
Chapter 1: The Temptation of the Mature Female Boss

Translator: 549690339

Song Yun, the milk tea shop owner, was the most tempting woman I had ever seen.

At 28, she was stunningly beautiful, with a full figure, curvy in all the right places. Usually, in the shop, she often wore low-cut camisole dresses that flaunted her proud, papaya-like breasts, which were white and enticing.

According to the older employees, the widow had been suffering from unsatisfied desires for years and often acted wantonly in the shop.

Having joined the job for over two months, Tang Feng indeed found that Song Yun was quite provocative.

She would frequently lean over intentionally in front of Tang Feng, revealing her snow-white bust.

Or she'd sit with her legs apart facing Tang Feng or bend over to stick out her ample rear, showing off the white spring light scenery beneath.

It made Tang Feng very uncomfortable.

Honestly, for a young man in his twenties like Tang Feng, such a voluptuous mature woman had an enormous destructive power.

But Tang Feng had a girlfriend, and they were both preparing to get married.

So no matter how Song Yun flirted and tempted him, Tang Feng did not dare to harbor any improper thoughts.

"Sister Song, I'd like to ask for an advance on my wages?"

Tang Feng said, looking at Song Yun.

"Sure, but you've got to do me a favor."

Song Yun stood up, walked over to Tang Feng with a mischievous smile, expertly placed one hand on Tang Feng's shoulder, and looked at him with a seductive face.

Suddenly, Tang Feng felt somewhat uncomfortable.

A charming fragrance from Song Yun's body penetrated his nostrils, instantly causing his face to turn red and his heartbeat to quicken.

Facing those soul-snatching eyes of Song Yun, Tang Feng did not dare look directly.

Subconsciously, he lowered his head.

But as a result, he saw Song Yun's towering, snow-white chest, ready to burst forth, nearly popping out.

The distance between them was less than twenty centimeters.

With this look down, Tang Feng felt as if his face was about to touch Song Yun's big white melons.

He could distinctly feel the warmth and fragrance emanating from those big white melons.

Which made Tang Feng even more uncomfortable.

Tang Feng hurriedly averted his gaze, nervously saying, "Sister Song, you... you just say what you want!"

Seeing Tang Feng's nervous and shy demeanor, Song Yun chuckled mischievously, "What's the rush? Look at you, all nervous and blushing, as if Sister Song is going to eat you up!"

"Tell me, do you think Sister Song is pretty?"

Tang Feng nodded, "Pretty!"

"How about my figure?"

Song Yun continued to ask.


Tang Feng gritted his teeth.

"Do you often stare at this place, and that place, and here when you're at work..."

Song Yun pointed with her orchid finger at her own full and lofty white melons.

"Yes... no, I haven't..."

Tang Feng became very nervous, his speech starting to tremble.

"Hehe, since you've looked..."

Song Yun smiled seductively, and the next moment, her hand landed on Tang Feng's firm chest, her fingers lightly tracing over his pectoral muscles.

Instantly, a tingling sensation spread from his chest, causing Tang Feng's body to shudder.

His face flushed even redder.


Song Yun couldn't help but laugh, "Quite sensitive, aren't we, little brother?"

"Sister Song... what... what are you going to do?"

Tang Feng asked nervously.

"Nothing much. You looked at mine, I touch your pecs, that's fair, right?"

As she spoke, Song Yun suddenly leaned into Tang Feng's chest, took a deep breath, and then revealed an expression of enjoyment, "Mmm... that's the scent, the fragrance of a young man, so strong and virile!"

"It's really quite delightful! Your girlfriend must really enjoy it, right?"

Hearing this, Tang Feng embarrassingly said, "Sister Song, we're not married yet, we haven't done that yet!"


Song Yun seemed slightly surprised upon hearing this, but soon returned to normal and smiled sensuously, "So you're still green! You haven't seen anything yet, no wonder you always stare at your sister."

"Hehe, little brother, would you like to take a closer look at Sister Song's figure?"

"Huh? Sister Song, what do you mean?"

Tang Feng was taken aback.

"Come on, follow Sister Song inside!"

Saying this, Song Yun pulled Tang Feng along toward the bedroom next to them.

She pushed open the bedroom door.

On the floor, the bed, and the sofa were all sorts of worn undergarments and stockings.

Some even bore slight moist traces.

Extremely sensual, semi-transparent lace styles in red, purple, pink, white, black - all sorts of designs and colors were there.

Seeing them made Tang Feng's face turn red, his heart racing, feeling extremely embarrassed and unable to look directly.

Song Yun noticed Tang Feng's shy look and her mouth curved in a smug smile. Then she said, "What, never been in a woman's room before, and you're blushing!"

"It's typical for a woman's room. There's nothing to be shy about!"

"Come, come sit!"

As she spoke, Song Yun pulled Tang Feng down onto the couch beside her.

The sofa was quite small, and once they sat down, they were squeezed together, barely an inch apart.

Tang Feng could distinctly feel the warmth and smoothness of Song Yun's soft body making his heart race faster, his body becoming excited, subconsciously guarding his crotch.

Seeing this, Song Yun's eyes gleamed with pleasure, and she instinctively licked her lips, saying, "What, are you getting a reaction?"