
Chapter 3: Knocking Down the Lady Boss

Translator: 549690339



Suddenly, just at that moment, a loud bang came from upstairs as if something had smashed into the floor.

In an instant, both of them were startled, jumping apart from each other.

As a result, this noise actually woke the disoriented Tang Feng.

"What… what am I doing…"

Once Tang Feng became lucid, he quickly stood up from Song Yun's body and turned to leave.

The desperately yearning Song Yun, hearing this, immediately panicked, revealing a pitiable look and said to Tang Feng, "My foot seems to have twisted just now, and it suddenly hurts so much…"

Tang Feng embarrassedly said, "Ah… then… shall I find some medicated oil to rub on it for you?"

Song Yun shook her head, "What's the use of rubbing medicated oil? It won't heal immediately after being applied!"

Tang Feng, with a troubled look, said, "Then what should we do?"

"Could you stay and take care of me, please?"

Song Yun pleaded.

Tang Feng thought about what had almost happened a moment ago. He almost made a mistake!

If he continued to stay with Song Yun, something would definitely go wrong!

"I can't, Sister Song, it's just not appropriate for us to be alone together like this!"

Tang Feng shook his head, "Otherwise, let's do this—I'll take you to the hospital. You can stay there for the night. It'll be safer with nurses taking care of you, how about that?"

Song Yun shook her head, wiped her eyes with her hand, and said with a pitiful face, "Forget it, going to the hospital is not as good as staying at home!"

"If you're unwilling, then I won't force you. You can go!"

"Anyway, I'm used to being alone, with no one to love or care for…"

After saying that, Song Yun lay down on the bed, hugging a pillow and quietly began to sob!

Seeing this, Tang Feng quickly said, "Sister Song, I'm sorry, I shouldn't just abandon you like this!"

"Then, let's do this—I'll stay with you tonight!"

The weeping Song Yun, hearing this, immediately showed a smile, wiped her tears away, and said to Tang Feng, "That's wonderful, thank you so much, Tang Feng!"

"By the way, I really need to pee right now, but it's a bit difficult for me to move!"

"Can you help me out?"

Tang Feng was stunned for a moment, "Help you? How can I help you?"

"I can't walk right now, could you carry me to the bathroom and place me on the toilet?"

Song Yun said, looking at Tang Feng.

Hearing this, Tang Feng nodded, "No problem!"

He then bent down, picked Song Yun up in his arms, and walked into the bathroom!

Once in the bathroom, Tang Feng placed Song Yun on the toilet and then turned to leave.

"Wait a moment, Tang Feng, how can I use the bathroom like this?"

Song Yun called out to Tang Feng again!

"Ah? You still need my help?"

Tang Feng asked, puzzled.

Song Yun, with a blush, said, "I can't stand steadily, and I can't take off my pants with both hands!"

"How about this—you stand in front of me, I'll stand up and hug your neck, and then you help me take them off, okay?"

Song Yun looked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, "I… I help you take them off?"

"Isn't that a bit inappropriate?"

Song Yun said coyly, "Although it's not ideal, there's no other way right now, unless you'd rather I pee my pants?"

"Please, Tang Feng, help your sister out. I'm really in discomfort here, and I might actually pee my pants soon, which would be so embarrassing!"

Hearing this, Tang Feng clenched his teeth, "Alright, then I'll help you!"

With that, Tang Feng stepped forward, came in front of Song Yun, and picked her up!

Song Yun immediately stood on one leg, her arms wrapping around Tang Feng's neck, a sly smile on her lips, and then said softly in Tang Feng's ear, "Then you better start quickly, I can't hold it much longer!"


Tang Feng clenched his teeth, fighting the urge within him!

His hands trembled as they reached Song Yun's plump bottom, grasping her form-fitting skirt, slowly pulling it up.

As the skirt was lifted, Tang Feng's hands inevitably touched Song Yun's plump buttocks!

The smooth and delicate touch, full of elasticity, felt incredibly comfortable, shaking Tang Feng's heart, his breathing rapid.

Song Yun's body also trembled slightly, her cheeks flushed even redder, lightly biting her lip and looking at Tang Feng with a somewhat hazy gaze!

She seemed to be enjoying it!

In that moment, Tang Feng felt his groin harden. He fiercely bit down to restrain himself!

Then he gripped the edge of Song Yun's panties!

And gently pulled down!

Song Yun's panties were the extremely sexy kind, a thong style!

The small piece of fabric in the middle was already soaked, thoroughly nestled inside!

As Tang Feng pulled down with his hands!

His touch inevitably came across Song Yun's perky bottom, which was unimaginably smooth!

Immediately causing Tang Feng's hands to shake!

At that moment, Song Yun's body suddenly started trembling lightly, her mouth slightly open, exhaling waves of fragrant breath!

Her two large breasts heaved dramatically!

Their bodies pressed tightly together, the soft undulations from her chest constantly stimulating Tang Feng, nearly driving him beyond control. He bore down on his teeth and jerked Song Yun's panties down!


With that tug, the friction between the fabric and the seam triggered an unprecedented stimulation for Song Yun, like an electric shock, her body violently quivering several times.

Clinging tightly to Tang Feng, she climaxed…
