
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Hannah devil

Lucas walked into the station. His eyes searched for ken. He was so busy looking for him that his eyes cut Hannah. He walked towards her.

'You devil, how dare you'. Lucas shouted on top of his voice.

'How surprising, you are in the police station. I never expected the great Lucas Royal to ever step into the station. I guess things have changed. You know what looking at the station and you. It seems like your home. You belong here. This is a good and homely place for you'. Hannah said

'What do you think. Where is my son'.

'What can I say, we are not just into this. Ken is in the cell. Do you want me to show you. I will be happy to be your tour guard'.

Lucas left her presence and went towards the cell. He met the officer in charge. He walked up to him.

'Am here to post bail for my son'.

'Am sorry, sir but bail is not an option. He has to spend the 24 hours in cell".

'Do you know who I am. Lucas Royal'.

'Am sorry sir, but as I said bail is not an option. You've got to go with the protocols'. The officer answered.


Ths Lucas lawyer quickly intervened.

'What he is trying to say is that his there no way he can post bail'.

'No, the case is too big of a down bowl. He has to stay'.

'The case in questioned is minor. The man was drunk when he raped this lady in question. It was an act of unconsciousness. This case should be dismissed '.

'You lie, he was not drunk. He was wide awake like an owl. He was well aware of every deed'. Hannah said as she approached them.

'Woman, you better shut up'. Lucas shouted.

'I wouldn't, this is my life. Your son raped me he should be punished. He must pay'.

'My son raped you when he was drunk'. Kaise said as she approached her.

'Who did your son rape. Me. I should be the one to tell of he raped me when he was drunk'. Hannah said.

'My son was the one who raped you and he himself said he was drunk'. Katherine said walking towards.

'Oh he said that. Am sorry but am here to burst his bubble. But I have a CCTV camara showing that he raped me. He was not drunk'. Hannah said as she handed the head of police.

'There is a CCTV camara of the whole event'. Hannah said .

'How did-. Katherine said confused.

'I told you, I am ready. I came prepared. Very prepared. This is just the beginning. Let me give you a hint. You will be sleeping in cell everyday because I have more case and more findings about. Get ready'. Hannah said walking away.

Lucas starred at Kaise.

'We can't let this matter escalate. We must stop this madness on its track'. Lucas said. He looked at his lawyer.

'You should know lawyer. If this case was to be lost by you. I will fire you and kill all you love better get this up. I don't want it to become a court case'. Lucas said as he held the lawyer with the lawyer's tie.

'I hate losing'. Lucas whispered into the lawyers ear. He then let go of the man. And arranged his tie. He then cereased the lawyers cheek.

'We wouldn't want anything to happen to your family right'.

The lawyer looked down and responded

'No' he said with fear on his tune.

'Good, then you must work hard. Safe them'. Lucas said and left.

The lawyers eyes spinner a bit and he quickly took his things and left. Katherine and Kaise ran after lucas.

Lucas sat on his chair. His thoughts were on Hannah and the case she filed against Ken. He stood up from his chair. And started pacing round the room. A knock on the door distracted him.

'Come in'.

His lawyer walked in. The man nodded and looked at Lucas. Lucas looked at him and sat down on his chair majestically.

'What do you want'.

'Sir I have come up of way to make sure this matter dies here. It does not become a court case'. The lawyer replied.

'What way'.

'Sir if we can bargain with this Hannah. We can close the case'.

'Nonsense, I wouldn't come wo low as to beg that low life woman. how dare you even make such a suggestion '. Lucas angrily said.

'Sir, it's the only way for us to settle this case. If this case escalates it will be trailed in court and from what have seen Hannah has many evidence to use against you. Sir you have to do this'.

'This case will not escalate '. Lucas stood up and walked to the lawyer. He caressed the lawyers cheek. 'Do you know why'. Lucas asked

'No'. The lawyer replied.

'Because you will make sure it doesn't. Because if he does so will your family '. Lucas said squeezing the mans jaw. The lawyer cried out in pain. Lucas left his jaw.

And went to his seat. 'Do what you have to do'.

The lawyer looked at him.

'Sir, I will. But from what i see only you bargaining with her is an option. There Is no legal means that can work. Am not lying sir. It's full proved. You need to do this sir'.

Lucas looked at the man. He smiled.

'Are you still talking. Know this the great Lucas Royal will never beg. Got it'. Lucas shouted.

'Yes sir'. The lawyer replied

'Get out'. Lucas said and the lawyer immediately left the room. Lucas sat on his seat and pondered on what the lawyer just said.

'What If that is the best option. No no. Lucas Royal will never beg ever. He must win and not lose'. This thoughts rang a bell on his head.