
Chapter 116

"Don't... Tang Feng, I'm out of energy, I can't do this anymore!"

Zhao Xiaolan immediately extended her hand to stop Tang Feng as she saw him about to mount her.

After the intense climax, Zhao Xiaolan now felt completely drained, thoroughly exhausted without the strength to tend to Tang Feng anymore.

"No way, Mrs. Zhao, you've had your fun, but I haven't yet!"

Tang Feng said urgently, "I'm about to come, just let me thrust once, I'm almost there!"

"Look at it, it's already desperate for attention!"

Tang Feng pointed at himself, indicating his enthusiastic and proud manhood.

However, at this moment, Zhao Xiaolan, having been through her peak experience, was a lot calmer, her desire gradually subsiding.

Even though Tang Feng's manhood was tempting to her, Zhao Xiaolan no longer felt that eager.

"I'm sorry, Tang Feng, but I can't handle it anymore!"

Zhao Xiaolan said to Tang Feng, "I have to hurry back before, or they'll start to suspect!"