don't like it let's go. Please'. Hannah said begging as the movie she was watching was just too scary.

'No, come on. It just Annabel. It's not scary. '. Aurtur laugherld as he took a hand full of pop corn into his mouth.

'Maybe for you but for me. it is and I want to go out'. Hannah said pulling his hand.

'Are you scared Hannah. Are you scared. '.

'Pleae Aurtur please. Please I just don't want to watch this please'. Hannah said.

Aurtur sighed and agreed to her pleas.

And they left the cinema.

'Please let's go to the dance festival '. Hannah said smiling. 'That Annabel was a bit boring.

'Or you were scared, admit it Hannah '. Aurtur laughed.

'Stop laughing and I wasn't alright. Let's go to the festival '. She said smiling .

'Sure thing Hannah Royal '. Aurtur laughed.

'Stpo teasing me Aurtur , no w aboutthe dance festivalcan we go'. Hannah said as the walked by the lake.

'Sure, come on'. Aurtur said running. Hannah had to run after him.

By the time they got there , the dance festival had began. It was already dark. Hannah and Aurtur danced and danced. The people played their drums. It was tantalising. Ths laughs and happiness painted the sky. Hannah for that moment was very happy. As she danced with Aurtur and other people. and by the time the dance was over. The two pair were tired and went home.

On their way, Hannah got tired. 'Am tired, Aurtur I can't walk again.'. Hannah said sitting down on the ground.

'Okay come into my back.'. Aurtur said .

Hannah climbed onto his back. When she was a bit comfortable in his back Aurtur walked to the hotel with Hannah on his back.

When they eventually got to the room. Aurtur turned to see Hannah had already fallen asleep on his back. Aurtur placed her in bed. He starred at her and smiledd. He then covered her with the mattress And went to lie on the couch. He was happy of how happy he made her feel today. Finally he has thay went.out together with no kwn to disturb. He smiled and he soon fell asleep.

Ken watched Aurtur Carry Hannah in his back. He was sitting in the stairs when he saw him enter the elevator. His anger arose. He went down the stairs. He was annoyed and kicked the trash acn in front of him.

'I hate you Aurtur. I hate you...'. Ken said as he smashed his fist on the walls that were close to him. His hand started bleeding. But he didn't care. He looked at the wound and hissed.

'Aurtur I hate you're. He said before going into his room. He looked at katherine. Katherine was already asleep. Ken sat in the chair beside the mirror. Thinking of Hannah. 'Aurtur you won't win I will make sure of that'.

'Hannah is mine not yours Aurtur. She is mine.' Ken mumbled